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Lancement de la plate-forme des clusters d’innovation de l’Euro-métropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Tournai, 15.03.2011. Innovation & Cooperation: Cluster policy & Demand-side innovation policies: public procurement of innovation. Dr. Bertrand Wert, Policy Officer bertrand.wert@ec.europa.eu
Lancement de la plate-forme des clusters d’innovation de l’Euro-métropoleLille-Kortrijk-TournaiTournai, 15.03.2011 Innovation & Cooperation:Cluster policy & Demand-side innovation policies:public procurement of innovation Dr. Bertrand Wert, Policy Officer bertrand.wert@ec.europa.eu Industrial Innovation Policy Development
>> Towards >> Internationalisation European Cluster Excellence Promotion and development of world-class clusters in Europe Current For cluster analysis For policy making For business
The New European Cluster Observatory www.clusterobservatory.eu
European Cluster Alliance • Open policy-driven EU platform, created in 2006 • Develop better cluster policies in Europe • How it works: on the basis of 6 Task Forces on different subjects supported by external experts, and Annual Assemblies • 63 members (so far) • Further information: www.proinno-europe.eu/ECA
European Cluster Excellence Initiative Quality indicators for good cluster management Training Scheme Club of Cluster Managers Cluster Collaboration Platform
European Cluster Collaboration Platform Ten good reasons to join the platform The platform …
Structured in two parts: Three core principles Eight action proposals European Cluster Policy Group Recommendations 07-09-2014 side 10
Eight Proposals of the ECPG Align funding priorities in the EU budget with competitiveness Enhance cluster-related framework conditions Review current profile of funding recipients at EU and Member State levels Encourage better cluster programmes at the EU Member State level Streamline EU funding for clusters by creating a unified set of administrative procedures Improve coordination of cluster programmes across DGs Institutionalise the provision of the cluster knowledge/data base Enhance European platforms for cluster collaboration 07-09-2014 side 11
A new approach promoting internationalisation International EU incentive Call for proposals: 2.5 M EURO (ECA Members !) 11.03.2011: Promotion and development of world-class clusters in Europe New EU call for proposals released This call for proposals by DG Enterprise and Industry aims at further supporting the development of more world-class clusters in Europe under two strands: Strand 1: Promoting international cluster activities in the CIP participating countries (3/G/ENT/CIP/11/C/N04C011). This action aims at fostering European cluster cooperation in view of internationalisation strategies outside Europe, by building upon and further developing successful support schemes already implemented in some Member States. Strand 2: Promoting excellence of cluster management in the CIP participating countries (4/G/ENT/CIP/11/C/N04C021). This action aims at improving cluster management in Europe, by building upon and further developing the efforts carried out by the European Cluster Excellence initiative. “Host” Public Authority A “Invited”Public Authority B “Host” cluster organisation “Invited” cluster organisation Invited”Public Authority C “Invited” cluster organisation Common international strategy www.cluster-excellence.eu/3581.html?&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=5665&tx_ttnews[backPid]=3554&cHash=435492dad0
European Cluster Excellence Initiative European Cluster Excellence Initiative Call for proposals: 1.5 M EURO EU incentive Public Authority Cluster managers Deliverables, (Training materials, Tools, ) (Cluster Club Members !) (ECA Members !) “Training of trainers” Share experiences with other Cluster Club Members !
Who could participate in the coming calls? • Eligible applicants • National or regional public authorities or agencies • Members of the European Cluster Alliance. • Participants in the pilot actions • Cluster organisations; • Members of the European Club of Cluster Managers established under the “European Cluster Excellence Initiative”. Information Days in Brussels, 4 May!
