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PRODUKTIVITAS EKOSISTEM MATERI & NON-MATERIAL. Regina R.B, Ieke , W.A., dan Soemarno – Des 2012. SEKUESTRASI KARBON. SEKUESTRASI KARBON. How do forests sequester carbon dioxide?
SEKUESTRASI KARBON How do forests sequester carbon dioxide? Carbon sequestration involves "storing" or "sequestering" carbon dioxide and one of the most efficient carbon sinks is an actively growing forest. All plants photosynthesize so forests are not only removing the carbon dioxide from the air, they are converting it to another form that is beneficial to the environment. Diunduhdari: http://www.groundworks.net.au/default.asp?PageID=100 ………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON Terrestrial Carbon Storage Vast amounts of carbon are already stored naturally in the earth’s ecosystems. A number of factors influence the level of terrestrial carbon storage, including land management, utilization of wood products, and impacts of wildfire. One of the attractions of terrestrial sequestration is its lower initial cost relative to other approaches to CO2 storage and the potential for significant environmental, economic, and aesthetic co-benefits. The latter may include: Improved forest health New wildlife habitat Reduced soil erosion and stream sedimentation Stronger local economies Reclamation of poorly managed soils Improved recreational opportunities . During photosynthesis, plants convert CO2 and water into carbohydrates to use for growth. This process fixes carbon in plants, organic matter, and soil. Diunduhdari: http://www.westcarb.org/terrestorage.html ………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON What is Photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a process of taking inroganic material to make new organic matter through the combining of carbon dioxide and water using solar energy. This process only occurs in green plants, blue-green algae, and certain bacteria. Plants capture light energy and make their own food using it. The process of photosynthesis is what allows the plants to make their own food. Photosynthesis allows the chlorophyll inside each leaf to capture energy. The captured energy is used to build carbohydrates from simple raw materials. (water, carbon dioxide and minerals) These carbohydrates, also known as sugar, are the plants food. The plant uses some of the sugar, but also stores some. Photosynthesis also needs the following raw materials to function: carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Animals breath out carbon dioxide, so this gives the plants oxygen and carbon. Plants receive the hydrogen through water. The materials enter the plant either at the roots or the leaves. Diunduhdari: http://ellerbruch.nmu.edu/classes/cs255w03/cs255students/teabbott/p4/page1.html ………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON . Photosynthesis It seems so simple. 6 molecules of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, 6 molecules of water, sunlight, a little chemical interaction, and suddenly there exists glucose, the food of life. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + photons of light (2,870 kJ) → C6H12O6 + 6 O2 "This process is one of the most important biochemical pathways, since nearly all life on Earth either directly or indirectly depends on it as a source of energy" Diunduhdari: http://thusagricola.typepad.com/the_gates_of_academe/2008/10/photosynthesis.html………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON FOTOSINTESIS Diunduhdari: http://teachers.moed.bm/leone.samuels/Photosynthesis%20Diagrams/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=6………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON How much carbon dioxide does a single mature tree absorb? Different sources offer different numbers – no surprise in the constantly evolving world of carbon sequestration analytics. It has seen estimates ranging from 18 pounds per year per tree to more than 50. The mature tree absorbs 271,580 pounds of CO2 per acre over its first 20 years. (Mature trees absorb more than younger trees). Diunduhdari: http://newenglandcleanenergy.com/energymiser/………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON TanamanPenyerapKarbondioksida Tanamanmerupakanpenyerapkarbondioksida (CO2) diudara. Bahkanbeberapadiantaratanaman-tanamanitusangatjago, mempunyaikemampuanbesar, untukmenyerapkarbondioksida (CO2). Pohontrembesi (Samaneasaman), dan Cassia (Cassia sp) merupakansalahsatucontohtumbuhan yang kemampuanmenyerap CO2-nya sangatbesarhinggamencapairibuan kg/tahun. Trembesi, Samaneasaman, 28.488,39 kg/tahun Cassia, Cassia sp, 5.295,47 kg/tahun Kenanga, Canangiumodoratum, 756,59 kg/tahun Pingku, Dyxoxylumexcelsum, 720,49 