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9-10-12. Warm up: www.typingtest.com Complete two 3 minute typing tests. Career cruising: Get username and password from teacher. www.careercruising.com Login and complete learning style inventory under “assessments” Finish PowerPoint and email attachment to sgostinger@lsps.org. 9-11-12.
9-10-12 Warm up: www.typingtest.com Complete two 3 minute typing tests. Career cruising: Get username and password from teacher. www.careercruising.com Login and complete learning style inventory under “assessments” Finish PowerPoint and email attachment to sgostinger@lsps.org.
9-11-12 • Two short videos-Remember 9/11 • Using the internet for research, create a word document titled “September 11” • List and explain four things you know about 9/11 and how it changed the world. Each explanation should be 4-5 sentences. Email to sgostinger@lsps.org • Finish all work not completed (PowerPoint, etc)
9-12-12 • Complete 9/11 assighnment. Email to sgostinger@lsps.org • Open new word document. Save document as “vocabulary” • Define the three learning styles: visual learning, auditory learning, tactile learning • Make sure all assignments are turned in!
9-13-12 • Go over first three vocabulary words • Go to www.mynextmove.org select “tell us what you like to do” take interest profiler • Typing practice at www.typingtest.com • No games
9-14-12 • Career Cruising: www.careercruising.com complete “Career Matchmaker” assessment. • Journal Entry: How did the result of today’s career test compare to those of yesterday? Similar or different? Explain in 3 sentences. • Career Cruising: complete “My Skills” assessment. • Career Cruising: www.careercruising.com complete “Career Matchmaker” assessment. • Journal Entry: How did the result of today’s career test compare to those of yesterday? Similar or different? Explain in 3 sentences. • Career Cruising: complete “My Skills” assessment.
9-17-12 • Get in a group of two, on separate computers (or by yourself if you prefer to work alone) • Open “ABCs of Skills” in class folder (Personal Mgmt) • List a skill for each letter of the alphabet • Select four skills from your list and explain • If completed, email to sgostinger@lsps.org with “ABCs” as the subject.
9-18-12 • Finish “ABCs of Skills” from Monday • Complete “How to become a… ?” worksheet found in class folder. There are two pages on the document to complete. • Email all finished work to sgostinger@lsps.org
9-19-12 • Discuss career choices • Begin working on career PowerPoint presentation. No template, open a new file. Directions in class folder. • Email any previous work not turned in. • sgostinger@lsps.org
9-20-12 • Complete “Career PowerPoint Presentation”-due today. Email to sgostinger@lsps.org • Open “Vocabulary” in your documents. • Use the web to define the following terms: prestigious, influential, priority, unethical, principles, leisure, negotiate. • Complete two 3 minute typing tests-record best score in journal in your document.
9-21-12 • Career Cluster Videos • In 3-4 sentences, explain what you’ve learned about careers in the past week. • Make sure all work to this point has been turned in.
9-24-12 • Open new word document, save as “sentences”. • Open existing document “Vocabulary” • Write one good sentence for each of the ten words Email to sgostinger@lsps.org • Vocabulary Quiz-Friday 9/28 • Typing challenge-see instructions.
9-25-12 • 21 Things 4 Students. • Begin 21 Things 4 Students program • www.21things4students.net • Go to Part 1: “Quest 1” and “Quest 2” • Go to part 15: Career Prep. Complete Step 1 of Quest 1
9-27-12 • Go to www.21things4students.net • Under the “Basic Orientation” section, complete Quests 3,4,5,7,8.
9-28-12 • Vocabulary Quiz 1 • Define new vocabulary words in Word document “Vocabulary 2” • Vocational, apprentice, productivity, aptitude, occupation, certification, industrious. • Finish last two rounds of typing challenge!
11-1-12 • Student news, Google Earth tutorials Journal Entry, two topics: 1. Have you ever owned a compact disc (CD) for your music? How do you buy your music? 2. Have you noticed changes in school lunch this year? Capture 3 minute typing test and paste in journal. Email journal to sgostinger@lsps.org
10-2-12 • Open “Vocabulary 2” document. • Define and use in a sentence: salary, hospitable, enthusiasm, mentor, strategy, persistence, policy, flexibility, ideal • Complete internet scavenger hunt found in class folder. Email to sgostinger@lsps.org
10-3-12 • Review this week’s vocabulary • Complete Internet Scavenger hunt location in Personal Management folder. Email to sgostinger@lsps.org • Go to www.21things4students.net: Part 6, Cyber Safety, Quest 1: Create “Digital Bill of Rights” in a PowerPoint document. One slide for each of 10 items in Bill of Rights.
10-4-12 • Short Videos on cyber safety • Discuss Internet scavenger hunt • Continue Digital Bill of Rights on 21Things4Students.net • Cyber Safety, Quest 7, Cyber Bullying video and quiz- • Study for Vocabulary quiz tomorrow!
10-5-12 • Vocabulary Quiz 2 • Journal Entry: Open “Journal” – What are your feelings on the importance of learning cyber safety? What do you think can be done to help prevent cyber bullying? (4-5 sentences, save in my documents) • Practice typing, make sure all work is turned in.
10-8-12 • Create document “Vocabulary 3” • Define and use in a sentence: download, upload, hacker, curriculum, cover letter, resume, economics • Interview assignment: In “Personal Mgmt” folder, open “Interview Assignment” Word document. Complete and email to teacher.
10-10-12 • Add the following words to “Vocabulary 3” • Define and use in a sentence • Career cluster, data, expertise evaluate, market • Save when finished • Clean up “my documents”- put all work done in class in “Personal Management” folder