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ROMANIA-THE WONDER KID OF EASTERN EUROPE From 14 to 3370 MW in 2013 Romanian Wind Energy Association EWEC 2010 Warsaw. C ONTENT:. 1. Romania’s Wind Energy Potential 2. National Targets-Wind energy’s contribution 3 Wind energy projects to be commissioned during 2010-2013 4. Barriers
ROMANIA-THE WONDER KID OF EASTERN EUROPE From 14 to 3370 MW in 2013 Romanian Wind Energy Association EWEC 2010 Warsaw
CONTENT: • 1. Romania’s Wind Energy Potential • 2. National Targets-Wind energy’s contribution • 3 Wind energy projects to be commissioned during 2010-2013 • 4. Barriers -Legislative framework -Grid limitation • 5. Future developments of the Renewables Law • 6. Forecast for wind industry in 2020
1. Romania’s Renewable Energy Potential • Theoretical wind energy potential according to Governmental Decision 1069/2007 Energy strategy of Romania for 2007-2020 has been estimated to be 23 TWh
2. Wind Energy’s Contribution to Reaching National Targets • According to the EU Directive 28/2009 Romania’s share of energy produced from RES in gross national energy consumption for 2020 is 24% • Related only the electric energy the renewable energy target for 2020 is 38%, out of which 16.8 energy supported with promoting schemes • In 2009 the energy supported by promoting schemes represented only 0.36% vs. 6.8% as required the law • The contribution of wind is currently less than 0.1%
4. Barriers • Legislative framework- promotional mechanism not enforced. • Lack of project financing from banks • Grid problems: Maximum installed wind power to be integrated into the grid according to the calculations of the TSO Transelectrica in November 2009 is 2660 MW. Calculations are based on 2007 available tertiary reserve. • Heavy administrative procedures • Lack of relevant wind measurements until 2008 • Land acquisition-problems due to the land fragmentation and lack of land register documents
LEGISLATION • November 2008-Law 220 for promoting energy from renewable energy sources • November 2009- Governmental Decision 1479/2009 for establishing the promotional mechanism was adopted ( due in 90 days from the publication of the law). • November 20th 2009- Start of the pre-notification procedure by correspondence with DG Competition • February 24th 2010-Vote in the Senate of the amendments to the law 220 • Secondary legislation still not entirely published.
The Grid To channel part of the new power abroad, Transelectrica plans an undersea electrical cable to link Romania to Turkey. This allows the country to export its excess electricity to Turkey. Stage: feasibility study.
5. Future developments of the Renewables Law • New amendments at the renewables law suggested by the Wind Industry • Increasing the target and quota to 41% respectively to 20% until 2020 • Simplifying the administrative procedures • Increasing the period granting the wind energy with two certificates until 2018
6. Romania forecast for wind industry until 2020 • The quota for renewables shall be fulfilled • 5500 MW to be installed in wind energy • Increasing the back up for supporting this energy and improvement of the grid • Romania shall become a manufacturer of at least for a part of components of wind generators
Thank you for your attention! ROMANIAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION Str Moeciu no 3A, Bucharest Ionel David Public Affairs Consultant david@rwea.ro