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OLMSTEAD. Building Consumer Involvement to Move Toward a Recovery Oriented Service System. Rosie Carney Bureau Chief Office of Consumer and Family Affairs Division of Mental Health and Addiction Indiana Family and Social Services Administration. WHAT IS OLMSTEAD v. L.C.?.
OLMSTEAD Building Consumer Involvement to Move Toward a Recovery Oriented Service System Rosie Carney Bureau Chief Office of Consumer and Family Affairs Division of Mental Health and Addiction Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
WHAT IS OLMSTEAD v.L.C.? • Supreme Court decision • Two women with mental illness in a Georgia State Hospital • Georgia Attorney General Olmstead
WHAT THE SUPREME COURT SAID . . . • ADA is a civil rights statute • Discrimination includes: • segregation • isolation, and • unnecessary institutionalization • Institutionalizing people with mental illness may violate the ADA • There is a legal right to be served in “the most integrated setting”
INDIANA’S RESPONSETO OLMSTEAD • The Governor’s Commission on Home and Community Based Services made recommendations • According to the National Council on Disability: “Indiana’s commission’s effort to prioritize activities that could begin immediately and at little short-term cost should serve as a model for other states.”
INDIANA FUNDED MINI-GRANT PROJECTS WHICH INCREASE CONSUMER INVOLVEMENT • Training for consumers in the nationally recognized Georgia Peer-Support Program. • Peer-Supported Education: • Consumers helping consumers learn how to navigate the post-secondary education maze. • Fund a Peer Support Specialist (PSS) on a community mental health center's existing community-based ACT team
INDIANA OLMSTEAD MENTAL HEALTH GRANT PROJECT OUTCOMES 2001 - 2003 • Established 3 new coalitions for consumers and families • Offered training opportunities for consumers and families • In the first year, most of this small grant was used to fund the grant coordinator’s salary and travel • In the second year, the Mental Health Block grant began to fund all of the Office of Consumer Affairs’ salary, permitting the use of Olmstead funding for direct training activities.
DMHA Consumer Council • The Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction’s Consumer Council worked on a Recovery Project modeled on recommendations from: • Consumers in Canada and Connecticut • The New Freedom Commission • The MHSIP report “Recovery: What Helps and What Hinders.”
INDIANA STATE MENTAL HEALTH COALITION …came together to promote community based care for persons with SMI on the Governor’s Commission …continues to meet and discuss advocacy for: • affordable housing • consumers as MH providers • a stronger consumer, family and advocate voice within state and regional mental health planning efforts
CONSUMER TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES The National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse developed the Freedom Self-Advocacy Curriculum as a tool to help teach self-advocacy skills to mental health consumers. The Indiana Office of Consumer and Family Affairs has adapted this curriculum into presentations and handouts to meet the needs of consumers in our state. Over 100 consumers have been trained to date.
INDIANA CONSUMER ADVOCACY NETWORK (ICAN) DMHA held it’s first Indiana Leadership Academy, presented by CONTAC, the Consumer Organization Networking and Technical Assistance Center. The consumers who attended formed a new consumer coalition, the Indiana Consumer Advocacy Network (ICAN).
INDIANA OLMSTEAD MENTAL HEALTH GRANT PROJECTFOR 2004 - 2006 • An additional three years of funding was applied for and approved by CMHS. Project goals for the next three years include: • Planning and implementing an annual consumer Leadership Academy conference during each year of the grant.
INDIANA OLMSTEAD MENTAL HEALTH GRANT PROJECTFOR 2004 - 2006 The IN project will continue to offer consumers throughout Indiana the Self-Advocacy workshops. Indiana will use this grant to train consumers in Mary Ellen Copeland's Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), which is becoming a best practice training for consumer self-help.