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Speaking. Speaking in Another Language. Communicative Tasks. Video. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Authentic, real-world, functional, contextualized Unpredictable Task-based, collaboration Involves critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Communicative Tasks • Video
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Authentic, real-world, functional, contextualized Unpredictable Task-based, collaboration Involves critical thinking and problem-solving skills Focus on PRODUCTION: Gets students talking! Balance between fluency & accuracy
A Grab Bag of Communicative Techniques: Brainstorming Interviews Field Trips Role Plays / Skits Discussions / Debates / Games Small-Group Work Telephone Conversations Oral presentations Videos / Film Team Problem-Solving Information Gaps Giving Advice Jigsaw Activities Commercials Surveys / Questionnaires Guessing games
Guessing game • Are you alive? • Are you a man? • Are you younger than 40? • Are you from the U.S.? • Do you live in Europe? • Are you an athlete? • Are you an actor? • Are you a politician? • Are you married? • Do you speak English?
Drilling • Drilling: imitating and repeating words and phrases • Gain articulatory control over language • Useful for gaining control of short, functional chunks: before I forget that reminds me as I was saying by the way
Drills Sentence starters: By memorizing these chunks and gaining control over them, learners increase their fluency. Would it be OK if….? Do you think you could…? Do you mind if I…? Do you happen to…?
Practice Drill with partner or game Do you happen to…? • know the time? • know the date? • know what the homework is for tonight? • have your cell phone? • know her name? • have change for $200? • have your car today? • have your book? • ___________________? • ___________________?
Mingling Activities • Find someone who…. • Would you ever… • eat snake? • go scuba diving? • parachute out of an airplane?
Dialogue: Hotel • Guest: Excuse me. • Housekeeper: Yes, how may I help you? • Guest: Could I have some extra towels? • Housekeeper: Absolutely. Here you are. • Guest: Thank you. • Housekeeper: You’re welcome. Have a nice day!
Disappearing Dialogue • Guest: Excuse • Housekeeper: Yes, how • Guest: Could I have some extra towels? • Housekeeper: Absolutely. • Guest: Thank you. • Housekeeper: You’re Have a me. may I help you? Here you are. welcome. nice day!
Role Plays How can you prepare your students for this role play?
Restaurant: customer and waiter Two friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time Leaving a telephone message with a secretary Doctor and patient Host and guest at a party Guests making small talk at a party Other role play ideas?
Dialogues • Memorizing scripts 1. Put in order the jumbled dialogue: Yes, it’s the first on the right, after the lights. Yes? Thanks very much. Excuse me You’re welcome Can you tell me where Hills Road is, please? 2. Then practice the dialogue in pairs; practice variants and substitutions
Dialogues • Picture and word cues To ease the memorizing, the script of the dialogue can be represented on the board as drawings or word prompts Can you tell me…? Hills Road? Right--lights
Dialogues • Dialogue building • Ask questions to elicit the situation • Construct a dialogue together and drill with ss • Teacher can practice with one student first • Do in pairs, then in front of class—make variations
Dialogue Building • Where are there? • Who are they? • Do they know each other? • What are they talking about?
Reading aloud • Reading is the natural “next step” between writing and speaking • Like actors reading their lines before speaking • Reading aloud is a form of scaffolding • Reader´s theator
Discussions and debates • Balloon debate: • Who should be sacrificed? Mother Teresa Gabriel Garcia Marquez Albert Einstein Elvis Presley Frida Kahlo Pancho Villa
Panel Discussions • Like television debate • Each student takes on part of the debate with different opinion • Audience can ask questions Master of ceremonies