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Learn how to organize a local Buy Clean campaign in your community to support reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Buy Clean California Act, signed into law in 2017, aims to impact public infrastructure projects and long-term obligations. California is leading the fight against climate change as the 5th largest economy globally. The law focuses on certain construction materials like structural steel and flat glass, implementing Environmental Product Declarations to quantify manufacturing pollution. The Buy Clean Campaign advocates for eco-conscious manufacturing and educates the public on this legislation. Organize a campaign by engaging with the Sierra Club CA and developing a local strategy. Advocate for Buy Clean policies at the city or county level to make a positive impact on your community's carbon footprint.
Buy Clean Campaign How to Organize a Local Campaign in Your Community
What does it mean to “Buy Clean”? Purchase products and materials from manufacturers who have reduced their greenhouse gas pollution during the production process $10 billion/ year on public infrastructure projects $100 billion/ year on long-term obligations California is a leader in the fight against climate change 5th largest economy in the world
The Buy Clean California Act (2017) • AB 262 Buy Clean California was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown in 2017 • The country’s first law that addresses greenhouse gas emissions within a state’s supply chain • 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions pass through a “carbon loophole” of embedded emissions • Establishes a process that ensures the State purchase certain construction materials used in public works projects from less polluting manufacturers • Eligible materials: structural steel, carbon steel rebar, mineral wool board insulation, flat glass • Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) • A “nutritional label” for manufactured materials that shows how much climate pollution is produced during manufacturing process of each material • Only requires State Agencies, UCs, and CSUs to comply • Does not include infrastructure purchasing at the city and county level
Buy Clean Campaign Goals • Educate members of the public about the law 2. Support State implementation of the law 3. Advocate for similar policies at the local level
Organizing a Local Campaign • Let Sierra Club CA staff know you are interested in starting a local campaign in your community • Check-in with staff to see if there is already a campaign happening in your area • Educate your friends and allies on Buy Clean • Organize a meeting and invite Sierra Club CA staff to talk about the Buy Clean Campaign • Volunteer to work with the Sierra Club on developing a local Buy Clean Strategy • Receive Buy Clean Campaign Kit • Stay up to date on the campaign by following Sierra Club CA on social media
Developing a Local Strategy • Buy Clean Campaign Kit • Buy Clean Fact Sheet“How To Organize A Local Campaign”“How To Work With Local Elected Officials”Model Resolution for Buy CleanMedia MaterialsSample op-edsSample Letters to the Editor (LTEs)Sample social media postings • Research procurement processes of your local government • Are there any sustainable purchasing policies in place where Buy Clean could be included? • Climate Action Plans (CAP) • Including Buy Clean into the next City/County CAP update
Advocating for Local Policies • Identify councilmembers who would be interested in drafting and introducing a resolution to council • Research members of council • Identify who the “environmental champions” are • Use your connections if you have them • Set up meetings with council members • Bring Sierra Club CA staff with you to meeting (optional) • Include Buy Clean materials (Fact Sheet, Sample Resolution) • Show up and make noise • Write letters to the editor (LTEs), letters to council • Attend council meetings and make public comment in support of Buy Clean • Post on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
RESOURCES • Buy Clean Campaign Website: https://www.sierraclub.org/california/why-buy-clean • AB 262 DGS Implementation Website: https://www.dgs.ca.gov/PD/Resources/Page-Content/Procurement-Division-Resources-List-Folder/Buy-Clean-California-Act-AB-262 • AB 262 Bill Text: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB262 • Sierra Club CA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SierraClubCA/ • Sierra Club CA Twitter: https://twitter.com/sierraclubca?lang=en
Contact Information Molly Culton Organizer, Sierra Club CA Molly.Culton@sierraclub.org Kathryn Phillips Director, Sierra Club CA Kathryn.Phillips@sierraclub.org