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Features of an Oral Culture

Features of an Oral Culture. Oral Origins. Roots of an Oral Culture The Oral vs. Literal Mindset Homeric Question The Poets vs. Plato. Durable : subject to repetition Dynamic : Intangible, dependent on situation Dependent : on an audience, human interaction, vis-à-vis.

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Features of an Oral Culture

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  1. Features of an Oral Culture

  2. Oral Origins • Roots of an Oral Culture • The Oral vs. Literal Mindset • Homeric Question • The Poets vs. Plato

  3. Durable: subject to repetition Dynamic: Intangible, dependent on situation Dependent: on an audience, human interaction, vis-à-vis. Distinct: verbatim (not meaning literatim), no two singers sing the same song or the same song twice. Oral Culture

  4. Interchange and Evolution Materials, Gutenberg and Beyond Ancestor Forms and Relevance to Today Devices A Hint of Saussure Orality and Literature

  5. Orality Today (?) • Music • Rap: Freestyle or Battling • Patterns and Methods • Communication • Recognizable Expressions • **See Ong, 34 • Technology • Advent of the Interwebz • 'Shelf-life' of meaning • Facial Expressions • Faster Communication • Absence of Grammar • **See Ong, 46-7

  6. Bibliography • Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy. New York: Routledge, 2008. • Parry, Milman. The Making of Homeric Verse. Ed. Adam Parry. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. • Various Riddles. October 13, 2009. http://able2know.org • Signifier/Signified. October 13, 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sign_(linguistics)

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