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Join us at Bolin Elementary for a fantastic 4th-grade year! Students will delve into reading strategies, explore diverse genres, partake in the 40 Book Challenge, write daily, and tackle exciting math and science topics. Parents can support learning at home through nightly reading and engaging in math conversations. Stay tuned for updates on reading logs and response activities. Let's make this year a memorable and enriching journey for all!
All About 4th Grade! Bolin Elementary 4th Grade 2018-2019
Reading and Writing are taught by Mrs. Azimi Math, Science, and Social Studies are taught by Miss Daniels
Welcome Parents and Guardians! • We have already started a fabulous year! • We look forward to each and every day with your children!
Reading In the primary grades, students have been learning to read. As 4th graders, students are reading to learn. This year we are focusing on establishing a reading life by using strategies that readers use to understand and connect to the text they read. We will be reading intensely by going much deeper in our thinking using the strategies such as: • Questioning • Inferring • Synthesizing • Visualizing • Determining Importance
Electronic Readers • Students may bring electronic devices such as Kindles and iPads to use during reading class to access their e-books. • There is a form that must be completed before students can bring their device, which will come home soon. • Students may check out e-books from the Bolin library using their personal devices.
Independent Reading Goals: • Read a variety of genres • Students will write in reading notebooks and participate in book discussions. • Besides reading in class, students are expected to read 20 minutes or more at home.
Reading Homework • Students need to read their books nightly for a minimum of 20 minutes. If they are busy one night, they need to take the responsibility to make up for the lost 20 minutes. Reading logs will come home in the near future. • You can read books together and have discussions. Minutes read together can be recorded in the reading log. • Reading volume matters. Reading in class does not count for their reading at home.
40 Book Challenge • Your child will participate in the 40 book Challenge this year. I am looking forward to working together with you and your child to help in reaching this goal. • The purpose of this activity is to challenge students to read a variety of genres and instill a love of reading. • In addition, research shows that reading from a variety of genres has been proven the best way to improve as a reader and as a writer.
40 Book Challenge Reading Goal • The goal for each grading period is to read and complete a response activity for every book read. • Meeting this reading goal will count as one of your child’s reading grades for each grading period. • Detailed information in reference to reading goals and ways to create a response will come home soon.
40 Book Challenge Book Selections • In class, I will assist students in picking out appropriate and appealing books for his or her reading level. Students will have reading time dedicated to self-selected reading. You can help by making sure that your child reads routinely. Also, you can read books together and have discussions. Reading with someone at home counts towards the 40 Book Challenge. • Please e-mail me (Roya.Azimi@Allenisd.org) if you have any questions. In advance, thank you for your support.
Writing Students will: • write everyday • focus on traits of writing • write narratives, poetry, expository, etc. • use writing notebook for daily quick writes, notes, and grammar resource • Routine spelling tests are not given in 4th grade.
Writing Cont. Students will: • publish writings throughout the year • keep their published writings in our classroom, so that they can use them throughout the year for self–analysis of growth. Please feel free to stop by and view your children’s writings.
Math Topics we cover: • Place Value- to the billions • Data- including stem and leaf plots • Adding/subtracting whole numbers and estimating • Multiplication- up to 2 digit by 2 digit • Division- up to a 4 digit dividend and 1 digit divisor • Algebra-writing equations and strip diagram • Fractions-equivalent, comparing, adding/subtracting with same denominator, estimating with fractions • Decimals-to the hundredths place, adding and subtracting decimals • Geometry- types of lines, measuring angles, classifying 2D shapes • Customary and metric measurement-deciding reasonableness, converting units • Perimeter and area • Time- reading a clock, elapsed time, time conversions • Financial literacy- variable v. fixed expenses, profit, interest • Problem Solving will be incorporated on a daily basis
Math Cont. Ways to help your child: • Look over their work that is returned in their Weekly Folder. • Help them practice topics with which they are struggling. • Use math as much as possible in daily conversation. • Play games that involve math. • Please feel free to contact me if you are looking for other ways to help your child.
