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2012- Road To Democratic National Convention . History of the Convention. The first Democratic National Convention to nominate the Democratic Presidential candidate was held in Baltimore, MD on May 21, 1832. Delegates at the Convention elect the Democrat Presidential candidate.
History of the Convention The first Democratic National Convention to nominate the Democratic Presidential candidate was held in Baltimore, MD on May 21, 1832. Delegates at the Convention elect the Democrat Presidential candidate. The 2012 Democratic National Convention is in Charlotte, North Carolina during the week of September 3rd, 2012. .
What is a delegate? A delegate casts the actual vote to nominate the Democratic Presidential candidate. Both delegates and alternates attend the convention. Costs for the 4-day convention are the responsibility of the delegate and alternate.
Who can be a delegate? All registered Democrats in Arizona are eligible candidates for the position of an Arizona delegate. In Arizona, delegates and alternates shall be elected at the Congressional District Caucuses in March. Which immediately follows the Presidential Nomination Caucus.
Delegate Details: Summary of Delegates Congressional District Caucuses & Presidential Preference Caucuses State Convention Affirmative Action Goals Timeline Cost Analysis Tips on Becoming a Delegate
Types of Delegates: 46- District Level Delegates 15- At-Large Delegates 6- At-Large Alternates Delegates 9- Party Leader & Elected Officials Delegates (PLEO) 10- Unpledged (PLEO) Delegates
Arizona Congressional District Caucus: Logistics Statements of Candidacy Right of Refusal Voting Vote Share Threshold Presidential Preference Caucuses
Date, Time & Location Each District Level Caucuses will be held on Saturday, March 31st, 2012. Time and Location are TBD.
Statement of Candidacy for Delegates Statements of candidacy must be filed with the State Party Headquarters no later than 5:00pm on March 1st, 2012. No exceptions will be made as to this deadline.
Right of Review Each Presidential campaign will have the right to remove any delegate who has pledged support to them and thusly, may not be elected as a delegate or alternate. The official list of approved delegates for each Presidential candidate will be filed before the state caucus, on March 16, 2012 with the State Democratic Chair.
Who Votes? Participation in Arizona’s delegate selection process is open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats. Democrats voters are determined as all those registered on the voter checklist as Democrats with the Secretary of State by January 30, 2012.
Viability Threshold Only those Presidential candidates receiving 15% of the vote share on March 31st will be considered for National Convention delegates. Vote share is considered by Congressional District.
Arizona State Convention & State Committee Meeting: Logistics Statements of Candidacy Right of Refusal Delegate Election Order
Date, Time & Location The State Convention will be held on April 21st, 2012. Location is TBD.
Statements of Candidacy for PLEO Delegates Statements of candidacy must be filed with the state party no later than 5pm on April 6th, 2012. No exceptions will be made as to this deadline.
Right of Refusal Each Presidential campaign will have the right to strike any PLEO delegate who has pledged support to them. This will be completed before the caucuses.
PLEO Delegate Election The State Committee will then elect 9 Party Leader and Elected Official delegates.
At-Large Delegate Election The State Committee will then select 15 At-Large delegates and 6 At-Large alternates. Selection of the At-Large delegates and alternates will be based on the Affirmative Action Goals set forth in the plan.
Alternate Delegate Election The State Committee will first vote on the add-on delegate. This person is a distinguished party leader and is nominated by the State Party Chair.
Affirmative Action Goals(Based on Arizona’s Population Statistics 2010) African Americans 4 Hispanic Americans 21 Native Americans 8 Asian/Pacific Americans 2 LGBT Americans 5 Americans w/Disabilities 12 Young Americans 19
Timeline March 1st, 2012 Statement of Candidacy for District Level Delegates Must be Filed March 31st, 2012 Congressional District Caucuses & Presidential Preference Caucuses April 6th, 2012 Statement of Candidacy for un-pledged, Pledged Party Leader and Elected Officials, and at large delegate or alternate Must be Filed April 21st, 2012 Arizona State Democratic Convention September 3rd-7th, 2012 Democratic National Convention
Cost Analysis Sunday, September 2nd through Friday, September 7th Airfare (Round Trip from PHX) $250.00 Hotel (5 days) $110.00-$125.00/night Food (6 days) $40/day Incidentals (6 days) $50/day Car Rental Not Necessary Taxi/Light Rail TBD TOTAL At Least $1,500.00
1. File a Statement of Candidacy District level statements must be filed by 5pm on March 1, 2012 with the State Party Headquarters. You must be a registered Democrat in the district in which you file by the time of your filing.
2. Get Active! Becoming involved with your local Democratic organization and your Presidential Preference candidate’s campaign is the best way to show that you should be a delegate.
3. Talk to District PC’s This is a campaign. You should obtain a list of the PC’s (Precinct Committeeperson) in your district from the ADP (Arizona Democratic Party). Reach out and talk to them about why YOU should be a delegate.
4. Other Opportunities If at the district level caucuses you are not elected as a delegate, you can still run for an At-Large or PLEO delegate position at the Arizona State Convention on April 21, 2012.
It’s up to YOU! Ultimately, it is up to YOU to become a delegate to the National Convention. If you have additional questions, please call 602-298-4200 or email at lheredia@azdem.org. www.azdem.org