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AC/RC CAB and BCT Restructure Plan RC Formations generally cost 1/3 of what the AC costs. This plan has 2 ARNG Bdes per AC Bde or a 1/3 – 2/3 ratio. National Guard Aviation Proposal
AC/RC CAB and BCT Restructure PlanRC Formations generally cost 1/3 of what the AC costs. This plan has 2 ARNG Bdes per AC Bde or a 1/3 – 2/3 ratio National Guard Aviation Proposal • Reduce number of Combat Aviation Brigades from 21 to 18 (6 AC to 12 ARNG) as opposed to the AC plan to cut from 21 to 10 – Saves 8 CABs • Saves nearly $3 Billion more annually than the AC’s proposed plan • Saves almost $4 Billion annually from the current Army Aviation Structure National Guard BCT Proposal • Reduce number of Brigade Combat Teams from 62 to 54 (18 AC to 36 ARNG) as opposed to the DoD plan to cut from 62 to 46 – Saves 8 BCTs • Saves over $400 Million more annually than the DoD proposed plan • Saves almost $4 Billion annually from the current Army BCT Structure Plan Saves $7.62 Billion/year And over $38 Billion/5 years
Aviation Commands By Echelon (Current) Theater (5) 25th ID (Medium / AC) Schofield , HI 66th TAC (ARNG) WA 12th CAB (Heavy / AC) Germany 1st CAV (Heavy / AC) Ft. Hood, TX 4th ID (Heavy / AC) Ft. Carson, CO 1st AD (Heavy / AC) Ft. Bliss, TX Corps (2) SOF(1) USAR (2) 11th TAC (USAR) KY 16th CAB (Medium / AC) JBLM, WA 160th SOAR (AC) Ft. Campbell, KY 82nd ABN (Medium / AC) Ft. Bragg, NC 1st ID (Medium / AC) Ft. Riley, KS 2nd ID (Medium / AC) Korea 3rd ID (Medium / AC) Hunter AAF, GA 29th ID Exp MD ARNG Division (18) 36th ID Exp TX ARNG 40th ID Exp CA ARNG 38th ID Exp IN ARNG 35th ID Exp MO ARNG 34th ID Exp MN ARNG 101st ABN (Full-Spectrum / AC) Ft. Campbell, KY 28th ID (Exp / ARNG) PA 10th MTN (Medium / AC) Ft. Drum, NY 63rd TAB (-) (ARNG) KY 449th TAB (ARNG) NC 77th TAB (ARNG) AR 185th TAB (ARNG) MS 42nd ID Exp NY ARNG 244th TAB (USAR) NJ 159th ABN (Medium / AC) Ft. Campbell, KY
29th ID (FS-Hvy/ARNG) MD Aviation Brigades By Compo (Proposed) New ARNG CABs (4) New ARNG HD/S&S BDEs (2) 36th ID (FS / ARNG) TX 38th ID (FS / ARNG) IN 34th ID (FS / ARNG) MN 35th ID (FS / ARNG) MO 40th ID (FS-Hvy/ARNG) CA 82nd ABN (FS) Ft. Bragg, NC 66th CAB (FS-Hvy/ARNG) WA 204th BDE (HD/S&S ARNG) LA 1st AD (FS-Hvy) Ft. Bliss, TX 1st CAV (FS-Hvy) Ft. Hood, TX FS: Full Spectrum HD/S&S: Homeland Defense/Security & Support Existing ARNG CABs (8) 42nd ID (FS / ARNG) NY 101st ABN (FS ) Ft. Campbell, KY 28th ID (FS-Hvy/ARNG) PA 2nd ID (Medium / AC) Korea FS- HVY: Full Spectrum, Heavy 25th ID (FS) Schofield Bks, HI Deactivate A/C CABs (6) USAR (2) 4th ID (Hvy /AC) Ft. Carson, CO Transfer to ARNG Remaining AC CABs 11th TAC (Theater/USAR) KY 10th MTN (FS) Ft. Drum, NY 3rd ID (Medium/AC) Hunter AAF, GA Transfer to ARNG 12th CAB (Heavy / AC) Germany Deactivate 63rd CAB (FS / ARNG) KY 449th CAB (FS / ARNG) NC 77th CAB (FS / ARNG) AR 185th BDE (HD/S&S ARNG) MS 1st ID (Medium/AC) Ft. Riley, KS Deactivate 16th CAB (Medium/AC) JBLM, WA Transfer to ARNG 159th CAB (Medium/AC) Ft. Campbell, KY Transfer to ARNG 244th TAB (Theater/USAR) NJ
ARNG ARB Proposal by location and CAB ARNG CABs - New ARB Alignment 1-211 UT ARNG 16 Total ARB in ARNG 8 Total ARB in AC 24 Total ARB in AC/RC 28th ID FS-Hvy PA ARNG 29th ID FS-Hvy MD ARNG 66th CAB FS-Hvy WA ARNG 40th ID FS-Hvy CA ARNG 1-4 CO ARNG 2-159 MD ARNG 3-159 CA ARNG 1-104 PA ARNG 1-185th ID ARNG 1-151 SC ARNG 1-229 WA ARNG New ARNG ARB facilities will be same facilities on AC Post vacated by A/C ARB transferring to ARNG (Except MD, IN, CA) Personnel for new ARBs partially manned from Soldiers leaving A/C during drawdown/de-activation of A/C CABs AC ARB 42nd ID FS NYARNG 34th ID FS MN ARNG 38th ID FS IN ARNG 36th ID FS TX ARNG 35th ID FS MO ARNG 1-135 MO ARNG 1-149 TX ARNG 1-3 GA ARNG 4-4 IN ARNG 1-1 KS ARNG 1-285 AZ ARNG 1-130 NC ARNG 1-25 ARB Ft. Carson Deactivated 3-101 KY ARNG 63rd CAB FS KY ARNG 449th CAB FS NC ARNG 77th CAB FS AR ARNG
