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Welcome –Croeso to Dosbarth Porffor’s Information Evening

Welcome –Croeso to Dosbarth Porffor’s Information Evening. All you need to know about helping your child learn effectively in Year 6!. Why is Year 6 important?. Year 6 is a transition year.

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Welcome –Croeso to Dosbarth Porffor’s Information Evening

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  1. Welcome –Croesoto Dosbarth Porffor’s Information Evening

  2. All you need to know about helping your child learn effectively in Year 6!

  3. Why is Year 6 important? • Year 6 is a transition year. • That means, we (the school and the home) have to work together to make sure our pupils are ready for the challenges that will face them in Secondary School. • We must therefore provide opportunities whereby our children learn the skills needed to be successful in the next stage of their education.

  4. How is this done? • By: • Offering a curriculum suitable for their abilities and learning styles. In short, this means the pupils will study a variety of subjects as well as learn new skills and improve their existing skills. • Offering extra curricular activities that the children can take part. • Giving them more responsibilities within the school, for example making them prefects or house captains. Thus raising their profile within the school community and within the larger community.

  5. Literacy Religious Education Curriculum Web Numeracy Science

  6. ICT History Art IPC- International Primary Curriculum DCT Geography P.E Welsh

  7. Homework!!!!!!!! pupils family school A partnership for the good of our children.

  8. Homework Timetable and Procedures • Each pupil has a folder. • The homework is made up of literacy or numeracy work. All the homework is given on Friday and is expected in on the following Monday. Other homework linked to our current topic may also be given and this work will be given longer to complete. • Pupils need to research the current topic and then record in the appropriate way. • All children need help and guidance with their homework. Please try to help them! • In addition, they will have weekly spellings and they must learn their tables.

  9. Kintbury We are excited to tell you that there is another opportunity to go to St Cassians Retreat Centre, Kintbury. This is an amazing experience for the children We will be joined by St Teresa RC Primary School, Bristol The children will be away from Monday 10th December (afternoon) returning on the evening of Wednesday 12th December. "Kintbury is beautiful ... being there has given me a sense of inner peace and real happiness."

  10. Helping Your Child Prepare for Changes Your child is getting older and their bodies are changing. You need to make your child aware of some of the changes they might face over the next few years. For instance, washing regularly and using a suitable deodorant might help with the physical changes. Emotional changes cannot be so easily resolved and we need to be ready for emotional outbursts, tears and moments of quietness. A calm approach is essential both in school and at home. At some point during the year the school nurse will be invited into school to talk in greater detail about the changes of puberty. The PHSE curriculum will explore some other issues related to personal relationships, peer pressure, drug taking and moving on.

  11. School Uniform/PE • All pupils should wear the correct school uniform which includes black school shoes and not black trainers. • Girls should also be aware of what they are wearing on their feet and heels and strappy sandals in the summer will not be allowed. • In addition, no jewellery (except for a watch) should be worn and earrings should be small and discrete. • Skirts should be of a modest length and worn appropriately. • Hair should be worn back and that will prevent any unwanted visitors of the head, it improves concentration and reduces the risk of injury on the yard and during PE. • PE has its own uniform. Outside -tracksuit and trainers (no vest tops). Inside- shorts, t-shirt, black daps or bare feet. • Swimming – swim shorts (not knee length shorts), an all in one swimsuit no tankinis or bikinis.

  12. Moving on! Your child is moving on to Secondary School. Their journey has already started with a trip to St Joseph’s in year 5, where they took part in activities related to the performing arts. The next step will take place in November when your child will visit St Joseph’s to take part in more inspiring activities. They will meet with other children from other catholic feeder schools and with other members of St Joseph’s staff. In the summer your child will complete transition work in numeracy and literacy. They will be visited by their future head of year along with other members of the teaching staff. During this meeting, the class teacher will talk about each child with the head of year whilst the children work on activities related to the school’s handbook.

  13. QUESTION Time! Thank you for listening. Please feel free to ask any questions. I will do my best to answer them and if I don’t know the answer, I will do my best to find out!

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