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This report discusses proton losses and beam parameters changes at LBSEQ=23 with additional insights into transverse emittances, bunch lengths, and history of changes since December.
Investigation of Losses in the Squeeze A.Valishev et al. Tevatron Dept. Mtg. 3/13/2009
Recent Quenches • 6856, 6864, 5876 – all at lbseq ~23 A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.
Are Beam Parameters Different? • Transverse emittances are roughly the same since December 2008 • Bunch length slightly larger but not much. A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.
Bunch Lengths A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.
History of Changes • December, 19 – lowered both chromaticities at lbseq=23 by 3 units (also earlier in squeeze) • January-February – tuning lbseq 9 through 16, reducing chromaticities and coupling • Since then – mostly orbits and slight tune changes. A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.
Proton Losses A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.
Proton Losses A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.
Proton Losses A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.
Vertical Orbit at D0 A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.
Optics at LBSEQ=22 A.Valishev - Tevatron Dept. Mtg.