CAB Restructure Proposal Full-Spectrum CAB by x4, Full-Spectrum Heavy CAB X2 AC CAB Structure • A/C Transfer 4 CABs to ARNG • A/C Decommissions 3 CABs - retains 6 CABs • A/C CAB retains 24 X AH-64E for each of 4CABs • A/C CAB retains 48 X AH-64E for each of 2 CABs • Maintain the OH-58 Fleet until replacement is fielded • One UAS Company in CAB formation • TH-67 remains IERW Training Aircraft until replacement trainer procured • Transfer of 4 x AC CAB to ARNG CABs saves $3.8 B/yr ($666m/yr for AC CAB vs $204m/yr for ARNG CAB) 38 UH-60, 15 HH-60, 12 CH-47 24 or 48 AH-64, 12 RQ-7, 12 MQ-1C, 30 OH-58D • ARNG sustains a 4 year ARFORGEN Cycle (Reset, TY1, TY2, Ready) • 3 CABs/year home station validation by State HQ with 1st Army oversight. • During Ready Year, 3 CABs available for immediate deployment to the AOR • 3 ARNG CABs Ready combined with 6 AC CABs provides 50% of force available, 50% in reserve • Guard Maintains LUH-72 in 2 HD/S&S Bdes • One UAS Battalion in CAB formation ARNG CAB Structure Full-Spectrum CAB X8, Full Spectrum Heavy CAB by X4 • Home Station Validation and Mobilization provide major additional cost savings per year 38 UH-60, 15 HH-60, 12 CH-47 24 or 48 AH-64, 24 RQ-7, 24 MQ-1C One CAB with 30 OH-58D in lieu of UAS
AVIATION CONCEPT = $3.85B/year • Proposed Plan • 6 x Active Component CABs, 4 each with 1 ARB , 2 each with 2 ARB , total 8 ARB with 24 each AH-64E = 192 total • 12 x ARNG CABs, 8 each with 1 ARB, 4 each with 2ARB , total 16 ARB with 24 each AH-64E = 384 total • Total AH-64E in CABs (AC/RC) 576, remaining fleet of 124 AH-64 for IERW and ORF • Plan maintains 24 of 25 current ARBs all with AH-64E and 24 per ARB • New CABs – KYARNG, NCARNG, ARARNG, and WAARNG (Convert from Theater Commands) • Retain 2x HD/S&S in the ARNG and 2 X USAR Theater Commands • Deactivate 1st, 12th and 25th CABs • Only deactivating the 1-25 ARB, all other ARBs from deactivating CABs transfer to ARNG (8) • Retain all OH-58D until replacement aircraft is procured, savings by this plan could eventually pay for new armed scout • Conduct study of the need for manned, low-level, rotary wing reconnaissance vs. UAS teamed with AH-64E from ARB • Retain all S&S structure (212 UH-72s) in ARNG, savings by this plan could allow Army to solve its Training Helicopter deficiency Aviation Concept BCT Concept D = $2.992B w/8 More CAB D = $412M w/8 more BCT Notes: From Current to ARNG Plan saves $3.8B per year. From Current (62) to ARNG Plan (54) saves $3.77B per year. ($281M per AC BCT, $91M per ARNG BCT; includes $8m over 2 years for AC BCT deployment prep and $97m over 4 years for ARNG BCT deployment prep) ($666M per AC CAB, $204M per ARNG CAB) BCT CONCEPT = $3.77B/year • Proposed Plan • 62 Current BCT: 34 AC, 28 ARNG – DoD/CAPE would reduce to 46 BCT: 24 AC, 22 ARNG • ARNG Proposes to only draw down to 54 BCT, 18 in AC, 36 in ARNG • Plan correlates to 1 CAB per 3 BCTs • Move ARFORGEN Cycle to 4 years for ARNG BCTs like that for ARNG CABs (Reset ,Train 1, Train 2, Ready) • Plan allows for 50% of total force to be available (18 AC and 9 ARNG in Ready Year) other 50% in Reserve TOTAL CONCEPT = $7.62B/year or $38.1B/5 years