Long time ago in a small house laded a baby girl named Sam. no one new but she had super powers. But she did not know soon she would have to save the world. One day when she grew up she stared to realize she had super powers. When she was walking to the store there was a cat stuck in the tree. Then she tried to jump up but it was no use. The scented time as she jumped she stared to fly. She didn’t want to tell anyone she could fly.
The older she got the more super powers she had. When she got to be adult there was a tornado. She thought her super powers could save the people she had to act fast! First she had to find a big enough shelter. When she found a big enough shelter she stared to gather people. The older she got the more super powers she had. When she got to be adult there was a tornado. She thought her super powers could save the people she had to act fast! First she had to find a big enough shelter. When she found a big enough shelter she stared to gather people.
Then when they were in the shelter Sam stared to look around she found a big TV she flipped it on she flipped on the news the news people said the tornado was an f5 after she watched that, she stared looking around again. She looked in the closet in the closet there was a person in the weary back Sam asked what his name was the person turned around and said my name Is Fred Kruger then Sam stared to back away because she new Fred Kruger, when she was little………
Fred Kruger was her friend then they became enemies because Fred tried to drown Sam. Then someone yelled “come out here you need to see this quick, “When they went out to see they looked at the TV, on the TV they shoed Sam’s house on the TV her house was turned upside down she saw something move in the distance it was her dog sparkly!!! She had to go get her but the tornado was still going on but she had to risk it! So she went out to save sparkly she opened the door then went outside“Here I come sparkly ,” said Sam She went to her street then she found sparkly! Sam picked her up then went back to the tornado shelter. on the way back to the tornado shelter the tornado sneaked up on her
and she got took by the tornado Sam and sparkly was gone then the people in the shelter went to go look for Sam then they got wiped out by the tornado too and then they were gone too !!!
The end? Just kidding it is the end