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New Brunswick

New Brunswick. Spem Reduxit: Hope Restored. A Quick Peak. Population: 757, 100 Population Density: 10.60/km ² Population 65+: 3 146 Population Growth: between 1996-2001: -1.2% Ethnic Groups: Mi’ kmaq, Maliseet, Acadians, Descendants of United Empire Loyalists, Irish, Danish

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New Brunswick

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  1. New Brunswick Spem Reduxit: Hope Restored

  2. A Quick Peak • Population: 757, 100 • Population Density: 10.60/km² • Population 65+: 3 146 • Population Growth: between 1996-2001: -1.2% • Ethnic Groups: Mi’ kmaq, Maliseet, Acadians, Descendants of United Empire Loyalists, Irish, Danish • Only Bilingual Province in Canada • Area: Land= 72 908km² ; Water= 71 450km² • Shoreline: 2 269km Coastline: 2 306km • Largest Cities: Saint-John, Moncton, Fredericton

  3. Main Industries: Mining, Fishing, Forestry, Manufacturing Services • GDP: • Total: $23 727 billion (8th) • Per Capita: $ 31, 552 (12th) • Employment Growth: • 0.1% increase in Employment/Rate

  4. # of National Parks: 2 • # of Provincial Parks: 9 • # of Tourists per Year: 5 013 Canadian Tourists In 2004 • Peaked in 2002 and is now decreasing

  5. Climate (Continental) • Summer: notably dry but wet in growing season • Shore: 20ºC- 22 ºC (ocean breezes drop temp.) • Inland: 25ºC • Winter: (temp. changes each day) snowiest of 3 maritime provinces • North: -12.2ºC • South: 7.5ºC • Interior: 1200mm of rain/yr

  6. Climate Graph For Fredericton

  7. Landforms • Landforms: • South: hills slopping to the tidal marshes on the Bay of Fundy • East/Central: rolling hills cut by river valleys • North: highlands are an extension of Appalachian Mountains • Highest point: Mount Carleton at 820m

  8. The Saint- John River • Discovered on June 4, 1604 and named after John the Baptist • Maliseet had called it Wolstaq • Was a refuge for Maliseet, Acadians and Loyalists • Major center of culture and commerce • 637km: from N. Maine to Saint John Harbour • Was Great Atlantic Salmon River

  9. The City of Saint John • 1524: SJ Harbour first entered • Portland Point was first French Settlement and later fortified • 1758: occupied by French • 1775: destroyed by American Revolutionaries. Replaced with Port Howe • 1783: UEL settled area • 1785: Saint John established • 1800s: Irish arrive fleeing famine • 1877: fire destroyed city • 1889-1966: recovered and grew • Became Province’s center for manufacturing and transportation

  10. Vegetation • Indian Pipe, False Lily-of-the-valley, Moccasin Flower, Painted Trillium, Rose Twisted-stalk, Star Flower, Wintergreen, Yellow Clintonia, Yellow Lady Slipper, Wood Sorrel

  11. Wildlife • Animals: moose, snowshoe hares, beavers, black bears, whitetail deer's, blue whales, puffins, seals and sharks • Birds and Insects: partridges, herring gulls, red-winged black birds, mallards, eastern bluebirds, flower spiders, and many butterflies • The wildlife found in New Brunswick and in Ontario are fairly similar including most birds, insects, and farm animals.

  12. What New Brunswick Offers A Historical and Natural Place for Adventure and Relaxation FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!!

  13. Where Can I Go? Hampton MuseumKing’s LandingFundy National ParkKauchibougac National ParkPiping Plower and SealsKelly’s BeachCap-St-LouisHopewell RocksBeaubear’s IslandNational Historic SiteAtlas ParkJohn Fisher Memorial Museum/Carter House BoishbertHartland BridgeMactaguac Provincial ParkThe Beaverbrook Art GalleryMagnetic HillLes Jardins de la RépubliqueVillage Historique AcadienneLa Pays de la SanguineLa Dune de BouboucheNew Brunswick MuseumFortress St JohnSt John Riversing FallsImperial TheatreSt-Andrews-by-the-SeaCape EnrageCrystal PalaceCape Jouriman Nationale Wildlife PreserveSackville Waterfowl ParkMt CarletonHerring Cove Provincial ParkNew River Beach Provincial Park AND MORE!

  14. King’s Landing Historical Settlement • A Place to Experience History First Hand • Travel Through Time (100Years) • An Immersion in the 19th Century Culture • Fun for Everyone

  15. Fundy National Park • Near Alma, NB • Plenty of Trails, Tour the Bay and Water Falls, Golf Courses, Heated Salt Water Swimming Pool • A Place for the Adventurer in all of US!

  16. Hampton • Come Discover a Culturally and Historically Rich Area • Museums, Historical Buildings and Homes, New Brunswick’s Most Fertile Marsh, Courthouse, St. Paul’s Church

  17. Documentation of Sites • www.wikipedia.com • www.canada.adventures-guide.com/New Brunswick/naturetours.html • www.hampton.new-brunswick.net/ • www.photosofnb.blogspot.com/ • www.new-brunswick.net/new-brunswick/sitemap.html • www.geocities.com/rainforestlands/1194/wildflowist.html • www.kingslanding.nbca./ • www.canadatourism.com/ctx/applen/ca/statsfigures.do?path=templatedata/ctx/statsANDfigures/data/en_ca/tourism_fact_figures/year_2004&haschildren=false • www.canadaonline.about.com/gi/dynamic • www.atlantic-webl.ns.ec.gc.ca/climatecentre/default.asp? • www.greatcanadianrivers.com/rivers/john/john-home.html • www.new-brunswick.net/saint-john/history.html • www.newbrunswick.worldweb.com/photos/flowersandtrees/ • www.google.ca

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