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A. Germany confiscated the property of many people. B. The Nazi leadership did not allow freedom of the press.

Several former Nazi leaders were put on trial after World War II. An international court presented several charges against them, including crimes against humanity . What was the reason for this charge?. A. Germany confiscated the property of many people.

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A. Germany confiscated the property of many people. B. The Nazi leadership did not allow freedom of the press.

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  1. Several former Nazi leaders were put on trial after World War II. An international court presented several charges against them, including crimes against humanity. What was the reason for this charge? A. Germany confiscated the property of many people. B. The Nazi leadership did not allow freedom of the press. C. Nazi leaders ordered the extermination of millions of people. D. German soldiers held prisoners of war in unsanitary conditions. • Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  2. What is Elvis Presley known for A. Founded Sun Studios in Memphis, TN B. Was a member of the Perfect 36 • Signed the Southern Manifesto • First person to use blended music Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  3. The picture below is of what person that was credited with being the first African American to integrate the sport of baseball? • Muhammed Ali • Malcolm X • Jackie Robinson • Reggie Jackson

  4. During the Great Depression, what did expressions such as Hoovervilles and Hoover Blankets suggest about President Hoover? A. He was greatly admired by the people B. He was blamed of the suffering of the poor C. He was unaware of the extent of unemployment D. He was supportive of relief and housing for the needy.

  5. A. danger of explosions. B. storage of uranium. C. costs of materials D. fear of espionage. Write the question and then your answer on your sheet. Signs like this were especially important during the Manhattan Project because of

  6. A. Freedom Rides B. Space race C. Civil Rights Movement D. Montgomery Bus Boycotts This picture of Rosa Park being arrested sparked which of the following events? Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  7. An example of how the United States expanded its role in world affairs after World War II was by • establishing the Marshall Plan. B. joining the League of Nations. C. forming the Warsaw Pact. D. creating the Central Intelligence Agency. Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  8. The command economy under Stalin was • producing more consumer than capital goods. B. under the control of the state. C. increasing the workers’ standard of living. D. increasing the political powers of workers. Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  9. On the eve of Pearl Harbor, (December 7, 1941) American attitudes toward joining the war effort can best be described as • apathetic. • eager. C. isolationist. D. Ambivalent Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  10. What were two primary causes of the Dust Bowl during the early 1930s? • overpopulation and urban sprawl B. strip-mining and toxic waste dumping C. poor agricultural practices and severe drought D. clear-cutting of forests and construction of railroads Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  11. The Lend-Lease Act was an effort by the United States in the early days of World War II to A. sell materials to all countries for economic gain. B. negotiate a settlement without getting involved. C. support the allies without getting into the D. support the countries fighting against communism.

  12. A main cause of the Great Depression was the • increasing amount of cash purchases. B. low interest rates charged by banks. C. overregulation of big business. D. uneven distribution of wealth.

  13. The legal strategy employed by lawyers to end segregation in the South during the 1950s focused on • public housing B. the armed forces C. public education D. private businesses Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  14. Which program provided new jobs, cheap electric power, flood control, and recreation for its region? • National Recovery Act B. Civilian Conservation Corp C. Tennessee Valley Authority D. Agricultural Adjustment Act

  15. The Eisenhower Doctrine (1957) expanded the scope of the Truman Doctrine in order to • offset communist influences. B. combat terrorism. C. defend the nation of Israel. D. end the oil embargo. Write the question and then your answer on your sheet.

  16. Read the list below. • HUAC • Hollywood Ten • Blacklist • The items above are related to • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. B. the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952. C. the communist infiltration into the government. D. the ruin of the motion picture industry’s union.

  17. In a speech at the University of Michigan in May 1964, President Johnson outlined a legislative program that would end poverty and racial injustice. His program was the • Second New Deal. B. New Freedom. C. Great Society. D. New Federalism.

  18. Why MOST LIKELY are the efforts of the United States in the Korean War viewed as less than successful? • No prisoners of war were ever released. B. All U.S. troops had to leave South Korea after the war. C. Both sides refused to enter into peace negotiations. D. Korea remained divided between north and south.

  19. What was the primary reason that President Franklin Roosevelt backed a second set of New Deal programs, including the Social Security Act? A. Most of the earlier programs had completed their goals. B. Earlier programs had failed to bring an end to the Great Depression. C. Republicans and Democrats joined in supporting expansion of earlier programs. D. More money was available to fund programs that were broader than the earlier ones

  20. The cartoon represents Franklin Roosevelt’s A. New Deal. B. court packing plan. C. Works Progress Administration. D. Social Security Plan

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