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WP13 - SEA3 Dissemination and co-operation. Stéphanie Albiero & Roger Torrenti Sigma Orionis – WP leader. The 1 st international conference on Internet science. A successful first edition H eld in Brussels on April 9-11,2013 at KVAB A successful CfP 10 keynote speakers
WP13 - SEA3Dissemination and co-operation StéphanieAlbiero & Roger Torrenti Sigma Orionis – WP leader
The 1st international conference on Internet science • A successful first edition • Held in Brussels on April 9-11,2013 at KVAB • A successful CfP • 10 keynote speakers • a significant increase of project ePresence • a good level of attendance (170) • 89% of overall satisfaction (post-event survey) • But subject to some negative comments at the first review • Too academic, posters sessions not enough interactive… WP13 – SEA3: Dissemination and co-operation
The 2nd international conference on Internet science • What should we do for the 2nd edition? • In Brussels at Q1-Q2 2015 co-located with CAPS2015? • Still a dual event (DoW) but more distinctly structured? • A paying / closed academic conference (IEEE sponsored?) • A registration-free, open and interactive day to disseminate project outputs • How to progress? • TPC Chairs and OC to be nominated? WP13 – SEA3: Dissemination and co-operation
July 1 – The Egg July 2 – The European Commission Charlemagne, De Gasperi WP13 – SEA3: Dissemination and co-operation
Art Practices in CAPS (ICT & Art Connect) Collective Intelligence tools for online communities (CATALYST) Citizens’ Say: have yoursay! (SciCafe 2.0) Networkedindividualism (NETWINDI) P2P Food Lab: alternative food production chains A new Era of MovementOrganizing: Using APIs to Track and motivate the Grassroots (Code for America) Driving Capital to Impact (Solve) Social Renaissance: chalenginginequalitythrough impact innovation (TOPix & SocialFare) CAPS & IoT: Towards system design CHEST finances Digital Social Innovation Impact4You: Hands-on session (IA4SI) Exhibition: Drawing Collective AwarenessPlatforms Living Labs and CAPS ENoLL Synergies between FI-PPP and CAPS WP13 – SEA3: Dissemination and co-operation
CAPS2014 - Conference 08:30Welcome of participants 09:30 Opening session & IgniteTalksChair and openingaddress: Robert Madelin, DirectorGeneral of EuropeanCommission’s DG Connect 10:30 Lessonslearnedfrom CAPS OFF Moderator: Filippo Addarii, Directorof International strategy, The Young Foundation. 11:15 CAPS in a widerlandscape: synergies in sight Chair and openingaddress: JesusVillasante, Head of Unit, EuropeanCommission’s DG Connect 14:00 Research on CAPS: main findings to date Chair and openingaddress: Roger Torrenti, CEO Sigma Orionis, CAPS2020 projectcoordinator 15:15 Call for new CAPS researchprojectsunder Horizon 2020 Fabrizio Sestini, ScientificOfficer,EuropeanCommission’s DG Connect 16:30 Concludingremarks Mario Campolargo, Director, EuropeanCommission’s DG Connect 16:45 Open networking Dom Potter, CEO, Solve Alan Williams, 2013 Fellow & Product Manager, Code for America Barry Wellman, Co-Director, NetLab, iSchool, University of Toronto Stephane de Messieres, Director of Operations, Changemakers.com Katherine Scrivens, Head of the Wikiprogress team, OECD 10 CAPS projects A large number of EC Units and DGsrepresented WP13 – SEA3: Dissemination and co-operation