kg/tahun Beringin, Ficusbenyamina, 535,90 kg/tahun Kreypayung, Felliciumdecipiens, 404,83 kg/tahun Matoa, Pometiapinnata, 329,76 kg/tahun Mahoni, Swettianamahagoni, 295,73 kg/tahun Saga, Adenantherapavoniana, 221,18 kg/tahun Bungur, Lagerstroemia speciosa, 160,14 kg/tahun Jati, Tectonagrandis, 135,27 kg/tahun Nangka, Arthocarpusheterophyllus, 126,51 kg/tahun Johar, Cassia grandis, 116,25 kg/tahun Sirsak, Annonamuricata, 75,29 kg/tahun Puspa, Schimawallichii, 63,31 kg/tahun Akasia, Acacia auriculiformis, 48,68 kg/tahun Flamboyan, Delonixregia, 42,20 kg/tahun Sawokecik, Maniilkarakauki, 36,19 kg/tahun Tanjung, Mimusopselengi, 34,29 kg/tahun Bungamerak, Caesalpiniapulcherrima, 30,95 kg/tahun Sempur, Dileniaretusa, 24,24 kg/tahun Khaya, Khayaanthotheca, 21,90 kg/tahun Merbaupantai, Intsiabijuga, 19,25 kg/tahun Akasia, Acacia mangium, 15,19 kg/tahun Angsana, Pterocarpusindicus, 11,12 kg/tahun Asamkranji, Pithecelobiumdulce, 8,48 kg/tahun Saputangan, Maniltoagrandiflora, 8,26 kg/tahun Dadapmerah, Erythrinacristagalli, 4,55 kg/tahun Rambutan, Nepheliumlappaceum, 2,19 kg/tahun Asam, Tamarindusindica, 1,49 kg/tahun Kempas, Coompasiaexcelsa, 0,20 kg/tahun Diunduhdari: http://alamendah.wordpress.com/2010/09/01/tanaman-penyerap-karbondioksida/ ……….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON KemampuanSerapanKarbondioksida 5 (Lima) JenisTanamanHutan Kota. (Tommy Steven ParulianSinambela, H. Endes N Dahlandan H. MuhamadDiazuli, 2006) Dayaserap CO2 bersih per individupohon (g/pohon/jam) didaerah Dramaga ada.lah sebagaiberikut: Daunkreypayungsebesar 0,10; Manggishutansebesar 0.60; Melinjosebesar 0,39; Sawokecik sebesar;0,37; dan Trenggulisebesar 0,06. Dayaserap CO2 bersih per hektarluaslahm (g4Ia,ljam) didaerahDramagadenganasumsikeselumhanjaraktanamtanaman 5m x 5m adalahsebagaiberikut: Daunkreypalungsebesar 40,8; Manggishutansebesar 240,4; Melinjosebesar 156,0 Sawokeciksebesar; 146,8; dan Trenggulisebesar 22,0. Diunduhdari: www.attayaya.net › DuniaHijau……….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON Carbon sequestration of paddy fields in Western Jilin of China during 1989–2004 Jie Tang, XiaomingXu, Zhaoyang Li, Weizheng Han. (Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change January 2012, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp 103-109 ) The study area of this article, Western Jilin province of China, was a typical area responding to global changing in middle latitude areas. In this paper, by interpreting the thematic mapper (TM) images of the study area in the years of 1989, 1996, 2000 and 2004, the land use/cover change (LUCC) data were achieved, which included the area of paddy fields and its spatial distributions. 113 soil samples were collected to obtain soil organic carbon (SOC) data of different land use types. After that, the organic matter contents of these samples were measured by using the potassium dichromate oxidation-outer heating method. Based on the data above, the amount of SOC sequestrated by the surface soil (0~30 cm) of paddy fields was calculated. The result showed that: the area of paddy fields was increasing continuously in western Jilin, from 11.28 × 104 hm2 in 1989 to 22.77 × 104 hm2 in 2004. Paddy fields transferred from wetlands, grasslands and water areas accounted for the main part of the paddy fields in 2004, the areas were 3.09 × 104 hm2, 2.98 × 104 hm2 and 2.8 × 104 hm2, respectively. The paddy fields with a total area of 0.83 × 104 hm2 degraded into saline-alkali lands. The amount of organic carbon sequestration in the surface layer (0–30 cm) of paddy fields was 658.86 × 104 t. Diunduhdari: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11027-011-9311-0……….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON Carbon sequestration and methane emission from a tropical rice field under intensive rice cultivation with long-term application of compost and inorganic fertilizer Nayak, D. R.; Yeluriapti, J.; Adhya, T. K. EGU General Assembly 2009, held 19-24 April, 2009 in Vienna, Austria http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2009, p.12446 The impact of long-term intensive rice-rice cropping system with different managements on soil organic carbon content (SOC) and methane emission was studied using a 36-year-old fertility experiment under tropical climate. Intensive rice production systems are important sinks of carbon but at the same time these are the major anthropogenic sources of atmospheric CH4, a major greenhouse gas. A significant increase in soil organic carbon in the treatments receiving compost or compost + inorganic fertilizer was observed. But the Control treatment where there is no fertilizer amendment, the SOC content decreased slightly. 