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口述历史之天祝赛马文化探究 A Study of Tianzhu Horse Racing Culture: An Oral History. 天祝一中口述历史小组 Oral History Project Team of Tianzhu No.1 High School. 访谈过程 (Interviews). 主要访谈: Major Interviews: 1.2012 年 1 月完成了对丁生才老人的访谈,了解了天祝民间赛马会的盛况以及他参加赛马会的经历。
口述历史之天祝赛马文化探究A Study of Tianzhu Horse Racing Culture: An Oral History 天祝一中口述历史小组 Oral History Project Team of Tianzhu No.1 High School
访谈过程(Interviews) • 主要访谈: Major Interviews: 1.2012年1月完成了对丁生才老人的访谈,了解了天祝民间赛马会的盛况以及他参加赛马会的经历。 1. In January 2012, we finished the interview with Mr. Ding Shengcai, and knew the grand occasion of Horse Racing Competitions and his experience of participating in them. 2.2012年8月1日,通过实地观看赛马会,访谈赛马会主办方、参赛者,了解了天祝赛马会的比赛流程和比赛项目,以及奖励方式等。 2. On August 1st 2012, we knew the process, items and awards of the competition from attending Horse Racing Competitions and interviewing the hosts and participants. 3.2012年8月25日,到岔口驿养马场访谈了养马人李俊才,了解了岔口驿走马的特点及驯养走马的过程。 3. On August 25th 2012, we interviewed Mr. Li Juncai, who was in charge of the stable, and knew the characteristics of the horses and how they were trained.
访谈过程(Interviews) 4.2012年9月15日,远赴雪山脚下的天然牧场,访谈了张天翔老人及其儿子张明东,了解了天祝走马的习性及养殖方式及现状等。 4. On September 15th 2012, we set off to the ranch at the feet of a snow mountain and interviewed Mr. Zhang Mingdong, son of Mr. Zhang Tianxiang, and he told us the characteristics of Tianzhu horses, how they are reared and how they are now. 5.2012年9月20日,到天祝县松山镇,采访了买马人赵延东老人,了解天祝走马的交易情况及选择走马的方法。 5. On September 20th 2012, we arrived in Songshan Town, Tianzhu County and interviewed Mr. Zhao Yandong, who had bought a horse, and he informed us of the trading affairs of horses and how to pick a good one. • 后期整理 At the Finished Stage 1.2012年8月至9月,查阅和整理图书资料; 1. From August to September 2012, look up for information from books. 2.2012年10月,整理影音资料,制作了抄本,完善了工作日志。 2. In October 2012, collect audio and visual materials, make copies and improve the daily log.
我们的团队Our project team • 2009年5月,天祝一中青树图书馆在青树教育基金的支持和指导下,开展了口述历史项目。通过实施该项目,形成一个口述历史的数字档案,并通过媒体和网络展示和传播此档案中的精华部分。该项目具有多元性,集口述历史、文化实录、整理于一体。 • In May 2009, supported and instructed by Qingshu Education Foundation, Tianzhu No.1 High School Library launched an oral history project. Through the launch of the project, an oral history digital archive was formed, and the essence of this archive was exhibited and spread by media and Internet. This project has its diversity, with an integration of oral history, culture memoir and collection.
我们的团队Our Project Team • 口述历史项目开展之初,成立了以天祝一中校长蒋国栋为组长的领导小组,组织了以胡立耘、刁桑吉、马祥云、李占忠等专家为成员的项目专家指导组,组建了李熙明、陈明淑、安志龙、徐世乾、雷发成为指导老师,以段云龙、权晋新、张舜杰、杨阳、赵雁祥、杨雪琴、裴锐、李锐、陈静、蒋筱娟等为学生志愿者的项目实施小组。 • In the beginning of the oral history project, a project team was founded led by Mr. Jiang Guodong, head of Tianzhu No.1 High School. The team consisted of experts like Hu Liyun, Diao Sangji, Maxiangyun and Li Zhanzhong, instructors such as Li Ximing, Chen Mingshu, An Zhilong, Xu Shiqian, Lei Fa, and students like Duan Yunlong, Quan Jinxin, Zhang Shunjie, Yang Yang, Zhao Yanxiang, Yang Xueqin, Pei Rui, Li Rui, Chen Jing and Jiang Xiaojuan.
相关培训(relevant training) • 知识培训——通过邀请口述历史项目专家胡立耘来我校做有关口述历史原理、口述历史访谈技巧为主题的专题讲座,让师生解口述历史相关知识。 • Knowledge training. Get teachers and students informed of oral history through inviting Mr. Hu Liyun, an expert in oral history project, to give a talk on the basic principles of oral history and interviewing skills. • 技能培训——主要包括计算机操作、数码设备的使用、文字资料的整理方法等。 • Skill training. Including computing skills, the use of digital equipments, improving collection of literary documents.
