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Mackay Glacier SW Ross Sea

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Mackay Glacier SW Ross Sea

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    12. WHAT & WHY Compelling Science Questions Over-arching objectives quantitative and qualitative documentation of physical, chemical and biological processes at WAIS grounding lines evaluate interaction between subglacial-sediment-water system / ice-sheet processes, and ocean / ice-shelf processes relative to grounding-line movement and ice sheet and ice shelf stability

    13. Why go to Siple Coast grounding lines and Ross Ice Shelf? Data from Remote Sensing Show grounding-zone wedge with till -- Blankenship et al. (1986) -- Alley et al. (1987) upstream tidal forcing -- Anandakrishnan et al. (1997) till deposition at Whillans Ice Stream grounding line -- Anandakrishnan et al. (2007) sedimentation important on ice-sheet grounding-line stability -- Alley et al. (2007)

    14. Data from Sediment Samples Show subglacial till of ice streams differs markedly from diamictons beneath RIS (RISP/J-9 and Crary Ice Rise) and in Ross Sea -- Scherer, 1999 For Reeds stuffFor Reeds stuff

    15. Relative diatom abundance and preservation in Ross Embayment diamictonsRelative diatom abundance and preservation in Ross Embayment diamictons

    17. Data from Remote Sensing Show positive and negative mass balances for different regions of WAIS -- Joughin & Tulaczyk (2001) -- Rignot & Thomas (2002) J&TJ&T

    28. Deployment – Tech. Challenges ROV – Design Multi disciplinary platform for subglacial research Safe deployment and recovery

    29. ROV – Design & Construction

    30. Safety features

    33. ROV control LabView program 3 screens with tab function for fast scrolling Operation Modes: remote operated autonomous survey rudimentary on ice data processing => targeted investigation incl. sampling in ROV mode

    34. Deployment – Tech. Challenges Smart soft coiled tubing hot water drill system - Deployment Recovery Hole Maintenance During Operation

    35. through ice deployment with smart soft coiled tubing HW drill

    36. Smart soft coiled tubing HW drill Injector System I

    37. Smart soft coiled tubing HW drill Injector System II

    38. Smart soft coiled tubing HW drill Umbilical Hose I Fiber Strengthened Hose Thermo-plastic tubing (FiberSpar – Smart Hose) Rubber hose (pot. producer Swan hose) Conductor wiring (electrical power) electrical power supply for for ROV and sensor operation electro mechanical rock or ice drilling Fiber-optics (life stream data transfer) Life stream data return higher drill control precise depth determination ROV and sensor operation

    39. Drilling and Traversing Technology

    40. Traverse Design and Drill Integration Additional features not shown Lift or crane for additional instrument and ROV deployment Anchor and tie down points for additional winch systems (sed corer, sensor string deployment, etc.) or science and drilling equipment.

    41. Traverse Design and Drill Integration

    42. Extra Curricular Activities sediment coring, rock coring single point CTD measurement placement of englacial temperature and strain sensors strings, tethered automated multi year CTD sensor system.

    43. Oceanographic Mooring System Ice-ocean interphase observatory Autonomous tethered CTD profiler Autonomous ocean flux crawler max diameter 50 cm

    45. Subglacial Environments from the Earth, the ice to the ocean

    46. Geochemical tracers of physical processes

    47. Summary Manageable technological challenges Complementary ROV-AUV operation Multi-disciplinary investigation providing synergies maximizing science output enabling earth system science in an integrative approach combining Glaciology, Geology, Oceanography and Biology

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