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REPUBLIC OF SERBIA MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT -Priority Projects - Belgrade, April 2013
OBJECTIVE AND COURSE OF ACTIONSIN TRANSPORT SECTOR Activities of the Ministry of Transport are directed to the integration of transport network of Serbia in the Trans European transport network. It is being done through three main directions: 1. Construction of missing parts of the transport network, 2. Maintenance and improvement of the existing transport network, and 3. Traffic management and increase of quality and safety of transport
Well developed infrastructure and efficient transport system have enormous direct and indirect impact on economic development. Direct impact: It is estimated that in transport activities there are 130,000 people employed. It can be said that the sector directly influences about more than half a million of citizens of the Republic of Serbia. The indirect impact is reflected in attracting international transit flows and increasing in attractiveness of the region for foreign investment, and thus opening up new jobs, encouraging greater mobility of population, accelerating the flow of goods, import and export of goods and enabling balanced regional development of Serbia.
The basic transport infrastructure is well established and can be considered a good basis for further development. It consists of 43,757 km of roads, 3,819 km of railway tracks, 1,677 km of inland waterways, two international airports, 12 ports and three partly-developed terminals. For intermodal transport. • The highway density (4.8 km/1000 km2)is comparable with countries like Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.The railways density (49.2 km/1000km2)is comparable with the EU average.
ROAD CORRIDOR X • Corridor X - 792 km • North branch: • Full profile of 87 km of highway from Novi Sad to Horgos is constructed • New bridge at Beska (2.2 km) is constructed • Rehabilitation of highway E75 with reconstruction of Gazela Bridge – 29.7 km • Works on Section 5 and Strazevica tunnel (5.4 km) are finalized
ROAD CORRIDOR X South Branch: • Works have started on the sections: E75 - 40 km of planned 74 km E80 - 50 km of planned 84 km • Works on Dimitrovgrad bypass are ongoing 8.6 km • For the construction of road Corridor X total amount of EUR 1.2 billion is provided
Length of Corridor XI on the territory of the Republic of Serbia is 258 km Construction is ongoing on the sections in length of 52,5 km and Vrsac bypass (8.6 km) Works are expected on the sections in length of 50 km (Obrenovac– Ub ,26 kmand Lajkovac – Ljig, 24 km) ROAD CORRIDOR XI – Route 4
ROAD TRANSPORT • Bilateral and multilateral cooperation contributes to more efficient functioning of road transport • Annually more than 300,000 permits are issued for international freight transport • Increase of basic quota of multilateral permits has made Serbian transport economy more competitive on the European market
Bilateral Agreement on the international transport of goods and passengers between the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Serbia was agreed and initialed in October 2012 in Belgrade, which regulates the transport of passengers, carriage of goods, the prohibition of national transportation within the territory of other Party of the Agreement, the application of the stipulated measures in case of violation of the provisions of the Agreement, the competent authorities for the implementation of the Agreement, establishment of Joint Committee, customs issues related to international road transport, obligation to comply with the national legislation of the other Party of the Agreement, the entry into force and validity of the Agreement.
NEW INSTITUTIONS • Road Traffic Safety agency, in 2010 • Authority for Determination of Seaworthiness, in 2010 • Authority for Transportation of Dangerous Goods, in 2013 • Port Governance Agency,in 2013 • OBJECTIVE: Increase of safety in all transport modes, risk reduction and reduction of number of accidents, increase of quality of transport services, improving transit transport, establishment of a single transport market, minimizing negative impacts on the environment, etc.
The new building of Air Traffic Control Center (smart building) is constructed in 2011 On Airport Nikola Tesla Belgrade the reconstruction and rebuilding of the waiting rooms and hallways is completed. AIR TRANSPORT
RAILWAYCORRIDORX - INFRASTRUCTURE • Following projects are ongoing: 1. Rehabilitation and modernization project of railway section Gilje-Cuprija-Paracin, including a bridge over Velika Morava river 2. Rehabilitation project of key sections of the Corridor X, in length of 243 km (procurement of materials and works) 3. Construction of infrastructure for receipt, dispatch and management of train movements for Belgrade Centre – Prokop (Phase I)
Funds are provided for about 688 km of tracks: - reconstruction and modernization of Corridor X – 401 км with reconstruction of railway Belgrade – Bar 287 km (to the border with Montenegro) • Projects on renewal of railway rolling stock are ongoing (procurement of freight wagons, diesel trains, electrical trains...)
