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The Function and Organization of Forestry Administration. National Forestry Policy Statement of July 26,2002 Forestry Law of August 31, 2002 Sub-decrees: Nº 17 and Nº 64 Prakas Nº: 509 PK/MAFF/B, dated September 17, 2003 Decision N o 1802 fa.aico , dated November 18, 2003.
The Function and Organization of Forestry Administration National Forestry Policy Statement of July 26,2002 Forestry Law of August 31, 2002 Sub-decrees: Nº 17 and Nº 64 Prakas Nº: 509 PK/MAFF/B, dated September 17, 2003 Decision No 1802 fa.aico , dated November 18, 2003 FA function & organization
The Forestry Administration is the government authority under MAFF, with a streamlined organizational structure, for forestry and forest resource management consistent with the National Forestry Sector Policy and Forestry Law. • Forestry Administration has a headquarter, 4 inspectorates, 15 cantonments, 55 divisions, and 170 triages. ( Ref. Chapter 2: Articles 6 and 7) FA function & organization
FA Headquarter: • Administration and International Cooperation Office. • Planning, Accounting and Finance Office. • Forestry Extension Office. • Forest Management Office. • Watershed Management and Forestland Office. • Forest Industry Development and Trade Office. • Forestation Office. • Community Forestry Office. • Legislation and Litigation Office. • Wildlife Protection Office. • Forest and Wildlife Training Center. • Wildlife Rescue Center and Zoo “Phnom Tamao”. • Forest and Wildlife Science Research Institute. FA function & organization
Duties of Administration and International Cooperation Office (AICO) • To coordinate the administrative activities. • To manage and circulate various administrative documents. • To manage the statistic of government officials and maintain all the personnel documents. • To prepare the schedule and work plan for the FA leaders and charge the protocol affairs. • To manage and maintain the public properties used in FA. • To organize the security, disciplines and sanitation affairs and to strengthen the internal regulations of FA. • To assist FA leaders in the missions for assignment, monitoring & evaluation, incentive & penalty and promotion for the FA officials. • To prepare invitation letters, organize meetings, and record the minutes of meetings. • To prepare salaries for FA officials. • To coordinate the international cooperation and public communication affairs. • To review, monitor, and evaluate all the documents and memorandums of international organizations and NGOs concerned with FA affairs. • To summarize the performances by the whole FA and prepare the monthly, quarterly, biyearly, nine-monthly, and yearly report of FA. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Planning, Accounting and Finance Office (PAO) • To develop short, medium, and long-term forestry action plans. • To analyze, recommend, and prepare the public investment plan and to promote private investments in forestry sector. • To monitor and evaluate the implementation of various plans and to amend if needed. • To propose income and expenditure budget plans for the implementation of FA and monitor such implementation. • To register and manage the accounting, inventory of movable properties, real estate, materials stock, and fuel. • To receive and distribute the available resources to all units in FA. • To manage and control the income and expenditure of budget and general financial affairs of FA. • To manage and control the technical implementation of public performance. • To report financial status of FA. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Forestry Extension Office (FEO) • To search, receive and collect forestry and other related information in coordination with the units under FA, private stakeholders and local people. • To collect and sort the knowledge from various sources or recent research output in order to promote extension and training. • To edit, compile, design, publicize, distribute and manage documents for extension through media systems. • To evaluate the extension results and propose measures for improvement of extension methods. • To review the publications on forestry information in Cambodia made by private and other stakeholders. • To implement public education and extension, and to provide extension service on forestry and its related issues. • To manage library and technical documents for extension. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Forest Management Office (FMO) • To develop technical standards, monitor, control and evaluate the implementation of forest management in the country. • To review and evaluate all proposals for forest concession and annual coupe management plans and ESIA reports. • To review, evaluate and establish technical standards for forest engineering, the use of bridges, roads, and camp construction for forestry sector. • To control and permit the use of engines, chain saws, vehicles, equipment and other means for harvesting operations. • To prevent, suppress and fight against forest fires. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Watershed Management and Forestland Office (WMFO) • To study, research and develop regulations related to forestland. • To manage, classify and evaluate the watershed zones and to demarcate forestland boundary. • To manage and classify permanent forest estate according to environmental, economic, social and cultural functions. • To manage GIS, and to produce forestland use maps, watersheds maps and other maps for the forestry sector. • To research science and technology on photogrametry and to publicize the forest maps. • To review publications and to provide a service in forest map production. