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Status of REDD+ MRV in Tanzania. By Dr. E. Zahabu and Chamuya N Tanzania. Introduction. Carbon benefit of any forest project = carbon changes to known levels of precision. Determination of carbon changes requires baselines
Status of REDD+ MRV in Tanzania By Dr. E. Zahabu and Chamuya N Tanzania
Introduction Carbon benefit of any forest project = carbon changes to known levels of precision. Determination of carbon changes requires baselines Baseline: historical trends against which additional carbon benefits as a result of carbon project can be determined. REDD+ Safeguards: SE Nested Baseline possible option in Tanzania individual project, Eco-regional e.g Eastern Arc, and national levels 2
Essential Inputs Required for Baseline Establishment • For each forest type the following have to be available • Extent of Forest Area (ha) • Average growing biomass stock (t/ha) • The rate of deforestation (ha/yr) • Biomass growth rate (t/ha/yr) • Degradation rate (t/ha/yr)
Background NAFORMA is the first nationwide forest inventory (mainland) aiming at collecting Biophysical, Socioeconomic, Soil and other forest related information. • We conducted stakeholder analysis and gather their information needs: Two main conclusions featured high 1.NAFORMA should provide information useful at District level 2. NAFORMA should provide data useful to the possible REDD+ mechanism Justify the need to review the standard FAO sampling design and methodology
NAFORMA Information Systems for Forest Monitoring Design & Planning Needs assessment Sampling & protocol design Field form preparation Field computer setup Field map production Data Collection PC-based data entry Field computer software Data Processing Data validation & QA Result calculation & analysis GIS/RS analysis Dissemination & Reporting Online databases and mapsUNFCCC, GHG, REDD+, FRA reporting
Objectives of NAFORMA • Establish broad consensus at the national level on the process and approach to NAFORMA in Tanzania, taking into account national users’ information requirements for planning and sustainable management of the forestry resources and country’s obligations of reporting to the international processes including GHG reporting and expected REDD+ MRV. • Strengthen the capability of FBD/TFS to collect, analyse, update and manage the needed information on forests and TOF for planning and sustainable management of the forestry resources and REDD+ MRV. • Develop a national database and information system on Forests and TOF. • Prepare national maps of forests and land uses based on harmonised classification and forest related definitions. • Undertake a national assessment of the forest and TOF resources with the aim to create an information base according to national and international requirements and to set up a long term monitoring system of the resources. • Define long term monitoring programme of the forestry resources, design specific and management oriented inventory in priority areas and formulate projects. • Develop Tools and methods for integration of REDD+ MRV to NFMA methodology
NAFORMA design • Appr. 3400 Sample Clusters of which app 850 are permanent sample clusters • Appr. 5000 HH interviews • Emphasizes people living in or near forests
Expected outputs Field Data Remote Sensing Map Data P R O C E S S I N G Statistics Thematic Maps LU/LC Changes
Status of Inventory We are done with Eastern zone Southern Zone Southern Highlands Zone Western Zone Lake zone What remains are Northern Zone and Central zone - to be done by April 2012
Status of the data analysis • The results are based on data collected from Rufiji district • Currently data for Liwale district is processed and will be available in soon.
Challenges • Establishment of NCMC • Choice of the REDD Baseline determination approach: • Australian approach under N-CAST • Brazilian approach • The Valuing the Arc approach • Expensive process: human & financial resources • Lack of technical capacity (most of the activities depend on external assistance) • Measurement take long time • Meeting expectations of different stakeholders
For more information visit MNRT and FAO websites • www.mnrt.go.tz or www.fao/forestry/17847/en/tza