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Religion and the Environment

Explore how Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism view human responsibility towards the Earth, reflecting on quotes and beliefs from different faiths. Discover key principles guiding environmental stewardship.

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Religion and the Environment

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  1. Religion and the Environment About us. • Introduction • Judaism • Hinduism • Buddhism • Christianity • Islam • Sikhism • Pollution • Organisations • Images Of Your Area • Activities

  2. Introduction “Continue to contaminate your own bed and one night you will suffocate in it.” (Chief Seattle) The earth has enough natural resources for every human being to survive, i.e. food, water, air, medicine, warmth, shelter and means of power. Due to human exploitation, often driven by greed, these resources are now limited. Areas of concern include:- * poverty * war * pollution * over population *animal cruelty Religious attitudes are varied and complex on a number of issues. However, all religions agree that the universe was created by a higher being than humans and we, the human race, were placed in charge as stewards of the earth. Main Menu

  3. The Torah says: “In the beginning God created Genesis JUDAISM the Heavens and the Earth” 1:1 “And the Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to keep it” Genesis 2:15 We believe that God created the world and everything in it. God made the animals and plants. Human beings are the most important part of God’s creation. However, human beings have a responsibility to look after God’s creation. We should act as caretakers or stewards of the world. “When in your war against a city you have to besiege it, you must not destroy its trees, wielding an axe against them. You may eat of them, but you must not cut them down………..only trees that you know do not yield food may be destroyed”. Deuteronomy 20:19-20 Main Menu

  4. HINDUISM Hindus believe that we are all totally dependant on the environment. We believe that it is important to respect God’s work. Even in our worship we pay respect to mountains, rivers, as well as plants, trees and animals. “The earth is our mother and we are all her children” A Hindu saying “ If there is only one tree full of flowers and fruits in a village, that place becomes worthy of respect”. The Mahabharata Tree give me your strength to protect you”. A Hindu Prayer “You guard us, you feed us the breath of life. Main Menu

  5. CHRISTIANITY We believe that all humans have a responsibility to look after the earth. Christians believe that the world was created by God and that God has given man the role of caretakers. Christians should therefore, do all that they can to look after the world in which they live. “Then the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.” Genesis 2:15 “So God created man in his own image…..God blessed them and said to them. “be fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over every living thing that moves upon the earth”…. So it was; and God saw all that he had made, and it was very good”. Genesis 1:27-29,31 “Are not two sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God” Luke 12.6 Main Menu

  6. BUDDHISM Buddhism is a religion of love, understanding and compassion. All Buddhists feel that it is important to protect the environment because all humans rely upon it for survival. “We have created a society in which the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, and in which man is so caught up in his own problems that he cannot afford to be aware of what is going on with the rest of the human family”. Thich Nhat Hanh (A Buddhist Monk) “It is possible to meditate, to be peaceful and fully aware while helping others. When we hear The cries of the world we must be engaged”. Thich Nhat Tanh Main Menu

  7. ISLAM Khilafah is an Arabic word meaning successor or agent in charge. Muslims believe that humans have a responsibility to look after everything God has made. God created everything and he has placed it in the trust and care of the people who live on earth. The Qur’an says : “It is Allah who has subjected the sea to you. And he has subjected you to all that is in the heavens and on earth.” Sura 45:12-13 “Then let man look at his food and how we provide it. For that we pour forth water in abundance and we split the earth in fragments and produce corn and grapes….for use and convenience for you”. Sura 80:24-32 “Mankind, inheritors of the earth”. Sura 28:62 “It is he who has made you his agents, inheritors of the earth”. Sura 6:165 Main Menu

  8. SIKHISM We believe that the world belongs to God. One of the names we give to God is Karta Purukh which means the creator. Exploitation of the earth’s resources is wrong. It goes against the will of God. In fact the irresponsible use of the earth’s resources might be regarded as a way of injuring God himself. God is : “..the one who builds and demolishes everything”. AG 934 “All food is pure, for God has provided It for our sustenance”. Guru Nanak “The universe comes into being by God’s will” Guru Nanak Main Menu

  9. ORGANISATIONS. The following organisations work for conservation and help with environmental issues. GREENPEACE • GREENPEACE, 36 Graham Street, London N1 8LL. • FRIENDS OF THE EARTH, 9 Poland Street, London W1 3DG. • WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE, Panda House, Weyside Park, Goldalming, Surrey GU7 1 XR. • SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 36 Craven Street, London WC2. • THE PEOPLE’S TRUST FOR ENDANGERED SPECIES, Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3JX. W W F Main Menu

  10. N o i s e A i r S m e l l Types of Pollution W a t e r V i s u a l Main Menu

  11. AIR Smoke from factory chimneys can affect human health by causing breathing problems. Carbon dioxide in smoke from car exhausts puts a neuro-toxin in the atmosphere which lowers the intelligence level of children and affects their behaviour. Carbon dioxide is also causing the temperature in the world to rise. Other gases in smoke cause acid rain which kills trees and fish. Menu

  12. N O I S E Noise surrounds us everywhere, whether we are at home, school or outside. At home we listen to the television or hi-fi systems; even playing games on the computer creates noise. In school there is the noise in the corridors, classrooms, dining halls and playing fields. Outside we have the noise of traffic and people travelling from one place to another. Menu

