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Background – Why are we here?. 2005 SILC Statewide study: lack of mobility tied for 2 nd place in problems faced personally by people with disabilities
Background – Why are we here? • 2005 SILC Statewide study: lack of mobility tied for 2nd place in problems faced personally by people with disabilities • 44% of Idaho households had at least one member with a disability. Of those households, nearly one third of respondents indicated that transportation is inadequate for their needs • Focus groups for 2008-2010 SPIL ranked lack of transportation options most significant barrier to independence • Many people with disabilities are isolated in their own homes or in institutions due to lack of transportation
Background • 2007 Idaho IL Conference “Transportation in Idaho” Report • Lack of service evenings and weekends • Taxicabs expensive and rarely accessible • No options at all in many rural communities • Significant barriers exist in all geographical areas of the state
Overview • Three-year project • 11 full time and 12 quarter time members statewide • Create local accessible transportation network in each region to develop action plan • Implement regional transportation action plan • Create new transportation options
Host Sites • Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Boise • Living Independence Network Corp. (LINC) in Boise, Twin Falls, Caldwell • LIFE in Burley, Blackfoot, ID Falls and Pocatello • Disability Action Center NW in Moscow, Lewiston and CDA • State Independent Living Council in Boise
Americorps Proposal • 3 year project: • Year 1: Develop local Transportation Advisory Networks made up of people with disabilities and stakeholders • Identify and evaluate barriers • Identify possible solutions & funding sources • Create Transportation Action Plan • Begin applying for funding in each region
Other Goals • Inclusion of people with disabilities into AmeriCorps; a majority of our members have disabilities • A training ground for people who may have never held a job before; 4 members under 20 • Opportunities for people with disabilities to give back
Easter Seals Project ActionAccessible Community Transportation InstituteJuly 12-15, 2009 Two teams from Idaho AmeriCorps members selected, including Caldwell site member and Lewiston site member. Competitive Selections
Project Action Communities on the Move: Using All Transportation Options (ADA and beyond…) • Boise was selected as one of six training sites out of 38 applicants • Easter Seals Project Action delivered customized training in Boise to all AmeriCorps members and transportation stakeholders
Service Projects Ada County Library Braille Literacy Project
New bus routes in CDA will give people with disabilities more options and make connections between small rural communities a reality
Voucher Programs Twin Falls – Awarded $138,221 • Expanded Voucher Program • Court Voucher Program • Recreation Voucher Program LINC Caldwell – Awarded $46,194 • Canyon County and surrounding counties Voucher Program
VoucherFlow ogram Provider submits vouchers for payment Client obtains vouchers from Rides or Agency Client pays Provider with vouchers
Twin Falls Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle • Awarded $62,000 in ARRA funds for ADA Para-transit Van
Treasure Valley Urban and Rural Accessible Taxi Program Local members have been collaborating with Valley Regional Transit to develop a model Accessible Taxi Program
Treasure Valley Urban and Rural -Two Wheelchair Accessible Taxis The SILC was Awarded $74,000 in ARRA funds for two vehicles; Transferred to VRT
Quarter Time Boise Members Summer of Service Projects • Green Expo Booth highlighting public transportation for people with disabilities
Quarter Time Boise Members Summer of Service Projects • Partnership with MIG Grant allowed creation of an online trip planner • Software contractor hired • Intercity • Specific to people with disabilities • Partnership with transportation entities to determine placement
Lessons Learned • Members often work better in teams • Some host sites have more capacity than others to support members (changes to host sites) • Job descriptions tailored to the host site make more sense • Communication between host sites and SILC must be regular and frequent • Members need to closely track hours
Opportunities • Building Community/Relationships • Getting more people with disabilities involved in the Independent Living movement • Impact on issue • Interface with other transportation efforts (Idaho Mobility Access Pathway or IMAP) • ARRA stimulus money
Resources • Easter Seals Project Action http://www.projectaction.easterseals.com • New Freedom Initiative www.disabilityinfo.gov • National Service Inclusion Project http://communityinclusion.org • Idaho SILC: www.silc.idaho.gov