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties ofForest Industry Development and Trade Office (FIDTO) • To develop the strategic plan and action plan for the development of forest industry and timber market through the improvement and efficient use of forest products for local needs and for export. • To research forestry markets, to develop legal framework and technology, and to upgrade the human resources capacity on wood technology, forest product transformation and timber market. • To coordinate the control procedure for import-export of timber and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and its processed products loaded in sealed containers. • To research technology in timber and NTFP processing and use of potential timber species. • To prepare the application format for the establishment of wood industry bases, sawmills and handicrafts for large and medium scale. • To study and propose the annual import/export quota and to issue transport permits for timber and NTFP import/export. • To strengthen and extend international cooperation, especially with ASEAN and WTO for forest industry development in Cambodia in accordance with the global trend. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Forestation Office (FO) • To develop plan for extending forestation. • To rehabilitate and develop the forest resources through forestation. • To select and allocate the areas for forestation and to develop tree species through modern technology. • To manage forest nurseries & plantation, tree seed centers, seed orchard demonstration plots, botanical gardens, and to maintain, protect and harvest the forest plantation. • To survey the location and propose the operational plan for the Arbor Day. • To manage and protect the forest plantation established by Arbor Day. • To establish Honorable Tree Gardens for national and international leaders to plant for Commemoration. • To take measures for the protection of forest plantations against fires and to promote the experiment of tree species. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Community Forestry Office (CFO) • To develop the regulations, technical guidelines and strategic plans on community forestry. • To develop the policy on community forestry agreements. • To propose the action plan and budget requirement for community forestry. • To collect, manage and distribute the information on community forestry. • To provide technical service and to coordinate the establishment, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of community forestry projects. • To establish nurseries, to promote forestation through the public/ community activities. • To facilitate and coordinate the cooperation and supported programs for the community forestry with various international organizations in order to contribute the poverty reduction of local communities. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Legislation and Litigation Office (LLO) • To research, study and develop all the legislations/ regulations for forestry sector. • To conduct extension and provide enforcement guidance on forestry law/regulations • To monitor, audit and evaluate law enforcement of Forestry legislation/regulations. • To investigate and take necessary intervention for suppressing forest offences in the irregular cases, and to compile the forest crime cases to the Court, or/and to collect the fines in accordance to the legal procedure. • To summarise reports of all forest crimes in the country. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Wildlife Protection Office (WPO) • To research the ecology, wildlife population & distribution, habitats and wildlife diseases. • To develop technical guidelines on wildlife transport, maintenance and habitat change. • To study and find solutions for conflicts between wildlife and humans. • To manage and promote the eco-tourism development, and to control wildlife hunting, farming and trade. • To restore the situation and biological ability of wildlife. • To develop wildlife and habitat conservation plans, including protected forests. • To control and monitor the implementation of wildlife regulations in order to ensure the effective management and conservation of wildlife. • To strengthen and extend the international cooperation in order to support the implementation of international conventions, especially CITES and Biological Diversity Conventions. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Duties of Forest and Wildlife Training Center (FWTC) • To examine human resource development needs for the forestry sector by proposing long, medium and short-term professional training plans on forest and wildlife techniques. • To conduct training on forestry and other related subjects. • To organize the arrangement for technical conferences or training workshops. • To develop annual training programs based on the priority of actual requirements in the forestry sector. • To implement training programs and conduct field practice. • To coordinate with other stakeholders on all training affairs in forestry sector and to manage, maintain and assure the daily operation of the Training Center. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Wildlife Rescue Center and ZOO “Phnom Tamao” (WRCZ) • To manage and conserve the wildlife by providing technical assistance in wildlife care and feeding to various zoos. • To cure and rescue the wildlife, to select and hybridize wildlife species. • To collect information, to publicize and extend the scientific data. • To research biology of all wildlife species. • To manage the museum, training & public communication room, and to seek for support for them. • To manage the income, expenditure, security protection and sanitation of the Rescue Center & Zoo. • To establish and manage the relationship network with various zoos in the country and overseas. