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Hello Students. My name is Dhini You can call me Miss Dhini. UNIT 16. BUSSINESS FINANCING: STOCK. PEMBIAYAAN BISNIS: SAHAM. RULES. 1. PUT YOUR HP in YOUR BAG. 2. ASK for PERMISSION if you want TO GO TO RESTROOM “Miss, would you mind if I go to the restroom?”.
Hello Students . . . My name is Dhini You can call me Miss Dhini
RULES 1. PUT YOUR HP in YOUR BAG 2. ASK for PERMISSION if you want TO GO TO RESTROOM “Miss, would you mind if I go to the restroom?” 3. BE ACTIVE and ENTHUSIASTIC
Text P1 • The corporation is the dominant form of business organization in most developed countries. Although proprietorships and partnerships are more numerous, corporations transact more business and are larger in terms of total assets, sales revenue, and number of employees. Most well-known companies, such as CBS, General Motors, IBM, and Boeing, are corporations. Their full names include Corporation or Incorporated (abbreviated Corp. and Inc.) to indicate that they are corporations for example, CBS, Inc. and General Motors Corporation.
Perusahaan merupakanbentuk yang dominandariorganisasibisnisdisebagianbesarnegaramaju. Meskipunbisniskepemilikantunggaldanbisniskerjasamajumlahnyalebihbanyak, perusahaanmelakukanlebihbanyaktransaksibisnisdanlebihluaslagidalamaset, pendapatan, danjumlahpegawai. Kebanyakanperusahaanterkenal, seperti CBS, General Motors, IBM, dan Boeing, adalahkorporasi. Nama-namamerekatermasukgolonganKorporasiatauInkorporasi (disingkatmenjadi Corp. dan Inc.)untukmenunjukkanbahwamerekaadalahbadanusaha yang sah, contohnya, CBS, Inc. dan General Motors Corporation.
P 2 • Corporations may finance their operations in many different ways. One of them is by issuing stock. A corporation issues stock certificates to its owners or investors in exchange for their investments in the business. The basic unit of capital stock is called a share. A corporation may issue a stock certificate for any number of shares-one share one hundred shares, or any number. The certificate shows the company name, stockholder name, the number of shares, and the par value of the stock.
Korporasidapatmembiayaipelaksanaanmerekadalamberbagaicara. Salahsatunyaadalahmelaluipenerbitansaham. Sebuahkorporasimenerbitkansertifikatsahamkepadapemiliknyaatau investor sebagaigantidariinvestasimerekadalambisnis. Unit pokokdarisaham modal disebutsaham. Sebuahkorporasidapatmenerbitkansebuahsertifikatsahamdalamjumlahsahamberapapun-satusahamseratussaham, atauberapapun. Sertifikatmenunjukkannamaperusahaan, namapemegangsaham, jumlahsaham, dannilai nominal darisahamtersebut.
P 3 & P 4 • Stock in the hands of stockholder is said to be outstanding. The total number of stock outstanding at any time represents 100 percent ownership of the corporation. Because stock represents the corporation’s capitals, it is often called capital stock. • Corporations issue different types of stock to appeal to a wide variety of investors. The stock of a corporation may be either common or preferred and either par or no-par.
Sahamistimewaditanganpemegangsahamdikatakantidakterbatas. Jumlahkeseluruhansahamistimewa yang beredarsetiapsaatmewakilikepemilikan 100 persenkorporasi. Dikarenakansahammerupakan modal korporasi, sahamseringdisebut modal. • Korporasimenerbitkanberbagaijenissaham yang berbedauntukmenarik investor secaraluas. Saham dari korporasidapatberupaumumataukhusus dan juga pari atautidak pari.
P 5 • Every corporation issues common stock, the most basic form of capital stock. Unless designated otherwise, the word stock is understood to mean “common stock.” Common stockholders are the owners of the business. They have four basic rights, unless they are specially withheld, of stock ownership: the right to participate in management by voting, the right to receive a proportionate part of any dividend, the right to receive a proportionate share of any assets remaining after the corporation pays its liabilities in liquidation and the right to maintain one’s proportionate ownership in the corporation.
Setiapperusahaanmenerbitkansahamumum, bentuk paling dasardari modal saham. Kecualijikaditunjukkansebaliknya, katastokdipahamisebagai “sahambiasa.” Pemegangsahamumumadalahpemilikbisnis. Merekamemiliki 4 hakdasar, kecualijikahaktersebutditahansecarakhususdarikepemilikansaham: hakuntukberpartisipasidalammanajemenmelalui voting, hakuntukmenerimabagianproporsionaldaridividenmanapun, hakuntukmenerimabagianproporsionaldarisetiapaset yang tersisasetelahkorporasimembayarkewajibandalamlikuidasidanhakuntukmempertahankankepemilikanproporsionalseseorangdalamkorporasi.
