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E-books. An amazing opportunity, but what’s the pedagogical use?. Experiences derived from a course with E-books only Methods in the Social Sciences – SIMM31 – Web-based – Advanced level. A (my) pedagogical idea Looks at learning as a creative process, thus it;
E-books An amazing opportunity, but what’s the pedagogical use?
Experiencesderived from a course with E-booksonly Methods in the Social Sciences – SIMM31 – Web-based – Advancedlevel
A (my) pedagogicalidea Looks at learning as a creative process, thus it; Allows and promotes divergent thinking and questioning Highlightscollaboration with others in development of personal knowledge Requests personal responsibility for necessary preparations Lifts that honestlyacceptingonesmistakesmeanslearning from them Expects positive anxiety and frustration
E-books in this quest for a creativelearningenvironment What makes them amazing? (or not) Letmeillustrate this by a set of categoricalpairs A categoricalpairallowsus to say ”either / or” Beyond this a hypotheticaldiscussion on how the amazingnessmay be obstructed or promoted
Home madee-bookpedagogicalopportunity index Amazing it IS Amazing it IS NOT MultiuserSingleuser Quick loadSlowload Logged on Loggedout Remembersme Resets on me Easy use format & functionsComplexuse format & functions Multiplatformuse Computer useonly PrintableNon-printable Save option No save option Copy to Paste No copy option
A pedagogicalchallenge The Book The E-book The Internet Reflections of the symbolic status and qualityassurance of a wellpublicisedBook Reflections of the access and collaborativestrengths of Internet Howmanynon-amazingissuescan be afforded and still have a creative and divergent thinking student, working under time pressure, accept the e-book (withoutusingteacherauthority)?
To learn it is important to be able to hoard the opportunitiesavailableamong given resources and exploitthem as to enhance my knowledge. The categoricalpairspresentedillustrate different hoarding and exploitativeprocesses in partialconflictseen in a pedagogicalperspective. Creative students should be allowedcontrol of resourcesneeded in theirlearningprocesses. It is far to convergent to think of creative students as victims of forcedemulation and adaptation. And, Yes, I haveleftout the exploitation of academic life from a profit horizon, despitebeing an economist. Thanks to Charles Tilly (1998) for lendingme the conceptsabove.
To learn it is important to be able to hoard the opportunitiesamongavailableresources and exploitthem as to enhanceknowledge (not to own the right to them). The categoricalpairspresentedillustrate different hoarding and exploitativeprocesses in partialconflictseen in a pedagogicalperspective. Creative students should be allowedcontrol of resourcesneeded in theirlearningprocesses. It is far to convergent to think of creative students as victims of forcedemulation and adaptation. And, Yes, I haveleftout the exploitation of academic life from a profit horizon, despitebeing an economist. Thanks to Charles Tilly (1998) for lendingme the conceptsabove.