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9/11 State of Mind

9/11 State of Mind. Pop Culture in the post-9/11 world. 9/11 by the Numbers. 26 93 29.9 million 300 7 99 261 2,977. 3 343 60 125.5 17,400 18 0 2.3. What’s Going On?. Before the Attacks - Just Another Day http://youtu.be/GaVYdg9BoNI A Timeline of Events

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9/11 State of Mind

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 9/11 State of Mind • Pop Culture in the post-9/11 world

  2. 9/11 by the Numbers • 26 • 93 • 29.9 million • 300 • 7 • 99 • 261 • 2,977 • 3 • 343 • 60 • 125.5 • 17,400 • 18 • 0 • 2.3

  3. What’s Going On? • Before the Attacks - Just Another Day • http://youtu.be/GaVYdg9BoNI • A Timeline of Events • Initial Reports - 8:47 am • http://youtu.be/tBc1F4LLcOo • Second Plane - Live on TV 9:03 am • http://youtu.be/FphTec8I0XgSouth • Tower Collapses - 9:59 am • http://youtu.be/gJbGm7GE1tA

  4. Lifestyle & Fashion • Fashion & Fashion Week 9/11/01 • Growing trend for “anti-consumerism” • Patriotism • Blood Donations up 86.2% • Lexicon • 9/11, Ground Zero • Image of Rescue Workers • “Rescue Me”, “Ladder 49” • Humor as a Coping Mechanism? • Is Political Satire Dead?

  5. Entertainment • Film • Imagery of Twin Towers • Airport Scenes • New Era of Anti-War Films • New “boogeyman” for the Silver Screen • Age of “Revival” Films • TV • Zenith of Reality Television • Jack Bauer becomes a Household Name • Music • Patriotism • Protest • Arthttp://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/09/08/us/sept-11-reckoning/folk-art.html#27

  6. Sports & Leisure • Sports - A Way to Heal • 2001 World Series - Game 3 (10/30/01) • http://youtu.be/p72xvhiWFjA • 2002 Super Bowl • Budweiser’s Tribute Commerical - http://youtu.be/J3eQmzw6n3k • U2 Half-Time Show - http://youtu.be/tk5SuyoNiYA • Video Games • Halo • Medal of Honor • EA senior PR manager Amanda Taggart contended, "Most of us have been doing this since we were seven... if someone's the cop, someone's got to be the robber, someone's got to be the pirate and someone's got to be the alien. In Medal of Honor multiplayer, someone's gotta be the Taliban."

  7. Science & Technology • Military Technology • Engineering and Architecture • Understanding and Treating PTSD

  8. A one-page reflection…(Due T, 9/20/11) • What new information about 9/11 have you learned in class? What sticks out in your mind? • Do you personally associate 9/11 with any memories? A book, movie, phrase, song? • Do you feel that the events of 9/11 are still having an impact on your life? Directly? Indirectly? Defend your answer.

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