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  1. E Journals Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Tehran University of Medical Sciences

  2. آشنايی با مجموعه مجلات تمام متن Full Text & Full Image Journals Alert و سرويس

  3. E-Products of New Era • E-Journals • E-Books • E-Images • E-Data • E-Commerce • E-Government • E-Medicine • E-Learning

  4. Information Resources • اطلاعات پايه (Basic Knowledge) کتاب‌ها (Books) • اطلاعات روزآمد (Updated Knowledge) مجلات و نشريات ادواری (Periodicals)

  5. So you work in a job which: Its half-time (half-life) is 6 months, & Its doubling-time is 20 month You works in a ever-changing & ever-growing profession ! So you should keep updating !

  6. E-Journals مجلات الکترونیک در واقع نسخه الکترونیک همان مجلات چاپی هستند که بر روی وب سایت ناشر و یا مجله قرار گرفته‌اند و یا اساسا مجلاتی هستند که از ابتدا بدون آنکه نسخه چاپی داشته باشند به صورت الکترونیک منتشر شده اند.

  7. E-JournalsBenefits 1- دسترسی به نسخه الکترونیک مقالات بلافاصله پس از نهایی شدن مقالات مجله و حتی قبل از چاپ نسخه چاپی آن. 2- دسترسی به مجلات الکترونیکی بدون محدودیت زمانی و مکانی. 3- جستجو در نسخ الکترونیک یک یا چند مجله به طور همزمان 4- ارسال نسخه الکترونیک برای دیگران به راحتی از طریق پست الکترونیک. 5- آرشیو و نگهداری آسان. 6- دسترسی به آرشیو الکترونیکی سالهای قبل. 7- استفاده از سرویس‌های جنبی مانند Alert.

  8. انواع مجلات الکترونیک برحسب هزينه 1- مجلات الکترونیکی رایگان www.freemedicaljournals.com 2- مجلات الکترونیکی هزینه‌دار

  9. مجلات الکترونیک برحسب سطوح دسترسی 1-Table of Content (TOC) 2-Table of Content + Abstracts 3-TOC + Abstracts + Full texts

  10. FullTexts انواع PDF Format(Portable Document Format) در واقع نسخه تصویری تهیه شده از مقاله است که عینا همان مقاله و به همان صورت چاپ شده در مجله است. HTML Format(Hypertext Markup Language) نسخه متنی مقاله و به صورت Text می‌باشد.

  11. Users Authentications • Individual: • User Name & Password Authentication • Instutional: • IP Based Authentication

  12. How to gain access to … ? • How to gain access to TUMS resources while we are far away from university? • Two way: • Authens Service • TUMS OffCampus Service

  13. New Authens Service ! Institutional Subscription but Username & Password based. Makes you capable of gaining access to the resources from any Internet service, anywhere. Register yourself here to get your username & password: http://www.inlm.org/

  14. TUMS OffCampus Service ! You can connect to TUMS digital library resources using your dialup username & password. The link is:http://offcampus.tums.ac.ir:2048/login

  15. Electronic Journals & Collection • Elsevier Science • Ovid (LWW) • Wiley InterScience (Included old Blackwell Science) • Springer • Oxford university Press • Proquest • Ebsco

  16. Elsevier Science Direct ScienceDirect covers about 24.4% of the world’s full-text scientific, technical and medical (STM) information across 24 fields of science.

  17. Intersting to know that … Elsevier stablished 1620 ! ScienceDirect contains over 9 Million peer reviewed article 36 full text downloads every second during an average working day.

  18. E-Journals Approaches • Browse a Journal Title a. Title b. Subject 2 .Search A Journal Paper (Article) a. Simple b. Advanced

  19. Diagram دسترسی به آخرین شماره مجله و پنج دهه آرشیو مجله

  20. E-Books MD Consult http://www.mdconsult.com/ Over 100 medical reference books GigaPedia http://gigapedia.com/ First Register with your Gmail, Then Login, Search your book title & download it!

  21. DOI Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Unique code for each digital resource www.doi.org Resolve this DOI:10.1002/ddr.20102  

  22. All journals are available on ScienceDirect from volume 1, issue 1 The Lancet – vol 1, no. 1 - 1823.

  23. Elsevier Searching Tips *Truncation:finds a root word plus all the words made by adding letters to the end of it. • Behav*findsbehave,behavioral,behaviour,etc. ?Wildcard:replaces a character anywhere in a word, except the first character. • Wom?nfindswomanandwomen

  24. Searching Tips-Phrase for Elsevier & Scopus Only • There are two options for searching a phrase: • Loose phrase search – double quotes “ “ • Exact phrase search – single quotes ‘ ‘ Or Curly Brackets { } • Loose phrase search – enclose in double quotes • Will search for documents where the words are adjacent to each other • Does not insert the AND operator • Will ignore punctuation, e.g, hyphens or apostrophes, • e.g., “heart-attack” will find docs with and without the hyphen • “C++” or “C” will find the same results • Exact phrase search – enclose in single quotes • Stop words, punctuation, special characters and wildcards are searched • ‘C++’ will only return docs with this exact character combination • ‘C’ will return different results • Searching for quotation marks requires a \ before the actual quotation mark \’best practice\’

  25. Synonyms & Alternative Spelling • English and American spellings • behaviour and behavior, flavour and flavor, colour and color, psychoanalyse and psychoanalyze • Plurals • horse and horses, woman and women, case and cases • Root words • Transplant and transplants and transplanting, hear and hearing • Synonyms • Aspirin will also search acetylsalicylic acid

  26. Different Types of Common Alerts • TOC Alert (New Issue Alert OR Volume/Issue Alert) : tells you when new issues of your chosen journals are available • Search Alert: tells you when new content matching your saved search expression is available • Citation Alert: tells you when your chosen pieces of content (Paper) are cited by other new content

  27. How to see where a journal is indexed? • To check in which database a journal is indexed & where we can find its full text, search your journal name in these websites: • http://jake.openly.com/ • http://journalseek.net/

  28. بزنید ! Email اگر میل داشتید payam.kabiri@gmail.com

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