Policy developments…Cluster policy as part of industrial policy • An integrated industrial policy • To develop new strategies of clusters and networks of clsuters • End of 2011 new programming period • Included in the Common Strategical Framework CSF
Demand-side innovation policies:public procurement of innovation
Lead Market Initiative LMI Policy mix: supply and demand-side measures - Regulation Measures from the demand-side - Standardisation - Public procurement - Clusters… LMI package Intention: Supporting market VS supporting technology push - Formations, foires - Financement de R&D - Subventions, prêts - Mesures fiscales - Equity support - ... Measures from the supply side
Innovation Union, Committment 17: Procurement budgets for innovation • Issues • Wrong incentives • Lack of knowledge and capabilities on technologies, innovations, market developments • No strategy that aligns public procurements with public policy objectives (e.g. health, environment, transport), and with R&D&I support programmes • Fragmentation in demand • Actions • “Member States and regions should set aside dedicated budgets for pre-commercial procurements and public procurements of innovative products and services ... • The Commission will provide guidance and set up a (financial) support mechanism to help contracting authorities to implement these procurements in a non-discriminatory and open manner, to pool demand, to draw up common specifications, and to promote SME access. • In addition, the Commission will offer guidance on implementing joint procurements between contracting entities…”
Cities: sustainable construction & rehab. “SCI-NETWORK”:ICLEI (lead)Local Governments for Sustainability (Europe), Transport for London TFL (UK), City of Torino (IT), Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK), Dutch National Procurers Association PIANOo (NL), Culminatum, Helsinki Region Centre of Expertise (FI), University of Klagenfurt (AT), Motiva, National Agency for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (FI) First results: • 110 organisations are participating in the pilot phase • Online Forum6 Working Groups WG:sustainable renovation; new technical solutions;procuring innovation;whole-life costing;financing & contracting;& environmental standards • WG for helping public sector to become key driver for sustainable innovation • WG encourage knowledge & experience sharing, identifying best practice, innovative technologies & products relevant to public authority • WG will engage with the market to identify the best solutions:https://eulab.viadesk.com www.sci-network.eucontact:mark.hidson@iclei.org
Fire-brigades protective garments “ENPROTEX”:Firebuy (Lead), the National Procurement Agency for the fire and rescue service in England (UK), Belgian Ministry of the Interior IBZ (BE), Dutch national Disaster Response Agency LFR (NL) First results: • A web-portal for public procurers and SMEs • Innovation mapping in textile research on protective clothing • Providing industry with forward commitments to meet future needs of procurers • A Personal Protective Equipment public procurers network is under development • Dissemination at national and international level. • Discussions with industry on barriers to innovation as well as dialogue with SME associations on involvement of SMEs in innovation and the supply chain • Model for tender documents will be produced http://www.enprotex.eu/indexcontact:joshua.osifeso@firebuy.gov.uk
Low carbon Hospitals “LCB-HEALTHCARE”:Department for Business Innovation and Skills BIS (UK)(lead), Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO (NL), Norwegian Directorate for Health Affaires(NO), Cracow Rydygier Hospital (PL), Department of Health DH (UK), European Health Property Network EuHPN (NL) First results: • Develop a sustainable, self-funding, trans-national network • Stakeholders' consultations commenced at the European Congress on Healthcare Planning and Design in June 2010. • A survey of barriers to investment in low carbon solutions was launched in 2010 • A European state-of-the-art report: publication before the end of 2010 • "Ultra Efficient Lighting for Future Wards" in the Rotherham hospital (UK): by implementing a Forward Commitment Procurement project refurbishment leaders await Energy consumption saving of 30% or £4,500 / 40 beds / 10 years, and Maintenance Saving of 88% or £13,140 / 40 beds / 10 years. http://lowcarbon-healthcare.eu/contact:gaynor.whyles@jeraconsulting.com
Which Financial Support? Strutcure (in development…) Call for proposals of 15M€ PPI & PCP CIP programme June 2011: European Commission, DG ENTR Grant: networking, procurement preparation of PPI or PCP… & % of the real PPI procurement (non definitive structure and %) ≤ 30% ≥ 70 % & 95% ≤ Procurement contract Group of buyers Supplier (e.g. SME x) or Supplier (e.g. SME y) Group of buyers + innovation agency, specialized platform (e.g. for cities: sustainable development) + cluster Supplier (e.g. SME z) Innovation solution: goods or services Innovations + client reference Beneficiary for other procurers+ UE internal market More info: http://ec.europa.eu/cip/files/cip/docs/eip_2011_work_programme_en.pdf
Public Procurement of Innovation Pre-Commercial Procurement Innovation Deployment Procurement Phase 4 Commercialisation Diffusion of product/service/processes Supplier X Phase 0 Exploratory Research Phase 2 Prototype development Phase 1 Solution design Phase 3 Pre-commercial small scale product/service development - Field Test Supplier O Group of Public Procurers Single Public Procurer Supplier A Supplier B Supplier J Supplier B Supplier B Supplier C Single Public Procurer Supplier C Supplier A,B,C,D Supplier D Supplier D Group of Public Procurers Supplier D - + Goods/ services Market Diffusion - + Procurement Risks EC support to procurers and suppliers (FP7 grants) Pre-commercial Tender (WTO GPA & Procurement Directives not applicable) EC support to procurers purchasing (CIP grants) Tender for commercial deployment (WTO GPA & Procurement Directives applicable)
Which Financial Support? The concept (in development) Examples… Preparation Phase Procurement Phase
THANK YOU FOR your ATTENTION For more information on clusters Nikos.Pantalos@ec.europa.eu European Cluster Observatory: www.clusterobservatory.eu European Cluster Collaboration Platform: www.cluster-excellence.eu/collaboration European Innovation Platform for Clusters: www.europe-innova.eu European Cluster Alliance: www.proinno-europe.eu/eca European Cluster Excellence Initiative: www.cluster-excellence.eu For more information on procurement of innovation Bertrand.wert@ec.europa.eu innovation in public procurement: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/innovation/policy/lead-market-initiative/public-proc_en.htm