相关培训(relevant training) • 访谈技巧培训——主要实施了以访谈技巧、问题设计、语言组织、交流方式等方面的培训。 • Interviewing skills. Including skills for interviewing, designing questions, speech organization and communication. • PEER培训——2011年暑期PEER挚友夏令营成员在口述历史项目的培训方面也做了大量的工作,包括口述历史的相关主题设计、实施方案,研究性学习的课题选择,都为青树口述历史项目注入了新鲜血液。 • PEER training. In summer 2011, PEER members have contributed greatly to the oral history project, including theme design, implementation plan, choice of research topics.
天祝走马研究背景Research Background of Tianzhu Horse Racing • 赛马是藏族民间最古老、最受欢迎的竞技活动和娱乐方式之一。天祝的赛马与其他地方的赛马相比较,有其独特的风格。天祝赛马不仅重速度,同时讲究马的步伐,人们通常把这种马称之为“走马”,把这种比赛称为赛马会。 为了能够让更多的人了解天祝走马,保护和传承天祝的走马文化,我们通过实地观看赛马会、访谈驯马人、养马人、骑马人来了解天祝赛马的独特魅力。 • Horse racing is one of the most traditional and popular competitive activity among the Zang people. Comparing with horse racing in other places, Tianzhu’s horse racing has its uniqueness. Tianzhu horse racing emphasises on both speed and pace. This kind of horse racing is also called ‘horse walking’ by the folks, and the competition is called ‘Horse Racing Competition’. To let more people know the Tianzhu horses, and to protect and preserve the horse racing tradition, we have come to know the attraction of Tianzhu horse racing through attending competitions and interviewing the people in charge of rearing the horses.
访谈计划(Designing an Interview) • 确定访谈对象: To decide interviewees 1.老一辈骑手——丁胜才,通过对他的访谈了解天祝民间赛马会的起源和过程、以及天祝走马来源等。 1. The elder rider: Mr. Ding Shengcai. Through interview with him we are informed of the origin and process of Tianma horse racing competition and the origin of ‘horse walking’. 2.赛马会参加者——通过访谈他们,了解赛马会的流程、比赛项目、奖励办法等。 2. Horse racers: we get to know the process, items and awards through them. 3.养马人和驯马人——通过对他们的访谈了解天祝走马的驯养方式及天祝走马的现状。 3. Horse trainers: we know about the way of training horses and their current situation. 4.买马人——通过对他的访谈,了解天祝走马的价值。 4. Purchasers: Through them we get to know value of the horses.
访谈计划(Designing an Interview) • 制定访谈计划:自2012年1月至2012年12月,利用课余时间和赛马会开始时间、制定详细的访谈计划。 • Design interview draft: From January 2012 to December 2012, we drafted out a detailed interview plan during our spare time and the beginning of the competition. • 拟定访谈提纲:主要包括受访者的自我介绍、主要问题设计等。 • Draft interview outline: Including interviewees’ self introduction and main questions. • 总结访谈得失:每一次的访谈都有意外的收获和意想不到的困难,通过总结上一次的访谈得失,可以有效避免下一次中的失误。 • Conclusion: Each interview has its unexpected fruits and difficulties. We need to learn from the shortcomings in order to avoid them in the future.
