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Australia. Chapter 16 Geography and History. Geography. 1. History. 2. Contents. Look at the map of Australia carefully and find clues to the following items: size and location regions terrain and topography. Size and Location. the sixth largest country in the world

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  1. Australia Chapter 16 Geography and History

  2. Geography 1 History 2 Contents

  3. Look at the map of Australia carefully and find clues to the following items: • size and location • regions • terrain and topography

  4. Size and Location • the sixth largest country in the world • located in Oceania, the Southern Hemisphere • completely surrounded by water: • lying between the Indian and Pacific Oceans • north: the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea and the Torres Strait • east: the Coral Sea, the Tasman Sea • south: the Bass Strait, the Indian Ocean • west: the Indian Ocean

  5. Regions • ACT—Australian Capital Territory • NSW—New South Wales • NT—Northern Territory • QLD—Queensland • SA—Southern Australia • TAS—Tasmania • VIC—Victoria • WA—Western Australia

  6. The average elevation: 275m Mount Everest is almost four times as high as Mount Kosciuszko. Terrain and Topography

  7. Climate • an island continent with a diverse range of climate zones • north: tropical • the interior: arid • south: temperate • Temperature: 50—0℃

  8. Plants and Animals • indigenous plants: eucalyptus the golden wattle • unique animals marsupials: kangaroo, koala, wombat monotremes: platypus and echidna (the only egg-laying mammals in the world) • birds: black swan EMU lyrebird white cockatoo

  9. Natural Landscape • Great Barrier Reef • Uluru (Ayers Rock) • Alice Springs • Barossa Valley

  10. History 1 2 3 4 European Exploration and Settlement Movement toward Federation Australia in Development Influence of the War

  11. European Exploration and Settlement • early exploration • 1606: Torres, Spanish, Torres Strait • 1642: Abel Tasman, Dutch, Tasmania Island • 1688: William Dampier, British, northwest • 1770: James Cook, British, Botany Bay and named it New South Wales • penal settlements • 1783: the American Revolution ended and Australia was established as a new penal settlement at Botany Bay in Australia. • expanding colonization: • Growth of sheep grazing • Gold rush • treatment of aborigines: • 1788: 300,000 Australian aborigines • 19th and 20th century: decline steeply

  12. Movement toward Federation • 1889: NSW began the movement to replace the Federal Council. Henry Parkes, its premier, announced that the colony would support a new form of federalism. • 1900: the six colonies of Australia adopted a federal constitution and the Commonwealth of Australia was established.

  13. Influence of the War • WWI: disaster to Australia • 1914: • total Australian men: 3 million • 400,000 volunteered to the war. • 60,000 died. • tens of thousands wounded • 1915: April 25 became the Anzac Day, a day to remind the country’s most significant day of public homage. • interwar years: • uneven years, Great Depression • WWII: • sense of confidence enhanced • survived with a sense of pride • postwar peace and prosperity • the Snowy Mountains Scheme • the Menzies Era

  14. Australia inDevelopment • the lucky country: • postwar prosperity • an employment rate of almost 100% • 1967 — passed legislation to protect the right of indigenous people • 1960s —baby boomers • 2000 — the Sydney Olympic Games and the Sydney Paralympic Games

  15. Thank You !

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