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ECE TOSS Midterm Seminar SPRING 2014. Welcome Grading for the full time field experience Professionalism Chalk and Wire What if I have problems in the field? Student Teaching Announcements Meet your supervisor. Agenda.
Welcome Grading for the full time field experience Professionalism Chalk and Wire What if I have problems in the field? Student Teaching Announcements Meet your supervisor Agenda
Congratulations to all teacher candidates who have finished or are almost finished with the first 10 weeks! Thank you to our university supervisors! Congratulations!!
Full-Time Field Experience Grading
5-Day Unit Plan (350 Points Possible) Professionalism (must have L3-L5) Reflective Journal (40 Points Possible) 4 Observation Summaries (2 by supervisor, 2 by collaborating teacher) (0 Points Possible/cannot have any overall UNSATISFACTORY scores) Field Experience Grades
Cover Page (Unit Title, Your Name, CT, Grade, Date) • Unit Topic Agreement Form • Unit Overview • Lesson 1 • Lesson2 • Lesson 3 • Lesson 4 • Lesson 5 • Appendices TOSS 5-Day Unit Electronic NOTeBOOKDue between April 24-29
Appendix A – Behavior Management Philosophy (30 points) Appendix B- Resources and Bibliography (5 points) The notebook must be submitted electronically, to your supervisor. Due date between: April 24-29.
Observation Summary form • You may access this online at the ECE website (Under Supervisors). Please share the link with your CTs. • These will be completed online. • 2 observations by your KSU Supervisor • 2 observations by your Cooperating Teacher (not your videotaped lesson for edTPA) • A fifth observation is an option, when needed. Lesson Observations
*Resources are available on the Chalk and Wire Dashboard. Questions? Need support? Email chalkandwirehelp@kennesaw.edu Chalk and Wire/edTPA
Access to edTPA operational handbooks is restricted to authorized participants only. • You may not distribute or disclose in any way any of the material available in the edTPA handbooks to any other students, faculty, or staff, either at KSU or outside of KSU. This includes posting material to a public, organizational, or non-secure university website or other public repository or network drive. • The ONLY secure method for sharing and storing edTPA Handbooks, Rubrics, and all KSU candidate work related to edTPA (including videos) is exclusively through Chalk & Wire. Handbooks, in whole or part (including rubrics) may not be distributed via email, posted on department websites (including password protected) or loaded into learning management systems such as D2L. Confidentiality
Forms will be available in on the CEPP website under edTPA resources. You MUST use our form. • Discuss the permission form with your school administrator and CT before sending to parents. • You MUST secure a signed permission form from each student and adult before including them in your instructional videos. You are not required to have 100% of the class included in the video. • Keep the original permission forms in a secure location, scan to pdf and uploaded into your portfolio in Chalk & Wire. Video Permission Forms
Ensure that only students and adults with signed permission forms (paper forms) are identifiable in videos Scan and upload permission forms to CW Videos shared only via CW and only with faculty involved with the edTPA. Be sure to SCRUB recording devices before returning. Confidentiality
School where placed (Office, Technology, Library, Classroom teachers, Specialists) Family and Friends AVTS- http://avts.kennesaw.edu/avCirculation.html Videoing:Where to get Equipment?
Recording Equipment must be digital • Back up your video in more than one “secure” location • “Scrub” all recording devices before returning General Videoing Information
Make arrangements for the necessary video/audio equipment well in advance 2. Advise your cooperating/master teacher and the principal at your school of your need to video record lessons for your learning segment. 3. Collect the necessary consent forms from students. Steps for Successful Video Recording of Your Learning Segment
4. Location. Location. Location… • Students • Camera • You • Light • Camera Operator if Needed 5. Practice the video recording process BEFORE the learning segment. 6. Try to record the ENTIRE set of lessons. 7. Be sure to select and submit clips with quality audio Steps, continued…
edTPA Resource Website Student Technology Center ITS Open Labs Bagwell College of Education Open Labs Contact Chalk and Wire Help Desk - Dashboard of your Chalk and Wire Account Contact Kennesaw Chalk and Wire Help - chalkandwirehelp@kennesaw.edu Where to get Video Help
Ongoing, weekly reflections about the experience • Must be sent to your supervisor and your supervisor will respond to you by Monday. • Specific requirements will be discussed by your supervisor • Reflections must include a classroom management component Reflective Journal
What strategies are employed by the cooperating teacher or others in the school? • Are these strategies effective? Why or why not? • How do the strategies connect to your EECE classes in relation to what you learned about classroom management? Reflective JournalClassroom Management Component
What are your thoughts on the system? • How would you change it if at all? • Will this system work for you? • Are there any students for which the system is ineffective? • If so, why? • How would you deal with this student (or these students?) • Is there evidence of management strategies designed into the planning? • If so, what are the strategies? • If not, what could be done? Reflective Journal Management Portion – continued
What are your own experiences with classroom management while you are in the field? • FINAL REFLECTION • Consider your own views on, and plans for classroom management. • Write a preliminary philosophy of classroom management statement. • What strategies will you use to maintain a well managed classroom? Reflective Journal Classroom Management Portion Continued
Professionalism (Dispositions Sheet) L1, L2 may result in repetition, remediation, or removal of ECE 4406. Please inform your CT, school, and Toss supervisor of any absences ahead of time. Remember to report to your school every day, teacher hours starting March 25. Professional dress is required. Think of it as a job interview each time you walk in that building. Are you on social media? Think twice about posting that picture or comment on Facebook or Twitter. PROFESSIONALISM
KSU Supervisor Katy Basch ****DO NOT GO TO THE TEAM OR PRINCIPAL WITHOUT CONTACTING YOUR SUPERVISOR FOR ADVICE FIRST***** What if I have a problem in the field??
You can not register for the GACE until you have successfully completed TOSS. This takes about two weeks after final grades are due for your completion to process. So, if you pass TOSS, you should be able to register for the GACE around mid-late May. Please contact ESS/Kellie Oxford for specific GACE questions. Student Teaching Announcements
The spring student teaching meeting will be in early August (please check your email and the CEPP website for specific information about the meeting and your first day in the field). • CEPP can no longer change your placement. Requests have been sent out to the schools asking them to accept you for student teaching. Student Teaching Announcements Cont’d