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Comprehensive Language Teaching Approaches and Techniques

Learn about various language teaching approaches including Cognitive, Affective, Comprehensive, and Communicative approaches, with methods like Grammar-Translation and Silent Way, and techniques such as Dialog Memorization and Drill exercises.

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Comprehensive Language Teaching Approaches and Techniques

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  1. Approuch, Method, and Technique By: Mazidatur Rizqiyah

  2. Definition Anthony (1963), • Approach: A set of assumptions about language teaching which involve the nature of language, learning, teaching • Method: The plan selected to present language in a systematic way • Technique: Specific activities consistent with the method and approach

  3. So we cuould say that an approach is general (e.g; Cognitive), that a method is a specific set of procedure more or less compatible with an approach (e.g; Silent way), and that a technique is very specific type of learning activity used in one or more methods (e.g; using colored rods of varying lengths to cue and facilitate language practice in the silent way)

  4. Approach of language teaching Cognitive approach: Language is rule governed cognitive behavior (not habit formation) Affective-humanistic approach: Learning a foreign language is a process of relization and of relating to other people. Comprehensive approach: Language acquisition occurs if and only if the learner comprehends meaningful input. Communicative approach: The purpose of language is communication.

  5. Method of language teaching • Grammar translation method • Direct method • The audio-lingual method • The Silent Way • Dessugestopedia • Community language learning • Total physical response • Communicative language learning

  6. Content-based, Task-based, and participatory approaches • Learning strategy training, Cooperative learning, and Multiple intellegences

  7. Techniques of language teaching • The audio-lingual method • Dialog memorization • Backward build up (expansion) drill • Repetation drill • Chain drill • Single –slot substitution drill • Multiple-slot substituition drill • transformation drill

  8. Question and answer drill • Use of minimal palrs • Complete the dialog • Grammar game


  10. Application Communicative approach for speaking Class The audio-lingual Method Dialog memorization

  11. Function The function of approach in that herarchy is helping learners to respond correctly to stimuli through shaping and reinforcement, so the students are able to use the target language communicativelly.

  12. References Freeman diane larsen, 2000, techniques and principles in language teaching, new york, oxford university press Murcia marianne celce,2001,teaching english as a second language or foreign language, united state, thomson learning


  14. Aplication and function • Grammar translation method An extension of the approach used to teach classical languages to the teaching of modern languages. The result of this approach is usually an inability on the part of the students to use the language for communication. • Using a reading paassage from literary work that appropiate with the students. • A typicaly exercise is to translate sentences from the target language to the mother tongue. • Vocabulary exercise using the new words. • Provide the explicit grammar rule that relate to each one and give some exaples.

  15. Direct method A reaction to the grammar translation and its failure to produce learners who could communicate in the foreign language they had been studying. To intend the students learn how in the target language. • Lessons begin with dialogues and anecdotes in modern conversational style • Action and pictures are used to make meaning clear • Select a grammar point from the passage, and give the students practice the grammar point • Practice writing

  16. The audio-lingual method A reaction to the reading approach and its lack of emphasis on oral skill. Helping learners to respond correctly to stimuli through shaping and reinforcement, so the students are able to use the target language communicativelly. • Lessons begin with dialogues • Giving a series of drills designed to give beginning level EFL students some practice with the stucture. • intruducing students to a sentence or subtence pattern in the target language

  17. The Silent Way The emphasis on human cognition led to the establishment of the cognitive approach (Celce-Murcia 1991). Students should be able to use the language for self expression to express their thought, perception and feelings. • Give the students a short taget language verse which has unfamiliar sound. • Guide the students to preduce the correct sounds using nonverbal gesture or cues. • Plan a lesson to teach the structures.

  18. Dessugestopedia • Oral situation approach A reaction to the reading approach and its lack of emphasis on oral-aural skills. • Cognitive approach Language is rule governed cognitive behavior (not habit information)

  19. Affective Humanistic Learning a foreign language is a process of self relizition and of relating to other people • Comprehension based Language acquisition occurs if and only if the learner comprehends meaningful input • Communicative approach The purpose of language (and thus the goal of language teaching) is communication

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