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The MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet

The MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet . 王鑫宇 11222017. W atching the Olympics live over the Internet? S treaming last week’s episode of your favorite TV show to your game console ? W atching a 24-hour news TV channel on your mobile phone? . Contents.

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The MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet

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  1. The MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet 王鑫宇11222017

  2. Watching the Olympics live over the Internet? Streaming last week’s episode of your favorite TV show to your game console? Watching a 24-hour news TV channel on your mobile phone?

  3. Contents • Background • Adaptive streaming • Scope of MPEG-DASH • Features & Advantages • My opinion

  4. Background • Multimedia streaming over the Internet infancy • No interoperability devices and servers • Video content vast majority of Internet traffic • Market growth PCs, TVs, tablets, and mobiles phones • MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming)

  5. HTTP streaming ···

  6. HTTP streaming • Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming • Microsoft’s Smooth Streaming Adobe’s HTTP Dynamic Streaming

  7. Full name:MPEG-DASH over HTTP

  8. A simple case of adaptive streaming

  9. Scope of MPEG-DASH

  10. Multimedia Presentation Description(MPD)—— .XML document

  11. Segment format

  12. Features & Advantages • MPEG-DASH defines segment-container formats for both ISO Base Media File Format and MPEG-2 Transport Streams. • MPEG-DASH is media codec agnostic and supports both multiplexed and unmultiplexed encoded content. • Multiple DRM and common encryption ISO/IEC 23001-7 • Five specific profiles for different applications.

  13. Additional features • Switching and selectable streams. • Ad insertion. • Compact manifest. • Fragmented manifest. • Segments with variable durations. • Multiple base URLs. • Clock-drift control for live sessions. • …...

  14. My opinion • 灵活性是 MPEG-DASH 的最大优点,同时也是它的缺点所在,适应该协议的客户端复杂 • 应规定客户端的自适应判决方案,最大化网络带宽利用率 • 自适应的同时考虑 QoE • 与设备制造商、应用软件商合作

  15. That’s all. Thank U.

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