36 years of application of compost and inorganic fertilizer application resulted in 32% increase in SOC content over the control treatment. Methane emission varied significantly among the treatments, growth stages and growth seasons. Treatments with combined application of compost and inorganic fertilizer showed highest CH4 emission during both dry and wet season. About 3.9 to 10.8 % of the total annual carbon input was lost through CH4 emission. CH4 emission showed significant positive correlation with soil parameters such as ferrous iron content, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase activity and plant parameters such as grain yield and straw yield. Step-wise regression analysis showed ferrous iron content of soil and straw yield explained more than 80% of variability in CH4 emission during both dry and wet season. Diunduhdari: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009EGUGA..1112446N……….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON BAMBOO Bamboo has long been supposed to be a plant with a high (carbon) sequestration capability, and the research to date indeed confirms that bamboo outperforms fast growing trees in its rate of carbon accumulation. Bamboo’s ability to provide global environmental services through carbon sequestration is also now receiving high levels of interest, and is the subject of research by The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR). A report entitled Bamboo and Climate Change Mitigation discusses the role of bamboo in carbon sequestration and how to optimize this dynamic concept of absorbing the element carbon through sustainable management and harvesting practices. Diunduhdari: http://www.bamboobob.com/?p=329 ……….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON Bamboo is that fastest naturally replenishing resource in the world and does not require replanting, fertilizers, and pesticides. It also acts as a great carbon sequester as it minimizes CO2 gases and generates up to 35% more oxygen than equivalent stand of trees. Diunduhdari: http://green.thefuntimesguide.com/2007/02/sustainable_living_bamboo.php ……….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON . RAIN FORESTS as well as other vegetation types play an important role in reducing the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Annually, plants in tropical rain forests around the world take in millions of tons of carbon dioxide and release millions of tons of oxygen through photosynthesis, and this balances the respiration of microbes, plants, and animals, which take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. As seen in the accompanying cartoon, plants take in carbon dioxide and water and use the energy of the sun to create carbohydrates that are, in turn, oxidized to produce the energy needed for plants to sustain themselves. The carbohydrates are also the building blocks plants use to make leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. Oxygen, the byproduct of respiration, is used by organisms to break down ingested carbohydrates to produce the energy needed for them to grow and reproduce. Mankind’s extreme disruption of the carbon cycle is and will continue to have serious consequences for life on earth. Diunduhdari: http://www.nybg.org/plant-talk/2011/09/around-the-garden/do-not-publish-rainforests-ameliorate-climate-change/ ………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON MembumikanKarbon, MeredamPemanasan Global Indonesia sepakatmemotong 26% dari total produksiemisikarbonnyapada 2020. Sebagaijalannyapemecahannya, sebaiknya Indonesia segeramengembangkanteknologipembumiankarbon, ataudalambahasa IPCC dikenaldengan Carbon Capture and Geological Storage (CCS). Sebenarnyateknologitengahdikembangkanolehbeberapanegaramaju, untuktetapbisamemaksimalkankonsumsienergimerekatanpaharusmelanggar carbon emission reduction target, yang dalambeberapatahunmendatangbisasajamenjadi binding target. Teknologiinimenjadiharapanbagiperushaanenergiraksasa, yang tetapinginmengeksplotasicadanganbahanbakardarifosil, tanpaharusdibebanioleh carbon tax. Diunduhdari: http://daenggassing.wordpress.com/sekuestrasi-karbon/………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON The Role of Soils in Sequestration Soils are an important part of the carbon cycle with some two to three times the terrestrial biosphere carbon than plants. Soil processes influence carbon sequestration and transport. The dynamics of carbon transformations and transport in soil are complex and can result in sequestration in the soil as organic matter or in groundwater as dissolved carbonates, increased emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere, or export of carbon in various forms into aquatic systems. The key