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CONDUCTING AN OPEN RECRUITMENT FOR AN ACADEMIC POSITION IN HEALTH SCIENCES. Introductions. Jon Welch, Director Office of Academic Diversity Equal Opportunity (OADEO) Phone: 534-3623 E-mail: welchj@ucsd.edu Nathalia Quirk, Administrative Specialist
Introductions Jon Welch, Director Office of Academic Diversity Equal Opportunity (OADEO) Phone: 534-3623 E-mail: welchj@ucsd.edu Nathalia Quirk, Administrative Specialist Phone: 534-4497 E-mail: nquirk@ucsd.edu
Introductions OADEO Home Page http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/aps/adeo/ Policy: PPM 230-6 All forms referenced in this presentation are available at: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/aps/adeo/recprocedures.htm
Overview – Five Questions • Why is an open recruitment conducted? • What are the principal forms/reports used to document an open recruitment? • How does one obtain gender/ethnic data of applicants? • How are recruitment documents routed and who reviews and approves them? • Can a department request a waiver of the open recruitment process?
Question #1 Why is an open recruitment conducted? • To find the most qualified person for the job which will help ensure the University’s academic excellence • To provide an opportunity to enhance the diversity of the academic community • To meet legal obligations
Legal Obligations What are the legal obligations? UC has contracts with the U.S. government (e.g., UC oversees national laboratories and research centers). As a federal contractor, UC must commit to being an equal opportunity employer.
Legal Obligations What are the legal obligations? (cont) This means: • UC policies and practices for all employment actions must be fair and provide equal opportunity • UC must not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, status as a veteran and/or status as a person with a disability.
Affirmative Action Affirmative Action: A proactive effort to ensure equal opportunity The Office of Academic Diversity & Equal Opportunity was established to help the University meet the EO/AA program requirements stated in federal regulations. Ensuring equal opportunity takes effort. UC must collect various data and analyze this information to identify any possible barriers to equal opportunity in its employment actions. Some of these data (e.g., recruitment data) come from you. .
California State Constitution California State Constitution and Proposition 209 The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. Section 31 of Article I
Legal Obligations How do we remain in compliance with both federal regulations and the California State Constitution? 1. Implement outreach to a broad audience in the field + outreach to targeted women and minority groups to build a diverse applicant pool. 2. In reviewing applications, consider only the skills and qualifications of an applicant as they relate to the job. An applicant’s sex, race, ethnicity, color, and/or national origin are NOT factors for consideration.
Legal Obligations AUDITS
Question #2 What are the principal forms/reports that document an open recruitment? Forms completed by staff: 1. Recruitment Plan (RP) (now electronic, e-RP) 2. Selection Report (SR) Forms completed by a search chair (for LRF searches): 1. Evaluation Criteria and Process Statement 2. Selection Statement
Principal Forms/Reports, cont. 1. Recruitment Plan (e-RP) The RP is a proposal by a department to conduct an open recruitment. It shows: • The title of the position to be recruited • A list of the outreach/advertising efforts to develop a diverse applicant pool • A list of search committee members • The proposed job notice
Recruitment Outreach • OADEO provides posting venues: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/aps/adeo/jobposting.htm • Visa considerations: Foreign scholars often need to obtain “permanent residency” status in the U.S. When the Dept. of Labor reviews requests for such status, they want to see a copy of the job notice as it appeared in a PAPER journal (postings on Web sites are not acceptable).
Sample Job Notice The Department of X at the University of California, San Diego, (dept. Web address) invites applications for a faculty position in the Division of ABC. (Info about the division, area of research, etc.) Applicants must hold a M.D. and have a strong commitment to teaching and research. The rank and series of appointment will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. (Provides the flexibility to appoint at various levels and series.) Salary will be based on published UC pay scales. (States there is a pay scale system in UC.)
Sample Job Notice Review of applications will begin (date) and will continue until the position is filled. To apply, send a resume, copies of recent publications, and names and contact information of at least three referees to: Search committee Department X (mail code) Univ. of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-(mail code)
Sample Job Notice or use AP On-Line RECRUIT: Application materials should be submitted via UCSD AP On-Line RECRUIT (https://apol-recruit.ucsd.edu/), an electronic job applications system.
