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Active Senior and Information Technology ASIT. Future of the Third Age. Project Steps : A. Step by step.
Active Senior and Information TechnologyASIT Future of the Third Age
Project Steps:A. Step by step • 1. Memorypractice – exercises and games (academicyearprogramme 2010/2012, workshops – pedagogic of funduringthe spring and summeruniversity by KLANZA or NLP) • 2. Languagelearning - active learning (academicyearprogramme 2010/2012, workshopsduringthe spring and summeruniversity). AdvancedgroupscanattendEnglishcourseswiththeuse of IT. • 3. IT courses for begginers and advanced. • 4. Foreign partners meetings (including foreign language meetings) – intercultural and intergenerational
Target group The target group ismadeup of seniorsfromtheAssociation Mokotowski University of the Third Age and itsbranches, as well as group of youthinvitedonce a month and joiningseniorsduringspecificlecturesubjects. Thecooperationbetweenseniors and youngpeople will help inbecomingintelectually and physicallyactive, whichcanresultinthe mutual respect of thesetwogroups.
Project partners We considerfuturepartnershipwith: France Germany Italy Great Britain Czech Republic
Becoming an active senior Throughdialogue and presentation of thepsychologicallyactiveseniors model and theirpotential, as well as passiveseniorswhoneed help. Discussionbetweenactive and passiveseniorsis an opportunity to findthesolution – activationmethod. Theguarantee of changingtheattitudeistheacceptance and positiveengagement.
Project benefits: Seniorsarebecomingactivecitizens – the community theybelong to hasself-evident profit fromit. Theyareaware of their role ineconomic, social and cultaral life. Thenationissupposed to usetheirwisdom as itis a great asset. Preventingtheexclusion of the senior group.
Objectives: Thebenefits of theprojectguaranteeseniors an authority intheirfamily and social life, whichgives a chance of socialcooperation, intercultural and intergenerationaldialogue (foreign languages – English, Frencharetoolsthatconstitute an integrative element duringthemeetings of theprojectmembers – students of the Third AgeUniversities as well as theirgrandchildren) Theprojectinfluencestheperception of theown and countriesinpartnership. Theproject will resultincreation of the group of volunteers – fullyresponsible.