to sequestration in soils is good management of them and well managed forests and farmlands sequester significant amounts of carbon and as they are then also more productive, sequestering carbon in this way is important Diunduhdari: http://www.tececo.com.au/sustainability.role_soil_sequestration.php………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON Carbon Sequestration Greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere and causing climate change. Scientist, policy makers, and citizens are trying to determine how to decrease and possibly reverse the emission of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon sequestration, a process where CO2 is pulled from the atmosphere and stored for a long period of time, may be one way to slow or reverse the accumulation of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere. Terrestrial sequestration utilizes natural processes in ecosystems to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in plants, animals, and soil. Forests can be managed to sequester greater amounts of carbon while still providing for wildlife, recreation, wood products, and other uses. Forest management Slight changes in forest management practices can improve the ability of forests to store carbon while still providing other benefits. Extending the time between harvests, encouraging fast-growing species, and fertilization are a few examples of management techniques that could be used to improve forest carbon sequestration. Diunduhdari: http://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/niacs/carbon/forests/carbon_sequestration/………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON California: Timber industry wants to maximize logging of carbon credit forests When it comes to generating revenue selling carbon credits forprotected forests, the timber industry is opposed. But when it comesto being able to not only cut down the forest, but also sell carboncredits for fake forest protection: the timber industry is an eageradvocate. Diunduhdari: http://forestpolicyresearch.com/2009/02/02/california-timber-industry-wants-to-maximize-logging-of-carbon-credit-forests/………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON The agricultural sector is an important source of three major greenhouse gases. It contributes about one third of the total carbon dioxide emissions and is the largest source of methane (from livestock and flood rice production) and nitrous oxides (primarily from application of inorganic nitrogenous fertilizer). Conversion of forest to annual crops or pasture also results in major loss of carbon stocks and its release to the atmosphere. Thus, agriculture can play an important role in climate change mitigation by reducing its own emissions. Carbon Sequestration- above and below ground. Diunduhdari: http://www.fao.org/es/esa/pesal/AgRole2.html………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON Wood flooring’s role as a sustainable carbon storage container. Trees are carbon storage containers and a primary tool in the process of carbon sequestration. As trees grow they absorb carbon dioxide. They release the oxygen into the environment and sequester the carbon. In fact, up to half of a tree’s dry weight is carbon. When timber is transformed into durable products, like flooring, the carbon remains in the wood and is transferred to the flooring which becomes a long-term carbon storage container (or “sink” in the vernacular) for the life of the floor. In the parlance of international carbon storage protocols, durable goods made from forest products are called “harvested wood products” or HWP. Diunduhdari: http://blog.floorcoveringinstitute.com/2010/05/wood-floorings-role-as-sustainable.html………….. 22/12/2012
SEKUESTRASI KARBON Soil carbon sequestration: how it works Carbon sequestration in soils suggests that fluxes or movements of carbon from the atmosphere can be increased while the natural release of carbon back into the air can be reduced. By absorbing carbon instead of emitting it, soils could evolve from carbon sources to carbon sinks. This process relies on respiration and photosynthesis, two basic processes of the carbon cycle. Carbon, entering the soil in form of roots, litter, harvest residues, and animal manure, is stored primarily as soil organic matter (SOM). In undisturbed environments, balanced rates of input and decomposition determine steady state fluxes. However, in many parts of the world, agricultural and other land use activities have upset this natural balance, thereby releasing alarming rates of carbon to the atmosphere. Diunduhdari: http://ag.arizona.edu/oals/ALN/aln49/tschakert1.html………….. 22/12/2012
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