Sample Job Notice Applicants are welcome to include in their cover letters a personal statement summarizing their leadership activities and contributions to diversity. UCSD is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with a strong institutional commitment to excellence through diversity.
Pointers Regarding the Job Notice • Allow three weeks from time the ad is made public to the date shown in the “Review of applications will begin (date)...” sentence. • If ad is reposted, change the date in the “Review of applications will begin (date)...” sentence. • Indicate the position is tenured and/or tenure-track only if there is a full 1.0 FTE.
Pointers Regarding the Job Notice • When notified a recruitment plan is approved, enter e-RP and read any comments/required changes from the dean’s office or from OADEO in the approval section. • Depts are encouraged to post ad in one paper journal.
Principal Forms/Reports, cont. The Search Chair Evaluation Criteria and Process Statement (LRF) is intended: • To identify the criteria agreed upon by the search committee that will be uniformly applied in the review of all applications • To identify the selection process by which the search committee will move from the stage of initial screening of applications to determining the short list of candidates.
Principal Forms/Reports, cont. The Search Chair Evaluation Criteria and Process Statement is to be completed and signed by the search chair and submitted to OADEO before reviewing applications. (This statement may end up being submitted to you late in the recruitment process. If so, please attach it to the selection report. )
Principal Forms/Reports, cont. 2. Recruitment Selection Report (SR) The SR displays the: • Proposed candidate • Applicant pool (final count) • Short list of candidates (numerical table) • Short list of candidates (a list by name, sex, ethnicity) Note: Short list includes those candidates to be invited for interviews as well as those who have a good potential to be interviewed.
Search Chair’s Selection Statement A Search Chair’s Selection Statement should be attached to the Selection Report (LRF searches) This statement begins where the earlier search chair’s criteria/process statement ended. This statement: 1. Confirms if the evaluation criteria and the initial selection process were followed • Describes the last stage of the selection process • States reasons for final selection of top candidate and deselection of the other short-list candidates
Search Chair’s Selection Statement In recruitments for non-ladder-rank positions, a statement written by the search chair is attached to the selection report. The statement: 1. Identifies the selection criteria. What were the criteria used to screen and select applicants? For example: • Ph.D. • research/publications • demonstrated teaching experience • expertise in the field of “X”
Search Chair’s Selection Statement 2. Describes the selection process What was the process or steps that occurred from the initial review of application materials to proposing the best candidate? For example: • Full committee reviewed all applications • Selection “cuts” • Candidate interviewed by committee, dept chair • Candidate presented seminar • Faculty voted to propose candidate
Search Chair’s Selection Statement 3. Provide reasons for final deselection and selection of top candidates Using the established selection criteria, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates on the short list? The selection statement must explain why some candidates were deselected, not just provide positive comments about the proposed candidate.
Pointers Regarding the Selection Report • Attach the Search Chair Selection Statement. • Attach copies of posted job notices from journals/Web sites as proposed in the outreach section of the recruitment plan. • PLEASE identify photocopies of job postings (name and date of journal, Web site). • Provide photocopies of ads from both the journal and the corresponding Web site. • Please do not highlight ad with red magic marker (comes out black when the doc is scanned).
Pointers Regarding the Selection Report • Photocopies of purchased orders or proof sheets from journals are NOT the preferred documentation of job postings. • The selection statement should NOT state, “The position was offered and accepted by the candidate.” • The selection statement should NOT make reference to the diversity of the applicant pool or the gender, ethnicity, age, etc. of any applicant.
Question #3 How does one obtain gender/ethnic data of applicants? If department has an e-application system, the e-system should include a distinct page on which the applicant may provide information regarding his/her sex and ethnicity and how he/she learned of the open position. If no e-application system exists, then upon the receipt of a CV, the staff person should forward a “thank you for applying” e-mail to the applicant with an attached Academic Applicant Demographic Form.