  13. Some industries give off very unpleasant smells when they produce different chemicals or burn different materials. Sometimes it can be a local garage or industrial estate close to your home that causes this type of pollution. Also, car exhaust fumes are causing breathing problems in cities. Many cities in the U.K. are now thinking of banning the car from city centres. SMELL Menu

  14. VISUAL Few factories are attractive to look at. When factories close, the land may be left empty (derelict). Some industries dump their waste materials in landfill sites. This is not only unattractive to look at but sometimes this waste is dangerous, poisonous or radioactive. It is thought that 1300 of them in the U.K. alone are in danger of polluting the local water supply while 1000 are emitting the greenhouse gas, methane. The average household in Britain disposes of a tonne of rubbish each year into landfill sites. Recycling is a much more sensible option . Menu

  15. WATER Factories can allow waste materials to escape into rivers. Industries use water for cooling their metal and return the warm water to rivers. Pesticides have been allowed to run off farmland to pollute streams and rivers. This can kill fish. About 4,000,000 people in the U.K. receive substandard water as a result of this pollution. Rain water that is so polluted becomes acidic. This acid rain is eating away important buildings such as St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Menu

  16. Activities Page. * ‘One Day in my Life.’ * ‘Types of Pollution.’ * ‘Religious Attitudes’ – True or False Quiz. * Poem by Joe Miller. * Environmental Organisations. * Religion and the Environment – Extension Tasks. Main menu.

  17. Activity Activity Page. Think about one normal day in your life. During that day you probably cause quite a lot of pollution and may have tried to conserve the environment. Complete a table like the one below to show, ‘One Day in My Life.’ Click here for a table to type in.

  18. Activity Page. What types of pollution does the city cause? * * * * * Click here to type your answers.

  19. Activity Activity Page. Read the following poem by Joe Miller. What do you think the poet is telling us? If the earth were only a few feet in diameter, floating a few feet above a field somewhere, people would come from everywhere to marvel at it. People would walk around it marvelling at its big pools of water, its little pools and the water flowing between. People would marvel at the bumps on it and the holes in it. They would marvel at the very thin layer of gas surrounding it and the water suspended in the gas. The people would marvel at all the creatures walking around the surface of the ball and at the creatures in the water. The people would declare it as sacred because it was the only one, and they would protect it so that it would not be hurt. The ball would be the greatest wonder known, and people would come to pray to it, to be healed, to gain knowledge, to know beauty and to wonder how it could be. People would love it and defend it with their lives because they would somehow know that their lives could be nothing without it. If the Earth were only a few feet in diameter.

  20. Extension Task Activity Page • Write to an environmental organisation asking for help in improving your area. • You should include:- • Details of the environmental problems in your area. • Express your concern and state why. • Ask what work they carry out in the U.K. • Ask or state what help you would like them to give you or support you with e.g. provide recycling bins or banks, or campaign against an industrial park being opened near you etc. • Click on the organisation section to find the addresses you need. Click here to begin writing your letter.

  21. Imagine that you are God looking down on your creation. Are you happy the way humans are treating your world? Using the information from this web site, write a list of complaints or questions that you would want to put to humans about the state the world is in. Activity Page. Find out about some of the ways that religious people can care for the environment. Most of the religions you have studied believe that God created the world. Do you think that religious believers are more likely to care for the environment ? EXTENSION ACTIVITIES “We are not inheriting the earth from our fathers. We are borrowing it from our children” (Lester Brown- American Environmentalist) Do you agree with the above quote ? Give reasons For your answer, showing that you have Considered more than one point of view. Click here for writing frames.

  22. Images Of Your Area. Main Menu

  23. Docks at Aberavon Beach. Iron ore is brought from abroad for steel production at Corus Steelworks. Back.

  24. Briton Ferry waste collection point. All rubbish collected in Neath and Port Talbot is placed here ready to be taken to landfill sites or destroyed. Back.

  25. Aberavon Beach. In the background you can see the docks and the steelworks. Back.

  26. Back. A scenic view from Cwmafan in Port Talbot.

  27. Back. Local industries in South Wales.

  28. B.P. Chemical Works at Baglan Moors. Back.

  29. A view from the local housing estate of the B.P. Chemical Works and its surrounding industries. This site can be seen from several miles away. Back.

  30. Waste area in Neath and Port Talbot. Back.

  31. About Us Main Menu Authors :- Joanna Bamsey - Pentrehafod Comprehensive Emma Catto-Hughes - Daniel James Community School Lisa Phillips - Bishop Gore School Nicola Tarr - Cefn Saeson Comprehensive We decided to set up this presentation on ‘Religion and the Environment’ because we didn’t feel that this topic was covered very well from a religious point of view in textbooks and schemes of work. We also felt it was important to chose a topic which would encourage boys to enjoy R.E. and chose as an option in Key Stage Four. The presentation needed to be interactive, informative and stimulating. It was also important to include I.T. based activities and the Curriculum Cymraeg which are a necessary part of the school curriculum. The topic we have chosen is cross-curricular and can be used as a teaching and learning resource. We hope we have fulfilled our aims.

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