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Johnson & Johnson: Implementing Next Generation Change Control by Extending EMC Documentum Webtop

Johnson & Johnson: Implementing Next Generation Change Control by Extending EMC Documentum Webtop. Scott Jaworski IM Manager Johnson & Johnson. Agenda. Project Background OneSource 2.0 Features Why WebTop 5.3 OneSource Demonstration Why a Portal Portal Demonstration.

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Johnson & Johnson: Implementing Next Generation Change Control by Extending EMC Documentum Webtop

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  1. Johnson & Johnson: Implementing Next Generation Change Control by Extending EMC Documentum Webtop Scott Jaworski IM Manager Johnson & Johnson

  2. Agenda • Project Background • OneSource 2.0 • Features • Why WebTop 5.3 • OneSource Demonstration • Why a Portal • Portal Demonstration

  3. Johnson and Johnson Background • Johnson & Johnson, through its operating companies, is the world's most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics markets. • The more than 200 Johnson & Johnson operating companies employ approximately 113,800 men and women in 57 countries and sell products throughout the world.

  4. Scott Jaworski Background • Johnson & Johnson Operating Companies • Janssen • Project Lead for the MARKUS application • J&J Gateway • Project Lead for customized web content authoring application • GPSG • IM Manager/Project Manager for OneSource document management application • Been involved with Documentum for over 7 years

  5. OneSource Application • Manage Controlled Documentation • Change Request and Documents (SOPs, BOM, Specs, tech docs) • Document Lifecycle • Workflow • Route for review • Route for approval • eSigs • Delegation & Inbox Reassign • Approximately 1,500 users across 6 sites (3 in NJ, 3 in PR) • Plans to significantly increase user base • GPSG West Project in 2007 • Beyond Puerto Rico and US

  6. OneSource Background • OneSource 1.0 Originally Released in 2003 • Based on DCM • Extensive Customizations to DCM Components • Every piece of code was customized, over 70% of the application • OneSource 1.1 Released in January 2005 • Added InfoPath to support Creation of Change Requests (XML editor vs. Word Template)

  7. Issues with OneSource 1.1 • OneSource difficult to support • Unsupported version of DCM 4.2.8 • RightSite/Significant Performance Problems • Difficult to Support Technical Implementation • Database Calls • Custom code • RightSite • Loss of Resources • Users asking for additional functionality • Packet Routing (Multi-Documents – Routing a CR and Documents together) • Wanted a more “configurable” approach • Other additions based on new platform • Performance, Performance, Performance

  8. OneSource Upgrade Philosophy • All existing functionality should be in new release • We don’t get to start out clean • Project Philosophy • While we are still customizing… • Customize in order to make configurable! • So we don’t have to start planning 2.1

  9. Why WebTop 5.3? • Increased productivity of End Users • Increased performance (searching) • Better web navigation with 5.3 WebTop • More configurable interface (ex: User Selectable Columns) • Business agility • Reduced system complexity • Reduced skill set requirement for support • Easier to enhance • Upgradeable • Simpler upgrade path, no need to consider DCM releases • Historically, new releases of WebTop available at same time as the core product.

  10. Main System Components • Webtop 5.3 SP1 • Wanted to be on the latest version • Wanted to be able to maintain customizations • TSG Active Wizard • Form, Routing and Workflow Approval Components • Launched from Webtop – Version Neutral (Supports 5.1, 5.2.5, 5.3, 6.x?) • Dynamic Form – old version was static pages – difficult to change and maintain • Dynamic Workflow – old version was template rather than user driven • Approval Interface – form approval interface

  11. Why TSG and Active Wizard? • Existing Relationship with TSG • Worked together at multiple Johnson and Johnson initiatives • Webtop 5.3 Experience • Validated Application from Abbott • Active Wizard part of Abbott’s eSubmission Extranet Solution • TSG deep experience with compliance from Abbott • Designed for EMC • Certified as an Application, highest level of certification within the program • Priced Right • Active Wizard is available as Open Source

  12. OneSource Solution Pieces • Documentum Webtop 5.3 • Main Application interface • Check-in/checkout, attributes, search and retrieval • TSG Active Wizard • Form and Workflow Interfaces • Replaces Infopath form and Documentum Workflow interfaces • Approval Interface • Annodocs • Annotations • PDF Aqua • Controlled Printing and Overlays • CYA/Solutions Quest • Migration activities

  13. Demo OneSource

  14. Evolution of the Active Form: Active Document Approach • Logic for questions contained within the document • Help user navigate through the form • Only ask relevant questions based on answers to previous questions • Questions are configurable – do not require programming (separate from Documentum Administrator)

  15. Active Form • A “Wizard” approach for Electronic Forms • Question Sets define the interaction with the user • Question Sets lead to additional question sets based on answers • Data for questions, answers and administration managed within Documentum

  16. OneSource Lessons Learned • Volume Testing – don’t forget it!!! • Due to tight timeframes – we did not conduct a substantial performance test – once in production • 100% network utilization in some areas has caused issues with application • Load Balancing and other infrastructure items were not volume tested • Configuration (controlled printing) of multiple items for multiple areas • 90% of users just need Consumer Access – Big Win with Simple App!! • A “portal” consumer-only solution was implemented during downtime between data migration and production rollout • Data was static while production environment and data was upgraded

  17. Build a robust interface for the authors and approvers… …but often the interface too much for people just looking to view and print. The First OneSource 2.0 Lesson Learned

  18. OneSource Portal Challenge • The majority of the time, users only need to search, view or print documents but…. • …the Webtop (5.1, 5.2.5, 5.3) interface is too much • Too much functionality • Too much training • Too slow • …access to controlled documents is time consuming • …Documentum licensing can be restrictive for the consumers that might just access documents once a month.

  19. OneSource Portal Solution • Client developed an application that quickly and easily delivers controlled documents to consumers for… • Searching • Viewing • Printing • …with configurable user access in a compliant environment.

  20. OneSource Portal System Interface

  21. OneSource Portal System Interface Dynamic Watermark Header and Footer Overlays

  22. OneSource Portal – Architecture Overview

  23. OneSource Portal - Implementation Time Line

  24. Why the two releases? • Phase 1 release provided business continuity while the main system was brought down to migrate the content to the new release. • Users fell in love with the simplified system. • Phase 2 release provided dynamic updates and was available after completion of main system upgrade. • Lesson Learned – would have built and released the consumer interface first • Reduced Network Load • Higher User Acceptance • Easier to accept a brand new system, than major changes to an existing one.

  25. OneSource Portal Features • Secure access • Configurable searching • Audit trail of document views and prints • Document overlays and watermarking • Real time access to Approved and Effective documents

  26. OneSource Portal Benefits • Significantly reduce time spent retrieving documents • Reduce training • Reduce load, both processing and licensing, on main document management system • Independent of Documentum releases • Provide business continuity

  27. Questions? Thank You, Scott Jaworski Johnson & Johnson Sjawors2@psgus.jnj.com Thanks to our technology partners TSG and CYA/Solutions Quest

  28. Presentations Will Be Available on the Momentum 2006 Website www.momentumlive.com Password:forum

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