RAILWAYTRANSPORT - ROLLINGSTOCK • Through the program of revitalization of domestic wagon construction, in the repair of around 2843 freight wagons, 205 passengerwagons, 35 locomotives, 4 electrical trains and 80 differentrailway vehicles, since 2009 the Government of Serbia, in cooperation withRailways of Serbia JSC,has investedaroundEUR 74 million. • In 2012 Railways of Serbia JSC carried 15.9 million passengers and 9.7 million tons of goods.
INTERMODALTRANSPORT • Intermodal operator – Srbijakombi is established • Intermodal Development Centre is established PROJECTS: • Facilitating Intermodal Transport in Serbiais completed – EUR 2 million • Construction of intermodal terminal in Belgrade – around EUR 15,5 million
INLAND WATERWAYTRANSPORT • Preparation of the necessary documentation for river training and dredging works on selected locations along the Danube River • „Main Design for Rehabilitation and Development of inland Waterway of the Sava River , from Belgrade (rkm 0) to Brcko (rkm 234)” and “ Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the river Sava from Belgrade Confluence (rkm 0) to Brcko (rkm 234)” • The town of Apatinis ready to begin negotiations with potential investors for the construction of a new port, in the area of about 160 hectares.
INLAND WATERWAYTRANSPORT • Novi Sad is interested to start negotiations with potential investors for the construction of container terminal. • In Sabac,JSC Free Zone „Sabac“ on the area of 35 hectares is planning construction of a port; it is estimated that the first phase requires investment of 12 EUR million.
LEGISLATIVEACTIVITIES - HARMONIZATIONWITHEU LEGISLATION - • Twinning project (IPA 2008) “Harmonization with AcquisCommunautaire in the Field of Transport - Phase 2” - The significance of this project is not only to understand the process of harmonization of national legislation with the European Union Acquis, but in the right way and according to the opportunities and the specific situation of the economy and transport sector of our country, to determine the dynamics of harmonization. • Results: 10 laws and 44 rulebooks • - 3 laws – Sector for Inland Waterborne Transport and Safety of Navigation • - 2 laws – Sector for Railways and Intermodal Transport • - 2 laws – Sector for Air Transport • - 2 laws – Sector for Road Transport • - 1 law – Sector for Roads and Road Traffic Safety
PROGRAMMINGOF PRE-ACCESSIONFUNDS OF EU • Within five annual programmes 2007-2011, EU through IPA (Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance) finances projects in transport sector in the amount of around EUR 85 million. Component I – Transition Assistance and Institution Building Programme Package IPA 2007: 1. Support to the implementation of ECAA in air transport, about EUR 2million,completed in 2011 2. River Information Services (RIS) on the Danube and Sava River, EIR 11 million, completed in 2013 3. Ongoing project - Supervision of Construction of Belgrade bypass (Section 5), EUR 1.7 million; deadline April 2014
ProgrammePackage IPA 2008 1.Support to the Republic of Serbia in infrastructure project management(Project Implementation Unit in PE Roads of Serbia was completed in 2011, EUR 1.5 mil., and Project Supervision of Construction of ZezeljBridge on the River Danube in Novi Sad, EUR 1.94 mil. is ongoing) 2. Facilitating intermodal transport in Serbia, EUR 2 million, completed in 2012 3. Harmonization with the transport Acquis - Phase II, EUR 1,5 million, completed in 2013 4. System for the analysis of the track condition, EUR 2,8 million, completion is planned for October 2013
ProgrammePackage IPA 2009: 1. Construction of Zezelj Bridge on the Danube River in Novi Sad, EUR 45,3 million;deadline: 2015 Programme Package IPA 2010: 1. Preparation of the necessary documentation for river training and dredging works on selected locations along the Danube River, EUR 1,9 million; deadline 2013 2. Removal of Unexploded ordinances (UXO) from the Danube River , EUR 2,7 million; deadline 2013. 3. Supervision of road construction works on the Corridor X is expected to start , EUR 10 million
ProgrammePackage IPA 2011: 1. Мodernization of Pan European Railway Corridor X, EUR 8,3 mil. 2. Access Roads to Zezelj Bridge, EUR 5,5 million
Thank you! Zorica Djeric Stojicic, MSc in Economics Assistant Minister of Transport Sector for European Integration and International Cooperation