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ECE 600 Seminar Networking Research In ECE Mihail Sichitiu

ECE 600 Seminar Networking Research In ECE Mihail Sichitiu. Devetsikiotis, Michael (network modeling, performance evaluation, services) Introduction Eun, Do Young (online social networks, randomized and efficient algorithms for large networks) Sichitiu, Mihail (wireless)

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ECE 600 Seminar Networking Research In ECE Mihail Sichitiu

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  1. ECE 600 Seminar Networking Research In ECE Mihail Sichitiu

  2. Devetsikiotis, Michael (network modeling, performance evaluation, services) Introduction Eun, Do Young (online social networks, randomized and efficient algorithms for large networks) Sichitiu, Mihail (wireless) Viniotis, Yannis (analysis, software defined networks, service engineering, QoS in high-speed nets) Wang, Wenye (security,wireless) ECE Networking Faculty

  3. Performance modeling, analysis, and enhancement (Eun, Sichitiu, and Wang) • Sampling of online social networks, randomized and efficient algorithms (Eun) • Protocols and tools for embedded systems (Sichitiu) • Broadband network architecture and topology (Devetsikiotis,Wang) • Mobility modeling and evaluation (Eun, Sichitiu, and Wang) • Fault-tolerant and secure computing (Wang) • Network services and applications (Devetsikiotis, Viniotis, Wang) • Software Defined Networks, Data Center Virtualization (Viniotis) Research Areas

  4. You want to know something about large online social networks, e.g., Facebook • No public information on its size, distribution on # of friends, connectivity, community structure is given • Need to sample the network (large graph) to infer such information – just like the way Google does for PageRank • How to get unbiased samples in an efficient and distributed manner? Sampling of Online Social Networks -- Eun Related project: NSF Award CNS-1217341, PI: Do Young Eun

  5. Multiple nodes want to communicate via 802.11 • Two neighboring node cannot both transmit at the same time • Which nodes should be “on” or “off” now? • How to “schedule” such configuration in a distributed and efficient manner? Randomized and Efficient Scheduling for Wireless Networks -- Eun • Problem with at least 20 years of history, originating from max-weight scheduling (NP-hard), using “back-pressure” algorithm • Recently, the usual CSMA-based algorithm shown to be also good enough • Need to come up with better algorithm to reduce queueing delay • Rooted in “graph coloring” problem on off off off on Related project: NSF Award CNS-1217341, PI: Do Young Eun

  6. power on off time • Sensors turn themselves on/off, to conserve power (to survive longer) • Want to achieve smaller delay • How to schedule such “on-off” duty-cycling in a distributed and efficient way? Efficient Duty-Cycling for Wireless Sensor Networks Related project: NSF Award CNS-1217341, PI: Do Young Eun

  7. Initial topology: 400 nodes After 100 nodes failure After 200 nodes failure After 300 nodes failure • Network devolution over time • How to schedule each sensor’s on/off duty-cycling to prolong the network lifetime (slow down the devolution process) Network Lifetime and Percolation Related project: NSF Award CNS-1217341, PI: Do Young Eun

  8. Four tiered MMR network architecture • Fading channel and path loss propagation model considered • Propose RS placement formulation WiMAX Systems with Relays

  9. Objective: To improve the performance of outdoor WLAN with decode-and-forward (DF), amplify-and-forward (AF), cooperative amplify-and-forward(CAF) relay. • Motivation • Less cost (compared to 3G/4G) • Higher data rate (compared to 3G) • Research Questions • how to assign channels and power? • how to expand coverage? • what is the impact of long vulnerable period? • how to improve MAC layer fairness? Cooperative Relay in WLANs -- Sichitiu

  10. CentMesh – Centennial Wireless Mesh Network Testbed - Map

  11. CentMesh Nodes Fixed Routers Mobile Routers

  12. Outdoor Wireless Mesh Testbed – Sichitiu machine process P1 P2 P3 … Communicator Communicator Communicator Communicator Communicator P1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P3 … P2 P3 … P2 P3 … P2 P3 …

  13. Performance modeling, analysis, and improvements in wireless LANs (Sichitiu, and Wang) • Protocols and tools for embedded systems (Sichitiu) • Broadband network architecture and topology (Devetsikiotis, Eun, Wang) • Design and performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Sichitiu) • Mobility modeling and evaluation (Eun, Sichitiu, and Wang) • Fault-tolerant and secure computing (Wang) • Network services and applications (Devetsikiotis, Viniotis, Wang) • Software Defined Networks, Data Center Virtualization (Viniotis) Research Areas

