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Great minds


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Great minds

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  3. WHO IS EVLIYA ÇELEBI? He was a wellknownTurkishtraveller. He travelledaroundtheterritory of theOttomanEmpireover a period of fortyyearsandtooknotes.he gatheredhis notesfromall of his travels in his book, calledtheSeyahatname (Book of Travels).

  4. HIS LIFE He wasborn in İstanbul in 25 March 1611.He had goodeducation in thefields of Arabic, Persian, Calligraphy, MusicandPhysicalEducation.After his education,he worked in theOttamanPalace.He gainedappreciation of the Sultan because of his works.At thelasttriptoEgyptwhere he died in 1682.

  5. Beginning of travels He had a greatdesiretotravelfrom an earlyage.He wantedtoseenewplacesandtomeetnewpeople.Accordingto his speech,he saw a dreamandbegan his famoustravels.

  6. TheBook of TravelFrom Evliya Çelebi Thisbookwaswrittenby Evliya Çelebi in theseventeenthcentury.Itwas a wellknowntravellingbook.Thisbookconsisted of ten chapters.Itwaswrittensimply ,clearlyandfantastically.Thisbookincluded a lot of idiomswhichwereunderstoodbypeople.

  7. Ali kuşçu

  8. WHO İS Ali kuşçu? He was an astronomer,mathematicianandlinguist.

  9. Hıs life • He wasborn in Semerkand in thefifteenthcentury.Because of his father’sjob,whowas a birdman of the sultan Uluğ Bey,he wasfamouswiththenickname of birdman(kuşçu) • Ali kuşçu wasinterested in mathematicsandastronomyfromyoungage.He tooklessonsfromthefamousscholar ofmathematicsandastronomy.Andthen he wentto Kirman toimprovehimselfandwrotesome of his works at thisplace.After he completed his education,he becamethemanager of observatoryandtheassistant of Uluğ Bey.He died in İstanbul in 16 December 1474.

  10. Uluğ bey

  11. Who is Uluğ bey? • He wasthefourth Sultan of Timur Empire.He wastheTurkishmathematicianandastronomer.

  12. Hıs life • He wasborn in Sultaniye in 1393.Fromtheage of sixteen,He governedthegoverment as well as he continued his education. • Uluğ Bey was a scholarandmature Sultan.In his free time,he readbooksandtalkedaboutsciencewithscholars.His knowledge of mathematicandastronomywasquiteadvanced.

  13. Piri reis

  14. Who is Piri reis? He wasthesailorandmapmaker of theOttomanEmpire.He wasfamouswithWorldmaps,showingAmerica ,andKitab-ı Bahariye,which is aboutsea.

  15. Hıs life He wasborn in Gelibolu in 1465.His uncle,Kemal, wasveryimportantforhimbecause he sailedwith his uncleforthefirst time. When his unclecaptain Kemal died in 1511,he settled Gelibolu for a while.He studied on his book,Kitab-ı Bahariye.In 1513 he drewthefirstmap of theworld.Thismapwasveryimportantbecause it wasveryclosethereality.In 1554 he gotthedeathpenalty.

  16. map • Piri Reis Map is theoldestonewhichshowseastsides of the South america , americancontinentandwestsides of europeandafrica. Thismapwaspreparedgatheringtwentysourcesincluding a map of ChristopherColumbus.And it wasalsovaluablehistoricaldocumentincludinggeographicalknowledge of 16th centuryEuropeanandMuslimsailors.In 1528 Piri reis drewsecondmapwhichshowingAmerica.

  17. Hazarfenahmet çelebi

  18. Who ıs Hazarfenahmet çelebi? He wastheTurkishMuslimscholarwholived in theOttomanEmpire in 17th century. He wasthefirstpeoplewhomanagedtoflybyusing self-developedwings.

  19. FlyingTests At thefirstflying test,he observedtheflying of birdsanddidexperiments.Itwassaidthat he flewfrom Galata Towerto Üsküdar with a toolsimilartowings of birds.

  20. biruni

  21. Who is biruni? He wastheislamicscholarwhostudied in thefields of astronomy, mathematics, naturalsciences, geographyandhistory

  22. Hıs life • Biruniwasborn in Kas in 978 anddied in Gazne in 1048. He focused on theinclinations of the sun andtheplanets • He foundEarthaxisinclination of 23 º 27 and it wasveryclosetherealnumber (23º 26,7’).And he wasthefirstpersonwhofoundthevalue of world’sdiameterwhichwasveryclosetherealnumber,too

  23. Ömer hayyam

  24. Who is ömerhayyam? He was an Iranianscholarwhoworked in thefields of astronomy, philosophy, literatureandmathematics

  25. Hıs life He wasPersianandIranianscientist. He tooklessonsfromfamousscholars of his time.He establishedtheworld'sfirstObservatory.He prepared Celali Calendar

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