Obtaining sex/ethnic data of applicants Academic Applicant Demographic Form The form provides an opportunity for the applicant to self-identify his/her sex, ethnicity, and how he/she learned of the open position. The applicant should be advised in the e-mail (or in the e-application system) that: • the information is provided voluntarily • the information is for statistical purposes only • it will be kept separate from the applicant’s file • it will not be considered in the review of the applicant’s skills
Providing sex/ethnic data on the applicant pool The staff person may provide aggregate data on the applicant pool to the search committee. Example: 100 people applied, of which 60% were men and 40% were women. No sex/ethnic information about any specific applicant should be provided to the search committee. (Remember Proposition 209.)
Question #4 How are recruitment documents routed and who approves them? • You originate the documents • Dept. chair signs them • OADEO reviews and endorses them • Faculty equity advisor reviews recruitment plans and selection reports for LRF recruitments • Dean provides final approval for all recruitment docs and waiver requests
Question #5 Can a department request a waiver of the open recruitment process? Under certain circumstances and with appropriate justification, a department may request a waiver of the open recruitment process. Examples: • A waiver may based on the person being a Principal Investigator • A waiver may based on a business necessity in the department
Waiving an Open Recruitment Waiver based on Principal Investigator (PI) Status A PI position that is created as a result of a grant award is not subject to an open recruitment. A waiver request should: • Describe the candidate's skills and qualifications • State in the letter, and that the individual has an award and that the award provides ##% (min. 50%) of the PI’s salary (x-portion).
Waiving an Open Recruitment Principal Investigator (PI), cont. • Attach documentation (Notice of Award from agency + PI’s budget page showing proposed salary) • While the PI’s position is not subject to an open recruitment, all other positions that are funded by the grant are subject to open recruitment.
Waiving an Open Recruitment General Waiver The waiver request must describe the skills and qualifications of the candidate and state why an open recruitment should not be conducted. The request should address the business necessity of hiring this particular individual. Also, any spousal/ partner issues that are critical in a recruitment/ retention effort should be stated in the request.
Waiving an Open Recruitment General Waiver – Change of Series If the request is due to a change in series, the unit should also address the following factors as may be appropriate: • Job Evolution: The job has evolved to such a degree that a new job title is warranted to reflect the individual's acquired expertise and increased job responsibilities. • Continuity: the individual will continue to work in the same unit/lab with the same supervisor.
Waiving an Open Recruitment General Waiver – Change of Series • No New Position/ No Vacancy: -- The new job title does not represent the creation of a new position (i.e., a new position in addition to the old position) -- The old position is not being vacated such that a new individual could be appointed as a replacement.
Waiving an Open Recruitment General Waiver – Change of Series • Contribution: The individual is an integral part of a research program and has contributed to a grant proposal that will fund the research. • Only One: If there are several individuals in the same series in the unit, the unit supervisor should explain why one person is being proposed for the change in series and others are not.
Waiving an Open Recruitment Guidelines for Writing a Waiver Request • Paragraph 1: State what you want: The Department of X requests to waive the open recruitment requirement in order to appoint (full name) to the position of (title), effective (date). • Paragraph 2: Provide a brief description of the person’s educational background and evolution to this proposed appointment.
Waiving an Open Recruitment Guidelines for Writing a Waiver Request • Paragraph 3: State the circumstances that are relevant to the request, such as: • The person has been awarded a grant. • The person is a spouse to (name) and is essential to the successful recruitment/retention of (name). • The person’s job duties have changed. • The person has (x,y,z) skills for which the dept. has a great need. • Department business necessity.
Miscellaneous item Demographic Data Transmittal Form • Provide form to new employees (not to applicants) to voluntarily identify his/her ethnicity, status as a veteran, and status as a person with a disability. • Enter these data into PPS. (OADEO annually downloads these data from PPS and uses this info in analyses as required in the EO/AA program.)
Miscellaneous items Office of Academic Diversity & Equal Opportunity http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/aps/adeo/ Recruitment Procedures, Forms, and Resources http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/aps/adeo/recprocedures.htm Checklist of the Open Recruitment Process for LRF http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/aps/adeo/action-checklist.htm Questions?