  14. Rapid Prototyping Tool for Embedded Communication Systems • Motivations • The performances of embedded systems rely onunderlying protocols • Customizing protocol stack and evaluating the system isdifficultfor non-specialists • Goal: Bridge the gap between the need for embedded communicationsystems and the difficulty in their design and evaluation. RaPTEX -- Sichitiu Need for embeddedcommunication system Difficultyof design

  15. Development Process Using RaPTEX The power of iterative design: Adjust the design choices Configuration Source code Protocol composition using GUI Emulationfor accurate evaluation Analytical performance estimation Customized protocol stackfor application purpose

  16. Performance modeling, analysis, and improvements in wireless LANs (Sichitiu, and Wang) • Protocols and tools for embedded systems (Sichitiu) • Broadband network architecture and topology (Devetsikiotis, Eun, Wang) • Mobility modeling and evaluation (Eun, Sichitiu, and Wang) • Fault-tolerant and secure computing (Wang) • Network services and applications (Devetsikiotis, Viniotis, Wang) • Software Defined Networks, Data Center Virtualization (Viniotis) Research Areas

  17. Cisco Broadband Aggregation Architecture • Building emerging traffic and usage patterns based on social networking patterns • Capturing the basic quantitative design parameters of the network architecture with respect to the degree of centralization and clustering • Business aspects such as cost models, availability requirements, customer utility and pricing Modeling Broadband Aggregation Architecture for Emerging and Future Traffic Patterns -- Devetsikiotis

  18. Generates Next Generation Traffic (multi-disciplinary R&D, government facilities, interactive community, residential and industrial) • Idea of using a wireless infrastructure network (Wi-Fi/WiMAX) to study peer-to-peer, game and education social networking traffic patterns • Implementing traffic monitoring (Cisco IOS Netflow/IPFIX) Centennial Campus NC Centennial Living Labs

  19. Directory Based [Chiang’97, Zhou’05] • Backbone Based [Jiang’99, Sivakumar’99] • LANMAR Routing Protocol [Pei’00] • Zone Routing Protocol [Pearlman’99] • Adaptive Routing using Clusters [Belding’02] • Heuristic approaches • Performance evaluation by simulation • No theoretical understanding Summary Network Clustering and Routing -- Wang

  20. Performance modeling, analysis, and improvements in wireless LANs (Sichitiu, and Wang) • Protocols and tools for embedded systems (Sichitiu) • Broadband network architecture and topology (Devetsikiotis, Eun, Wang) • Mobility modeling and evaluation (Eun, Sichitiu, and Wang) • Fault-tolerant and secure computing (Wang) • Network services and applications (Devetsikiotis, Viniotis, Wang) • Software Defined Networks, Data Center Virtualization (Viniotis) Research Areas

  21. Related project: NSF Award CNS-0831825, PI: Do Young Eun Related project: NSF Award CCF-0830680, PI: Do Young Eun, Co-PI: Wenye Wang Mobility Modeling and Protocol Design in MANET • Analysis of Link level dynamics in MANET: Contact/Inter-contact time • Spatio-temporal multiscale mobility modeling • Performance Analysis and Design of Routing/Forwarding algorithms in MANET/DTN under heterogeneous and non-Poisson contact • “on-going and current work” How about human being?

  22. Random Models: • Random Waypoint / Random Walk / Brownian • Markovian Models • Variations of Above • Detailed Models: • Real Movement Traces • Detailed Simulators • Features of a Model Affecting Performance: • Node Arrival / Departure Pattern • Speed / Pause Pattern • Popular Places / Geographic Restraints • Inter-Node Relationship • …… • How do they affect performance? • How to use them to generalize random models? Mobility Modeling -- Sichitiu

  23. Speed Acceleration Speed Deceleration Stable Speed • Speed fluctuates around V • Direction fluctuates around Φ • Target speed V • Target direction Φ • Direction Φ’ α-phase β-phase γ-phase Smooth Mobility Model -- Wang t t t

