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A Tank!. Luke, Isaac, Aaden , Graeme, Jaxon , Nicholas and Carson Feb 2011 Mrs. Baydo.
A Tank! Luke, Isaac, Aaden, Graeme, Jaxon, Nicholas and Carson Feb 2011 Mrs. Baydo
Luke and Issac were engaged with the straws and connectors and Isaac went to look at something else.Luke continues working and Isaac comes back “Fine, I’ll help you build it.” Luke: “Thanks” Luke: “What we’re building is a tank and what we’re working on...”Isaac “Once we get up here we’re going to cross it” (pointing to an outside framework)Luke: ”Dude, you need to support it!” Isaac “Once we get up here we have to cross it” (repeats)Luke holds up a made structure, “This is the main gun. Now we’re working on the frame”Graeme: “we’re building up”Luke comes back to other part “That is perfect. Everything is going according to plan”Jaxon “Luke, I’ve got a problem. Where do I put the gun”Luke “Where are we going put the gun? Oh, don’t worry about that.” Nicholas comes by “Where’s the main gun?” Luke “We need to support it like this” (demonstrates how to connect the pieces)Isaac “It will add up to a giant box”
Luke “This is perfect, lots of leg room like if you were in an actual tank” Aaden “Someone has to actually sit in the tank? Who’s going to do it?”Nicholas “Yeah, the little buddies go first!”Nicholas comes in to help with how to connect pieces and where to put themLuke “Guys, I just saw a big problem...we’re not going to have enough pieces”Nicholas “Just start building here” Isaac “we don’t need the top part!” Luke “yeah, it only has to be this tall”Nicholas “I’m pro at building these. I can build a full airplane” Luke goes into middle to test out the spaceNicholas runs back to marble maze because Aaden and Carson there.
Aaden comes back to sit in middle of “tank” Aaden “You have to make a roof” Trying to connect the “main gun’ Luke says, “It’s a lot of work being the foreman, just telling everybody what to do” Isaac moves the main part “We’re moving this so there is more room”Luke “Okay, this is actually working out pretty good”Isaac “I got all the kindergarteners to collect all the little connectors”Isaac “He did a good job” Graeme “No, I did it” Isaac “Well you did a good job”Trying to connect the piece again....Isaac “Graeme is going to connect something that I told him to”Nicholas tries to give instructions. Isaac “I know, I know I know”Luke “I need to put on the machine gun fitting!”
Nicholas “Help me pull it slowly. It’s not going to fit it’s going to fall down, I tell you”Luke: “No it’s not”Isaac: “No that’s how it‘s supposed to be”Luke: “we have to have more supports”Nicholas: “I know, I told you so”“guys, guys! (all getting excited)They add supports underneath K: “it’s working”Luke: “We need supports to support what’s...”Jaxon adds on another machine gun to the topLuke “we need to leave a spot so that the man can get in and outit’s a one man tank (Luke)Nicholas “we’re not done yet, we’re not done yet”Telling Graeme to get out Jaxon “guys this is the ammo”Isaac “when you’re in a tank you get out and...gotta put some gas in”Carson “then someone can just shoot you!Jaxon “no, there is armour that goes there to protect you” (using hand gestures to show where the armour is)
Nicholas “Guys, we need supports right here”Graeme “I can fit my head hereNicholas “do you think it’s done now?”Luke “No, don’t move it, do NOT move it”Nicholas, “Me and Luke go inLuke: “We are in the final stages!”Isaac “Me and Luke started this thing and then everyone came”all talking excitedlyLuke climbs in. Isaac tries to climb in as wellNicholas :Jaxon is the shooter!Jaxon “yeah, I actually made the weapons”Isaac “guys guys! repairs!Luke “Nico you are too big!”Carson “repairing, repairing! (they are reconnecting as things come undone)Luke “I’m the commander of the tank”
What it means. • You boys worked well together, using your imaginations and perseverance to build a tank. • Luke, you should great leadership skills, acting as a project leader or as you said, “foreman” of the job. • Building something together showed your good social skills, and you were able to resolve any conflict without adult help. • You were engineers by working on how to support the structure, and you were scientists, trying new things to see if they worked. • I really enjoyed seeing your final project complete!
Opportunities and Possibilities • Next time I would like to add books and pictures about tanks. • I could also provide materials for the students to be able to build smaller models that they can keep up to continue the theme the next time.