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Forest and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) • To research species, richness and dynamics of forest vegetation. • To study phytosociology and forest vegetation by ecological zones, to collect plants specimens, to prepare and maintain the herbaria. • To research forest ecology for wildlife habitats, to study biology and wildlife bio-sites, to survey and conduct wildlife inventory and assessment of richness and population dynamics of wildlife. • To research the main ecological factors by each zone, to monitor and evaluate the change of ecological factors such as soil, water and climate related to the forest vegetation. • To conduct the primary assessments of forest resources at ecological zones or national level in order to classify the forest types according to their prioritized functions. • To research biotechnology, plants selection and hybridization, and to develop techniques for forest rehabilitation and forest improvement for the highest productivity. FA function & organization
Forest and Wildlife Research Institute (Cont.) • To research techniques to manage botanical gardens, to select and hybridize the ornamental species. • To research on the identification of timber and NTFPs, processing technology and forest products quality. • To study and analyze the socio-economy and environment, and to evaluate the socio-economic needs in job alternatives in order to reduce impacts on forests. • To establish and manage the coordination network of cooperation with various forest research institutes in the region and globe. • To collect data and information, and to compile and publicize scientific & technical documents of the results from the research for implementation on the ground and in the production. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Local Level Forestry Administration Inspectorates are as follows: • FA Inspectorate of Mekong • FA Inspectorate of North Tonlesap Lake • FA Inspectorate of South Tonlesap Lake • FA Inspectorate of Gulf FA function & organization
Local LevelFA Inspectorate of Mekong • The jurisdiction of MekongInspectorate covers Kampong Cham, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kratie, Stoeung Treng, Mundulkiri and Ratanakiri provinces. • Mekong inspectorate comprises: 5 Cantonments, 17 Divisions and 54 Triages. FA function & organization
Local LevelInspectorate “North Tonlesap Lake” • The jurisdiction of Inspectorate“North Tonlesap Lake” covers Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Siem Reap, Oudormeanchey and Banteaymeanchey provinces. • Inspectorate“North Tonlesap Lake” comprises: 3 Cantonments, 15 Divisions and 44 Triages FA function & organization
Local LevelInspectorate “South Tonlesap Lake” • The jurisdiction of Inspectorate “South Tonlesap Lake” covers Batambang, Krong Pailin, Porthisat, Kampong Chhnang, Kandal, Kampong Speu provinces and Phnom Penh city. • Inspectorate “South Tonlesap Lake” comprises: 4 Cantonments , 15 Division and 52 FA Triages. FA function & organization
Local LevelInspectorate “Gulf” • The jurisdiction of Inspectorate “Gulf” covers Kampot and Takeo provinces, Krong Kep, Krong Preahsihanouk and Kohkong privinces. • FA Inspectorate “Gulf” comprises 3 Cantonments, 8 Divisions and 25 Triages. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Inspectorates • To monitor, advise and coordinate the activities of cantonments, divisions and triages within its jurisdiction. • To inspect the performance of FA staff within its jurisdiction. • To perform other duties assigned by the chief of FA. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Cantonments • To control, lead, and coordinate the FA divisions and triages within its jurisdiction. • To implement the policy and management plan of national forestry sector. • To lead the study and development of the forestry sector management plan within its jurisdiction, to set up the work plan for the implementation of the divisions after the plans approved by the Head of FA. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Cantonments (Cont.) • To study and manage the permanent forest reserves, to establish as community forest, identifying the precise boundary, optimum size of forest resources and the needs of local communities for traditional uses. • To issue the harvesting quota “timber and NTFPs” for local communities. • To issue permits for the establishment of timber and NTFPs delivery stock and small scale handicrafts. • To issue permits for the establishment of all kilns in industrial or handicraft forms which use timber and NTFPs as primary materials. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Cantonments (Cont.) • To issue transportation permits for global amount of timber & NTFPs derived from community forests. • To sign community forestry agreement with local communities that reside inside or near the permanent forest reserves. • To regularly report to the Head of FA by month, quarter, semester, nine-months and year on the working activities of forestry sector within its jurisdiction. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Divisions • To implement the assessment of forest and wildlife resources and to demarcate the forest boundaries. • To study, research and implement the management and conservation of wildlife and its habitats. • To study, develop and implement the forestry sector management plan within the jurisdiction. • To develop the management plan of ex-concession production forests within its jurisdiction and to submit the plan to the head of FA for approval. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Divisions (Cont.) • To implement forestation and forest rehabilitation. • To conduct extension, to prevent and fight against the forest fire. • To facilitate, review and provide technical assistance to the community forestry. • To control forest harvesting operations, and to measure, evaluate the quantity and quality of timber and NTFPs in order to record in the book "A". • To implement investigation, prevention and suppression to all forest and wildlife crimes. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Divisions (Cont.) • To file the case of forest and wildlife crime and send the case to the court. • To issue the harvesting permit for timber and NTFPs exceeding the traditional use rights of local community in community forests. • To issue the transportation permit for timber and NTFPs originating within its jurisdiction. • To report to the chief of cantonment by month, quarter, semester, nine-months and year on the working activities of forestry sector within its jurisdiction. • To perform other duties assigned by FA leaders. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Triages as the ground implementer: • To patrol on the ground in order to monitor and protect the forest and wildlife resources as well as to combat the forest fire. • To conduct forestry extension and seek peoples participation in the management & protection of forest and wildlife resources. • To establish forest nurseries and to implement forestation and forest rehabilitation. • To facilitate and provide technical assistance to community forestry. FA function & organization
Local LevelDuties of FA Triages (Cont.) • To implement the forest and wildlife inventory and management. • To implement the measurement, assessment, and determination of quantity of forest and non-wood forest products. • To monitor, report, file the forest crime offences, prevent and suppress the forest and wildlife offences. • To perform other duties assigned by higher-ranks. FA function & organization
Monitoring & Evaluating Mechanism • Follow-up Meetings • Monitoring & Strengthening Teams • Discipline Councils • Reward Committee FA function & organization
Monitoring MechanismFollow-up Meetings Follow-up Meetings are conducted every trimester: • To monitor and evaluate the results of working implementation of all FA units to compare with the work plans. • To conduct SWOT analysis after the ground implementation of activities set up in the plans. • To define the corrective measures for more effective implementation in the next trimester. • To share the up-date information and provide the course based on the request. FA function & organization
Monitoring Mechanism Monitoring & Strengthening Teams • Monitoring & Strengthening Teams are set up at the headquarter. • The monitoring & strengthening team has the duties to check, advise and make recommends on local FA level performance. • The monitoring & strengthening team is chaired by a deputy head of FA and members from AICO, PAO, LLO and FMO: • AICO checks, advises and recommends on the administrative and staffing performance of local FA level. • PAO checks, advises and recommends on the performance of local FA level related to the budget and financial issue. • LLO checks, advises and recommends on the performance of local FA level related to the law enforcement issue. • FMO checks, advises and recommends on the performance of local FA level related to forest planning and management. FA function & organization
Monitoring Mechanism Discipline Councils • Discipline councils are set up at the headquarter and Inspectorates. • The discipline council of the headquarter has duties to subpoena, investigate, and evaluate all FA staff who commit mistakes/faults in their duties in order to fine/penalize consistent with the Law on General Statute of GO, Forestry Law and other relevant regulations. • The discipline council of the headquarter comprises of: • Deputy Chief of FA chief • Chief of particular FA inspectorate deputy chief • Chief of AICO deputy chief • Chief of PAO member • Chief of LLO member • Chief of related FA Cantonment member • Chief of Women Association member • Deputy Chief of AICO secretary FA function & organization
Monitoring Mechanism Discipline Council • The discipline council of FA Inspectorate has duties to subpoena, investigate, and evaluate their local FA staff commit mistakes/faults in their duties in order to fine/penalize consistent with the Law on General Statute of GO, Forestry Law and other relevant regulations. • The discipline council of each FA inspectorate comprises of: • Chief of FA Inspectorate chief • Chief of FA Cantonment deputy chief • Chief of FA Division member • Chief of FA Triage member • A staff of FA Inspectorate secretary FA function & organization
Monitoring Mechanism Reward Committee • The Reward Committees are set up at the headquarter and Inspectorates. • The Reward Committee of the headquarter has duties to evaluate all FA staff performances in fulfilling their duties in order to provide the reward according to their merits consistent with the Law on General Statute of GO, Forestry Law and other relevant regulations. • The discipline council of the headquarter comprises of: • Deputy head of FA chief • Chief of AICO deputy chief • Chiefs of FA inspectorates member • Chiefs of relevant offices/units member • Chief of Women Association member • Deputy Chief of AICO secretary FA function & organization
Structure • Map of FA Divisions • Map of FA Triages FA function & organization
Structure • Map of FA Divisions • Map of FA Triages FA function & organization
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