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EXPLAINING DECIBEL. UNDERSTAND NATURE SIGNAL AUDIO By Sarbini, S.Pd (SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta). DECIBEL. DECIBEL PURPOSE : In technology for audio signals expression levels and sound pressure difference, power, voltage and current.
DECIBEL DECIBEL PURPOSE : • In technology for audio signals expression levels and sound pressure difference, power, voltage and current. • To measure the difference in the coverage figures for small and large states often also a large number of unwieldy. • Decibel can also be considered from the view point of psychoacoustical connect directly to the purpose of stimuli associated with the feelings of most Teknologi dan Rekayasa
COHERENCY WITH POWER Bell = log (P1/Po) Illustrated the concept of useful (dB) = 10 log (P1/Po). Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Power relations and levels decibell Teknologi dan Rekayasa
2. CONNECTING VOLTAGE, ELECTRIC CURRENT AND PRESSURE P = I2 Z P = E2/Z Rate 10 log (E1/Eo)2 = 20 log (E1/Eo) Level dB = 10 log (E1/Eo)2 = 20 log (E1/Eo) Rate dB = 10 log (I1/Io)2 = 20 log (I1/Io). Level dB = 10 log (I1/Io)2 = 20 log (I1/Io). Rate dB = 20 log (P1/Po). Level dB = 20 log (P1/Po). Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Determine the level of db to comparison voltage, flow and pressure Teknologi dan Rekayasa
3. Tier Pressure contours Relations Voice (SPL) and the Violence Voice (Loudness) Sensitifity hear ear Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Frequency response characteristics slm Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Typical level of sound in general Teknologi dan Rekayasa
4. Strong inverse proportionate Voters With Wide Conection revers kuadrat Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Nomograph to determine loss proportionate inverse square Teknologi dan Rekayasa
5. The addition of Power Level in dB 6. Level Preferences Monograph ekspression add power in dB Teknologi dan Rekayasa
1,0 puncak 1 0,707 rms Rata-rata0,637 0 Puncak ke puncak 2 volt Volt -1 7.Value Signal Peak, average and RMS • Most of the measurement of voltage, current, or sound pressure in the acoustic work is given in RMS (root mean square). • RMS value of the wave form of the same repetitive with its equivalent value in the DC power transmission. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Nilai puncak Nilai rata-rata waktu Gambar 1-45. Harga puncak, rata-rata dan rms gelombang sinus (A) dan bentuk gelombang komplek (B) • Based on the image to sine waves with the maximum value of 1 volt, the value rms the same as the maximum value divided by 2 (Vm/2) =0,707 volt (0.707 Vm) , equivalent to 3 dB difference. • The average value of sine wave equal to 2 times the maximum value divided or 0.637 volt Teknologi dan Rekayasa