  24. Liable to induce inaccurate theoretical and simulation results Joint Effects of Node Mobility and Radio Channels -- Wang Link Performance Node Mobility Channel Fading Random Waypoint Random Walk Random Direction path loss Shadow loss Multi-path fading Existing MacroscopicMobility Model Overshadowed by the fixed transmission range according to different channel fadings

  25. Performance modeling, analysis, and enhancement (Eun, Sichitiu, and Wang) • Protocols and tools for embedded systems (Sichitiu) • Broadband network architecture and topology (Devetsikiotis, Eun, Wang) • Mobility modeling and evaluation (Eun, Sichitiu, and Wang) • Fault-tolerant and secure computing (Wang) • Network services and applications (Devetsikiotis, Viniotis, Wang) • Software Defined Networks, Data Center Virtualization (Viniotis) Research Areas

  26. Satellite networks A Communication/Network Perspective … Cellular networks Internet Ad hoc networks Home/office networks

  27. Performance modeling, analysis, and improvements in wireless LANs (Sichitiu, and Wang) • Protocols and tools for embedded systems (Sichitiu) • Broadband network architecture and topology (Devetsikiotis, Eun, Wang) • Mobility modeling and evaluation (Eun, Sichitiu, and Wang) • Fault-tolerant and secure computing (Wang) • Network services and applications (Devetsikiotis, Viniotis, Wang) • Software Defined Networks, Data Center Virtualization (Viniotis) Research Areas

  28. All N appliances able to process M different service domain requests if that service domain is activated at the appliance. Appliance Provisioning Algorithm -- Viniotis

  29. An http router/IP Sprayer (HRIS) knows about the service domain activation status in the appliances thus it routes the incoming requests to the appropriate appliances. • We are designing the Activation/Deactivation algorithm (residing in provisioning agent) to meet the following goals, • Provide Unqualified/Overload Service Differentiation • Guaranteed Throughput • Guaranteed Average Response Time • Appliance Provisioning Agent takes the decision of activating/deactivating service domains in the appliances, based on different performance statistics as follows, • CPU Utilization • Input Buffer Size • Average Response Time • Resultant Throughput • Provisioning Agent is responsible to send action to HRIS and Appliance Cluster Research Questions

  30. Enter Enterprises are moving towards the application of Virtual Worlds for internal deployment • Virtual Worlds enable ubiquitous presence and virtual collaboration • Apply same paradigm in education: VCL 3.0 • Access VCL applications via a virtual world (double virtualization)‏ • Synergistic work and parallelization • DE students will interact with their colleagues • No commute needed for students working in industry Network 3D Virtual Computing Lab in Science and Education-- Devetsikiotis

  31. VCL 3.0 will enable ad-hoc, synchronous communications in a 3D environment • Will it work? • Cloud computing (increased computational power)‏ • Broadband network connections (minimizing delays) • Virtualization techniques are mature enough • Virtual Computing Lab (VCL)‏ • Virtual worlds (Second Life, Qwaq, Wonderland, Croquet)‏ • Virtual Network Computing (VNC, Remote Desktop)‏ • Virtual machines Why Toward VCL 3.0?

  32. Motivation • Value-added services (triple/quadruple play, multimedia messaging and presence via IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), Service-oriented Network web services like e-commerce, banking transactions, stock quotes, etc)‏ • Delay sensitive services that allows for price differentiation • Elastic services: their rate can be modified according to the available resources • Therefore, wise management of resources (network bandwidth, CPU, memory) is critical • Solution: Optimal resource allocation Optimal resource allocation for NG network services -- Devetsikiotis

  33. Online traffic estimation • Online traffic monitoring and prediction (EWMA)‏ • Delay bound using network calculus • Distributed optimization Measurement-Based Optimal Resource Allocator (MBORA) Allocation of network bandwidth in a dynamic and distributed fashion according to traffic load and QoS

  34. Utility function: Revenue function – Cost function • Revenue function: logarithmic form: proportional fairness when delays are small • Cost function: incorporates service's delay and required QoS (delay threshold)‏ The optimization model

  35. Reliable and Secured Communication (RSC) SubThrust. • Objectives: develop the FREEDM communication network based on emerging IEC 61850 standard • Investigate the reliability and security of state-of-the-art communication protocols and their applicability to power systems. • Develop algorithms and protocols for robust communications • Develop a new methodology to study the impact of cyber attacks in power systems. For instance, the security patterns that under consideration may be STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering with Data, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, Elevation of Privilege). Applications: FREEDM

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