P 6 • Owners of preferred stock also have the four basic stockholder rights, unless a right is specifically denied. Often the right to vote is withheld from preferred stockholders. Preferred stock gives its owners certain advantages over common stockholders. These benefits include priority to receive assets before the common stockholders if the corporation liquidates. Because of the preferred stockholders priorities, we see that common stock represents the residual ownership in the corporation’s assets after subtracting the liabilities and claims of preferred stockholders. Companies may issue different classes of preferred stock and each class is recorded on a separate account.
Para pemiliksahampreferenjugamemilikikeempathak fundamental pemegangsaham, kecualijikasatuhaktersebutdiingkari. Seringhakuntukmemberikansuaraditahandaripemegangsahampreferen. Sahampreferenmemberipemiliknyakeuntungantertentudibandingkanpemengangsahambiasa. Keuntunganinitermasukprioritasuntukmenerimaasetsebelumpemegangsahambiasajikaperusahaandilikuidasi. Dikarenakanprioritasdaripemegangsahampreferen, kitadapatmenlihatbahwasahambiasamenunjukkankepemilikan yang tersisapadaasetkorporasisetelahdikurangidenganhutangdantagihandaripemiliksahampreferen. Perusahaan bias menerbitkansahampreferenberbedadansetiapgolongandicatatpadarekening yang berbeda.
P 7 • Stock may be par value stock or non-par stock. Par value of their common stock quite low J.C Penney’s common stock par value is 50 cent per share, but Bethlehem Steel’s common stock par value is $8 per share. Par value of preferred stock is often higher; $100 per share is typical, but some preferred stocks have par value of $25 and $10. Par value is used to compute dividends on preferred stock. No-par stock does not have par value but some no-par stock has a stated value, which makes it similar to par value stock. The stated value is also an arbitrary amount that accountants treat as though it were par value.
Sahan yang bernilai pari atautidakbernilai pari. Nilaiinitergantung dari kesepakatanpemegangsaham. Kebanyakanperusahaanmenentukannilai pari sahambiasapadaharga yang rendah. Sahambiasa dari perusahaan J.C. Penneynilaiparinya 50% per lembarnya, tetapisahambiasa dari perusahaan Bethlehem Steelnilaiparinya $8 per lembarnya. Nilai pari sahampreferenseringkalilebihtinggi; $100 per lembaradalahwajar, akan tetapibeberapasahampreferenmemilikinilai pari $25 dan $10. Nilai pari digunakanuntukmengkalkulasidevidenpadasahampreferen. Sahamtanpanilai pari tidakmemilikinilai pari, namunbeberapasahamtanpanilai pari memilikinilaitertulis, yang mana miripdengannilai nominal saham. Nilai yang terterajugamerupakanjumlah yang sewenang-wenang yang dianggapolehakuntanseolah-olahnilai pari.
Say These Words: E.N.G.L.I.S.H – I.S – `F.U.N You can be with your group now!!!
Exercise 1 • What is the topic of the text? • What is a share (of stock)? • What is one purpose of issuing shares of stock? • What information can you find in a stock certificate? • What does a share stock represent? • What is meant by outstanding stock? • How many types of stock may a company issue? • What rights do stockholders have? • What is the advantage of investing in preferred stock (as compared to investing in common stock? • How does per stock differ from non-par stock?
1. Stocks issued by company to finance their operations and types of stocks
Group “English” 2. The basic unit of capital stock. 3. To finance the corporations’ operations. 4. The company name, stockholder name, the number of shares, and the par value of the stock.
Group “IS” 5. A stock certificate for any number of shares-one share one hundred shares, or any number. 6. The total number of stock outstanding at any time represents 100 percent ownership of the corporation, the stock represents the corporation’s capitals, it is often called capital stock. 7. ; the stock of a corporation may be either common or preferred and either par or no-par.
Group “Fun” 8. 1The right to participate in management by voting, 2the right to receive a proportionate part of any dividend, 3the right to receive a proportionate share of any assets remaining after the corporation pays its liabilities in liquidation and 4the right to maintain one’s proportionate ownership in the corporation.
Group “Fun” 9. Holders of preferred stock will receive the remaining assets when a corporation liquidates. 10. No-par stock does not have par value but some no-par stock has a stated value, which makes it similar to par value stock.
1. There are more corporations than partnerships or proprietorship.
Partnerships or proprietorship are more numerous than corporations.
2. Corporations have smaller sales value than partnerships or proprietorships.
Corporations have larger sales value than partnerships or proprietorships
OOPS… Try again dear…!
4. Different people are interested in different types of stock.
Please, Open your book again. .
5. Capital stock refers to the total number of outstanding stock.
O-O-O-O-O- Better luck next time ya!
6. All stockholders have all the four basic stockholder rights.
7. One of the stockholder rights is the right to pay the corporation’s liability in liquidation.
The stockholder only has the right to receive proportionate share of any assets remaining after the corporation liquidates
8. Holders of preferred stock often don’t have the right to vote.
Ooops… You did it again
9. Holders of preferred stock will receive the remaining assets when a corporation liquidates.
Way to go guys, Amazing!