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Teens from tin present SKY TIN. FINAL report. Our team. We are called Student's Design Bureau
Teens from tinpresentSKY TIN FINAL report
Our team We are called Student's Design Bureau «SPKB Krasnoyarsk». In CanSat 2010 we’re called «Teens from Tin». All of us are students of Siberian State Aerospace University. Area of our developing - mechanical, thermal, radio-electronic systems. We’re very creative and versatile people.
Our team • Andrey Strugovets – electronic system • Victor Startsev - radiosystem • Daniil Gurkov – mechanical system • Anton Gochachko – project leader, general design
Our team • Andrey Strugovets – electronic system Most optimistic guy in our team. Likes to rear fishes. Can work 24 hours in a day. But doesn’t like =)
Our team • Victor Startsev – radio system Most strong and powerful guy in our team. Likes to construct huge antennas and design the amplifiers. Weightlifter.
Our team • Daniil Gurkov – mechanical system Most pragmatic guy in our team. Can to race the car on 200 km/hour. All-round technical specialist.
Our team • Anton Gochachko – general design Most crazy guy in our team. Professional rock-musician. Likes football and beauties.
Conception Before start of developing we decided that our CanSat must solve necessary tasks, current missions and important problems. Electrical components, sensors, software, transmitters, receivers… All that will be changed in moment of expedition to other planets start. We think it’s logical to concentrate our efforts on Earth problems.
Proposed missions But we seriously consider possibility of our Cansat launch on other planet. Therefore we have chosenthe most practicallysignificant proposed missions: • Video transmission of ambient space • Atmospheric sounding • Cansat moving without GPS
Come back mission Our Cansat can land in any defined point in H* radius from the release point without using GPS (the distance depends on wind speed and of some other factors). * H – altitude of the release point
Cansat position detection • There is not GPS-module in our Cansat • Cansat orientation is carried out by acceleration gage and gyroscope • Thus our Cansat can be used on any planet, where there is no GPS.
SPECIAL mission • Volcanic ashes have paralyzed work ofmany European airports this spring • In the summer a smog from forest firesbecame the reason of a flights delay in the central Russia • Air pollution research is important for big cities. Now it is required to rent the helicopter for gathering of tests of air for independent control of emissions from concrete factory. Rent cost of the helicopter in Moscow - from 500 euros/hour.
SPECIAL mission • We suggest to establish a special dust collector on a probe. Knowing quantity of the past through it of air we can draw the conclusion about presence of heavy suspensions in atmosphere. The analysis is carried out by the portable gase-chromatograph. The analysis with use of chemical reactions, microscope and ultraviolet lamp - is on occasion possible. • For the prevention of radiating and toxic deposits loss after launch of the rocket the Cansat starts in few minutes after, dust collector is checked by Geiger-Müller and toxic counter.
Used frequencies and emitting powers Cansat – Ground station 433,05 MHz (10 mW) 868 MHz (25 mW) All transmitters, receivers and antennas are developed andmade independently!
Budget • Radio system - €50 • Parachute - €50 • Automatic system - €100 • Control system, sensors – €100 • Payload - €150 • Case - €50 • Free time – priceless =) Total - €500
Would like to see you in CANSAT 2011!