Science Topics we will cover: • Safety • Properties of matter • Mixture/solutions • Energy • Force and motion • Shadows/seasons/moons • Water cycle • Weather • Weathering, erosion, deposition • Properties of soil • Natural resources • Life cycles • Inherited traits and learned behaviors • Adaptations • Food chains/food webs • Hands-on learning through different investigations
Social Studies We will be learning these topics about Texas: • Texas Government • Geography- • Mapping skills • Regions of Texas • Early Texans and American Indians • European Explorers • Texas Colonization • Texas Revolution • Republic of Texas • Civil War and Reconstruction • Cattle Kingdom, Oil, and Railroads
Additional Information • Missed class work - (All Subjects) • Testing dates • Rules, consequences, and procedures • Communication between home and school • Questions and comments
Missed Class Work (All Subjects) • Absent Student - • Any work that needs to be completed from the day • he or she is absent will be given one day to • complete. • (1 day absence = 1 day to complete work) • Work can be sent home with a sibling, neighbor, or picked up at the office. Please request the homework before noon.
4th Grade Testing STAAR Dates • Writing = April 9th • Math = May 13th • Reading = May 14th Benchmark Dates • Math = November 6th • Reading= November 7th • Science = November 8th Simulation Dates • Writing= January 29th • Math = February 19th • Reading = February 20th
Classroom Rules • Follow the teacher’s directions. • Respect your classmates in your words and actions. • Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. • Listen when someone else is talking. • Class time is for class activities. Non-negotiable
Communication Between Home and School • Weekly folders (please sign and return the next day) • Weekly newsletters will be emailed • Binders/agendas • Conferences • Progress and report cards via Family Access • Phone calls, notes • Email is the best way to contact us during school hours. Roya.Azimi@Allenisd.org - Reading/Writing Breanna.Daniels@Allenisd.org– Math/Science/Social Studies
Home Notes The next couple of slides explain the types of notes that could be sent home: • Behavior Reflection • Responsibility Report
Behavior Concern Notices • There are two types of behavior concern notices: one without a spot for a parent signature and one with it. • The first behavior reflection does not require a parent signature. It will be the first one given to a student when his/her behavior needs to be corrected. This is the student’s opportunity to fix his/her behavior before a parent is notified. • If the behavior continues, another behavior concern notice will be filled out, but this time the student will need to get a parent to sign it and return it to school.
Student Responsibility Report • Student responsibility report will be filled out and sent home when a student does not have his/her homework completed on the assigned due date. • A parent needs to sign the sheet, and the student needs to return it to the teacher the following day.
Student Responsibility Report Date: _____________ Printed Name: ________________________ Subject:____________ Completing your homework is your responsibility as a student. Missing homework: _______________________________________________ I do not have my homework today because: _____ I did the assigned homework, but I did not bring it to class. _____ I chose not to do my homework. _____ I forgot to do my homework. _____ I did not have the appropriate materials at home. _____ Other reason is ____________________________________________ Explain the reason: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: _____________________ Parent Signature:______________________
Classroom Websites • Throughout the year, please check our individual classroom websites and 4th grade’s website for valuable information. • Make sure to check Twitter as well for pictures of your children learning!
Questions? Comments? • If you have questions/comments after reading this presentation, please email: • Mrs. Azimi with reading/writing questions/comments. • Roya.Azimi@allenisd.org • Miss Daniels with math/science/social studies questions/comments. • Breanna.Daniels@allenisd.org • both of us with questions and comments about any other part of this presentation.
Parent Conferences • October 22nd is designated for Parent-Teacher Conferences. We will be sending an email to set them up. • It is important to us to get to know our students’ parents/guardians. We would like you to have all of your questions/concerns addressed and feel comfortable to contact us for any reason. • We would like every child to have at least one parent/guardian attend. • The conferences will be about 10-15 minutes. • What will be discussed: • Questions/concerns you may have • Our expectations • How the year is going thus far
Reminders • Please remind your child to bring a water bottle, a healthy snack, and a sweater or jacket to class each day. It is cold in our classrooms! • No Nuts - Due to nut allergies, students are not allowed to eat foods/snacks that may contain nuts. However, students can eat them in the cafeteria. A separate table is available for students who have nut allergies and need to avoid possible contact with the allergen. • Classroom t-shirts are coming soon! We will wear them on Wednesdays.