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Nouns. Lesson Plans. Four Days of Lessons On Nouns: Noun, compound, common and proper Concrete, Abstract, Collective Review Test. Nouns – a word or word group used to name a: . Person Place Thing Idea. People. doctor. welder. player. referee. leader. golfer. Places. ocean.

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  1. Nouns

  2. Lesson Plans Four Days of Lessons On Nouns: Noun, compound, common and proper Concrete, Abstract, Collective Review Test

  3. Nouns – a word or word group used to name a: • Person • Place • Thing • Idea

  4. People doctor welder player referee leader golfer

  5. Places ocean mountain city lake country desert

  6. Things apple dog ball bowl bone sun snowflake book chair tree

  7. Ideas commitment friendship freedom neighborhood love

  8. Compound Nouns A noun made up of two or more words grouped together! HYPHENATED light-year mother-in-law ONE WORD basketball grandmother TWO WORDS grand piano jumping jack peanut butter

  9. Compound Noun • A single noun made up of more than one word. • Common compound nouns can be found in the dictionary.

  10. Common or Proper Nouns are either COMMON or PROPER. COMMON nouns name any one of a group of persons, places things, or ideas. PROPER nouns name a particular person, place, thing, or idea. Proper nouns always begin with a CAPITAL LETTER.

  11. Common Nouns boy team building city teacher author singer Proper Nouns Trevor L.A. Lakers Honda Center Laguna Beach Mrs. Cochren Stephanie Meyers Michael Jackson Common or Proper

  12. Concrete Nouns Nouns that you can experience with one or more senses • sight • hearing • touch • taste • smell

  13. Abstract Nouns There are some nouns that you CANNOT see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. These are the nouns that are ideas. One person’s idea of a particular noun may be different than another person’s idea.

  14. Practice Activity Worksheet page 25-26

  15. Concrete Examples: cotton candy, music, wool, puppies, garlic, cockroaches, spaghetti Abstract Examples: love, commitment, jealousy, hate, revenge, freedom, justice, patriotism, anger, wisdom Christianity, fun, self-esteem, confidence Concrete or Abstract

  16. Collective Noun: • A word that names a group but is in the singular form • Examples: jury, team, class, council, herd, swarm, family, crew, litter, batch, committee, quartet, audience

  17. Practice Activity Worksheet page 28

  18. How to Identify NOUNS Begin with: Then, determine: Common or Proper? Concrete or Abstract? Singular, Compound, or Collective? • Look through the sentence and check for people, places, things, ideas. • Often these words will have articles preceding them. • Sometimes these words will follow possesives or numbers!

  19. Total Noun Review Worksheet page 29 Holt Handbook Exercise A page 41

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