收获与进步(Achievement and Progress) • 老师: • Teachers: 1.了解和熟悉了口述历史原理及操作方法。 1. 1. Know and get familiar with principles of oral history and its operation. 2.组织成立了口述历史研习社。 2. Organize and found oral history associations. 3.编写了《口述历史读本》。 3. Compile “A Textbook of Oral History” 4.撰写了相关论文。 4. Write relevant dissertations
学生: Students: 1.了解了口述历史相关知识 1. Get familiar with knowledge on oral history. 2.了解了本地优秀的传统文化知识和民族习俗 2. Get to know the preeminent local tradition and customs. 3.朱悦和张钰斌在2011年历史大赛中获得优秀奖 3. Zhu Yue and Zhang Yubin have been awarded the Honorable Prize in 2011 History Contest. 4.口头表达和人际交流方面有了很大的进步 4. Oral expression and communication skills have been greatly enhanced. 5.计算机操作和信息处理能力得到提升 5. Capability in computer skills and information management have been improved. 成果: Achievements: 1.校园内部分享:多媒体教室展示,与全校师生分享 1. Sharing inside campus: Multi-media exhibition to all students and teachers. 2.网络分享:INTERNET专题网页 Sharing on the Internet: INTERNET Project Webpage (
通过查阅 《天祝县志》、《天祝文史》、《天祝百科》等文史资料后获取 Through consulting books such as ‘Tianzhu County Journal”, “Tianzhu Literature and History” and “Tianzhu Encyclopedia” 天祝走马的历史 History of Tianzhu Horse Racing 天祝走马的历史传说 Historical Legends 天祝走马的历史变迁 Historical Changes 民间赛马会的发展过程 Development Stages 天祝赛马文化概要Tianzhu Horse Racing: A Cultural Summary
通过访谈驯马人、养马人、买马人、骑马人及实地参加赛马会获取通过访谈驯马人、养马人、买马人、骑马人及实地参加赛马会获取 Through interviewing horse trainers, horse keepers, horse purchasers and horse racers and attending horse racing competitions 天祝走马的习性特征 Habits and Characteristics 马市交易 Trading Affairs 天祝赛马会现状 Current Situation 天祝走马的驯养过程 Training Process 天祝走马的现状Current Situation of Tianzhu Horse Racing 天祝赛马文化概要Tianzhu Horse Racing: A Cultural Summary
访谈实例(一)—天祝赛马会的历史变迁Interview Case 1: Historical Changes of Tianzhu Horse Racing Competitions • 访谈丁生才老人和张天翔老人 Interview with Mr. Ding Shengcai and Zhang Tianxiang • 赛马会变迁: Changes of Horse Racing Competition • 民间自发举办 => 政府组织 Non-governmental organization => government organization • 特定农历日期(二月二、六月六) Specific date (Lunar year the second day of the second month, the sixth day of the sixth month) • 宗教祭祀仪式之后,通过比赛检验走马优劣,规模小 After religious rituals horses are tested through competitions, and the scale is small. • => 规模大,奖品更丰厚,参加的人更多,场面更热烈 The scale is bigger, with more abundant rewards and larger audience. The scene is magnificent.
访谈实例(二)—天祝走马价值Interview Case 2: Value of Tianzhu horses • 访谈张天翔老人 Interview with Mr. Zhang Tianxiang • 过去的人养马,脚力+习惯和爱好, “拥有一匹好走马,在过去是一件非常荣幸和值得骄傲的事情” In the past, people keep horses because of their own strength, habits and interest. “To own a good horse used to be something you can take pride of.” • 现在人们养马,最主要是为买卖 Now people keep horses mainly for trading.
访谈实例(二)—天祝走马价值Interview Case 2: Value of Tianzhu horses • 跑马,2000元-3000元之间,走马,8000元-10万元之间(赛马会第一名的走马,几万到十几万元) A running horse is worth 2000-3000 RMB Yuan; a walking horse is worth 8000-10000 RMB Yuan ( the first prize in competition is worth more than 100, 000 RMB Yuan) • 好马 ,还是好车? A good horse, or a good car? • 牧马放羊汽车不便 A car is not convenient for a wrangler or a herdsman. • 藏族人对马的特殊情感 The Zang people have special feelings with horses.
反思(校本教材的尝试)Introspection: An Attempt of School-based education • 《口述历史读本》“A Textbook of Oral History” • 进一步开展和深化口述历史项目的基础 Further develop and deepen the basis of the oral history project • 与新课程改革衔接 Connect with new curriculum • 开设兴趣小组,创办口述历史研习社 Found Oral History Association and other interest-oriented organizations
遇到的困难Difficulties • 1. 教师工作量大,负荷重,在整理影音资料、制作抄本、上传网站方面人员紧缺。 1. Teachers bear heavy workload, as we do not have enough people for collecting visual and audio materials, making copies and uploading them to websites. 解决方法:让更多的专业老师参与到项目中来。 Solution: Motivate more teachers to participate in the project. • 2.学生的学习时间紧张,家长担心外出访谈会影响学生的学习成绩。 2. 2. Students are studying intensely, so parents are worried whether their time in field research will affect their studies. • 解决方法:尽量选择高一和高二年级的学生参加。 Solution: Best select Senior 1 and Senior 2 students to participate in the project. • 3. 访谈时间有冲突。 3. Interview periods sometimes collide. • 解决办法:利用周末进行访谈,灵活调整访谈计划。 Solution: Use weekends to interview and be flexible in planning. • 4.学生的访谈技巧和交流能力较差。 4. Students are not very good at communication and interviewing. • 解决办法:采用拉家常的形式进行访谈。 Solution: speak as casually as a family talk.
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