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BSA Troop 651 Troop Leadership Position Responsibilities. Troop Leadership Positions. Senior Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Patrol Leaders Assistant Patrol Leaders Troop Guides Troop Quartermaster Patrol Quartermasters Troop Scribe Troop Historian Troop Librarian
Troop Leadership Positions Senior Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Patrol Leaders Assistant Patrol Leaders Troop Guides Troop Quartermaster Patrol Quartermasters Troop Scribe Troop Historian Troop Librarian Den Chiefs Troop Instructors
Senior Patrol Leader Run troop meetings, patrol leaders’ council and other troop activities Mentor and train Patrol Leaders. Run annual troop program planning conference Attend most troop outings and events. Plan troop meetings at PLC using BSA Program Guides, BSA Games book, BSA Ceremonies book Send reminder e-mails about upcoming troop events and meetings. If absent, make arrangements for the ASPL or another PL to fill in Inform Committee Chair when purchases need to be made
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Fill in for SPL when absent May assist the SPL with duties if necessary Attend all PLC meetings. Mentor and train Scribe, Librarian, Historian, and Quartermaster.
Patrol Leader • Make sure there is a patrol flag and patrol yell • Attend Patrol Leader’s Council meetings • Run the meeting during patrol time • Help member of your Patrol advance in rank • For outings, make sure: • Grubmaster assignments are made • Cleaning assignments are fairly distributed • Sleeping assignments are fairly assigned and nobody is left out • Work with Troop Guide as necessary • If absent, make arrangements for the APL to fill in
Assistant Patrol Leader Fills in for PL when absent May assist the PL with duties if necessary
Troop Guide Mentor to the PL of the new-scout patrol During meetings, attends new-scout Patrol meetings as and advisor and mentor. On outings, check in with the new-scout patrol at tent set-up time, cooking and cleaning times. Render guidance. Make himself available to help new scouts as they learn fundamental skills Attends Patrol Leader’s Council
Troop Quartermaster Sweep out the trailer Rinse down/wash the outside of the trailer Inspect Patrol kitchen items to make sure they are properly cleaned. If cooking items are not clean, immediately set up a washing station to clean Upon returning to the school from an outing, lead scouts to remove all personal items from the trailer Responsible for making sure Troop flags are properly displayed at all outing and meetings. Guides and mentors the monthly service patrol. Work with ASPL to mentor and train Patrol QMs.
Patrol Quartermaster One per patrol Bring the Patrol Flag to all outings and events. Tell the Troop QM about broken equipment or if new equipment is needed Before departing from an outing, inspect all cooking items for cleanliness. Cooking items include pots, pans, utensils, plates, cups etc. After each outing, take home all of the towels, clean them, and return them to the next troop meeting
Troop Scribe Attend Patrol Leader’s Council Record PLC meeting minutes and send to the Troop webmaster to place on the website Record the troop meeting plans agreed to at PLC and send to the Troop Webmaster and place on the website Use BSA Troop 651 private Facebook page to blog about troop outings Work with an adult leader to record dues payment and to perform updates of advancement records on Troopmaster
Troop Historian Snap photos Place photos on website and on private Facebook page Blog about troop outings on BSA Troop 651 private Facebook page Write articles about troop outings and post on troop website Create and manage photo displays for troop events such as the spaghetti dinner and cub pack visits.
Troop Librarian Collect all library books that have been lent out Catalog the contents of the library Identify merit badge pamphlets that are duplicates or are expired Place catalog list on the website Place checkout list and due dates on the website Tell ASPL when a scout requests a merit badge pamphlet that the troop either does not have or is expired
Troop Instructor An older scout willing to learn and then teach scout skills during troop meetings and at outings Example: first aid, camping, backpacking, orienteering, Leave No Trace and others required for rank advancement
Den Chiefs Several per troop A den chief is assigned to either a Cub Scout or Webelos den Attend den and pack meetings Assist the adult leader during meetings Serve as a role model by running portions of meetings, helping to plan skits, leading games Encourage scouts to join Troop 651 by talking about our activities