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The Swedish gnome is back!!!!. By !*&%#. “ Helloski !!!!”. He is back!!!! .
The Swedish gnome is back!!!! By !*&%# “Helloski!!!!”
He is back!!!! “ As supreme courte justice, I and the meembers o’ the courte council have agreed that Sweedo the Swedish gnome will arrive from the prison, foree the council and I had miisjudged him foree the crime of cutting the Guardian Tree. Hereeforth the council and I have agreed to releasee this inoccent gnome. Meeting and case file closed.” said the supreme court justice leader. The true culprit. “That “supreme” court council will never belive that el’ Sweedo gnome. This city cannot be ruled by old yard toys that worship that silly old tree. I can ruin them forever and rule the whole intire town!!!! My father, the nitwit!!!!”
Begs for forgiveness “Will you ever forgive the Council????” Nothing can go wrong !!!!
THE RESPONSE “ Courte justice meembers, I fully supporteyous all, and would oblige to your apologies. But I aske for your ears in a testify ageenst the true evildoer. Framing him, no, but puttiing wrong to right. “what ????”
Freedom “ There, has been no proof, that that foolish, half-hearted gnome had, any current whereabouts of being with anybody, except for the seen of the crime, so, Mr. Sweedo, you are pronoced free !!!!” “ On the night I had been accused of comeetingtheeshanous crime, I had seen the son of…. You, mister Courte concilleeder, your son. But eeveryone had failed to notice he accused me, when he was there. Deed ANYbodie have him with you, at all when he clearly meesjudged me ????” “You’re going to jail sucker!!!!”
No proof !!!! “You have no proof !!!! Not one teensy tiny ounce !!!! Not at all !!!!” “ If you haveen’t noticed, troubled one, I have one actual ounce. The lightweight spray-paint bottle with your actual feengerpreents !!!!’
Tell it to the judge, kid !!!! “Well, I, uh, well I never!!!!” “ How can I eever thank you, meesterSweedo????” “ No repaying, sir, I do not need any repaying….”
“ But there surely must be one thing?!?!” “ Surely, you have one request????” “Weel, it would bee nice if…. No….” “You’re going to jail!!!!”
“ Weel, okay. I would like to live by the sea.” “ here is your home by the sea!!!!” “ Thank you for everytheeng!!!!”
In bad gnome’s life…. “Oh yeah you did!!!!” “ I swear I didn’t do anything!!!!”
“NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!”“NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!” “The end!!!!”
Another fabulous “FERGUSON” PRODUCTION!!!!” “Ohh yup baby!!!!”