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Personalisation, Portability and Freedom Computing. Bob Harrison Support for Education and Training. Agenda. Background to ICT in Schools Personalisation Wireless, Portability & Freedom Computing Questions. Background to ICT in Schools. Background to ICT in Schools.
Personalisation, Portability and Freedom Computing Bob Harrison Support for Education and Training
Agenda • Background to ICT in Schools • Personalisation • Wireless, Portability & Freedom Computing • Questions
Background to ICT in Schools • Department for Education and Skills (DfES) funding in schools has increased substantially since it began in April 1998. • OfSTED report, “ICT in Schools – The Impact of Government Initiatives Five Years On is a timely reminder of the constant pressure on educators to demonstrate that the investment in technology is having the required impact on the learning process and outcomes.”
Background to ICT in Schools • The report highlights the main positive aspects of the work of The National Grid for Learning including:- Laptops for teachers • Strategic Leadership in ICT • Curriculum Online • Enhancing subject teaching using ICT • Continued funding of Regional Broadband Consortium • The Test bed Project
Background to ICT in Schools • Continued impact of government initiatives for ICT in schools has been significant. • Outcomes of the initiatives are more evident in improvements in pupils’ achievements in ICT capability. • Rather than in their application of this learning in other subjects. • But application of ICT in lessons across other subjects is increasing slowly but surely.
Background to ICT in Schools • Government’s aim for ICT to become embedded in the work of schools is a reality in only a small minority of schools • More typical is a picture in which pupils ICT experiences across the curriculum are sporadic and dependent on teachers • Widening gap between the best and worst provision • The quality of the use of ICT in varies enormously from school to school. • in some schools that are furthest forward, ICT is starting to have beneficial effects in teaching and learning in ALL subjects.
Personalised LearningAdding value to the learning journey through a whole school approach
Vision – Adding value to the learning journey I can get a level 4 in English and Maths before I go to secondary school I get help with my problems so that I can concentrate on my learning I know what my learning objectives are and feel in control of my learning I know what good work looks like and can help myself to learn I know if I need extra help or to be challenged to do better I will get the right support My parents are involved with the school and I feel I belong here I can work well with and learn from many others as well as my teacher I can get the job that I want I enjoy using ICT and know how it can help my learning I know how I am being assessed and what I need to do to improve my work All these …. whatever my background, whatever my abilities, wherever I start from
Personalised Learning is… …about tailoring education to ensure that every pupil achieves and reaches the highest standards possible. It is also about personalising the school experience to enable pupils to focus on their learning and involve the community
The Five Components of Personalised Learning Assessment for Learning Inner Core Effective Teaching and Learning Curriculum Enrichment and Choice Personalising the School Experience Organising the School for Personalised Learning Beyond the Classroom “We need to engage parents and pupils in a partnership with professional teachers and support staff to deliver tailor made services – to embrace individual choice within as well as between schools and to make it meaningful through public sector reform that gives citizens voice and professional flexibility” (David Miliband, 18 May 2004)
Summary of the main points • Personalised Learning is an aspiration or philosophy; there are parameters that give space within which others can operate, taking into account the local context. • There is an inner core of activities, largely delivered through the National Strategies, to enhance learning, teaching and the curriculum. • Personalising the school experience is designed to set the pre-conditions for learning and to remove barriers; it complements the core and delivers aspects of the Every Child Matters agenda. • A whole-school approach is needed, underpinned by workforce reforms; collaboration with partners in the community is vital. • New Relationships with Schools will provide the levers to encourage schools to respond to the agenda.
Wireless, Portability & Freedom Computing • Wireless networking in schools and the use of portable devices featured in the recent OfSTED report. • Perry (2001) suggests that a wireless network can help teachers to : • Work more efficiently • Better support their pupils learning through their own use of ICT • Use ICT to extract greater value from their teaching • Work wherever and whenever suits them best
Wireless, Portability & Freedom Computing • The summary of the 2004 BECTA report states that key benefits of the use of portable devices include: • Portability enables students to take work home to continue working, and this can foster greater feelings of ownership over work • Increased motivation, organization skills and responsibility amongst pupils • Access to up to date pupil and school data, any time and anywhere • Increased involvement in education for parents and, in some cases, improved self esteem
Wireless, Portability & Freedom Computing How portability evolved:
The school computer BBC 1985 The computer room 1990 The school network 1995 Anytime Anywhere Learning 2000 e-Learning The here and now ! Fast-Paced Change
Tablet PCs in Schools • Key benefits • Promoting curriculum access • Improved communication • Improved motivation • Key Issues • Reliable and fast wireless access • The initial cost • Short battery life, low screen illumination and lost digitiser pens.
Tablet PCs in Schools Key findings The key findings emerging from the case studies were that Tablet PCs: • For maximum benefit, needed to be used in conjunction with a wireless network • Needed to be introduced in a planned way that took full a account of the school’s vision, as well as of the technical a infrastructure, support and staff development, and day-to-day management issues • Increased the amount of ICT use and the degree of integration of ICT across the curriculum
Innovative Practice with e-Learning • Portability • Any time, any place connectivity • Flexible and timely access to e-learning resources • Immediacy of communication • Empowerment and engagement of learners, particularly those in dispersed communities • Active learning experiences
“Learning has always been and always will be a personalised experience. It is the organisation of education that has been impersonal…Technology is making personalisation achievable at scale.” Chris Yapp, Head of Public Sector Innovation, Microsoft
Mobile Technologies and Learning 1 Behaviourist – activities that promote learning as a change in learners’ observable actions 2 Constructivist – activities in which learners actively construct new ideas or concepts based on both their previous and current knowledge 3 Situated – activities that promote learning within an authentic context and culture 4 Collaborative – activities that promote learning through social interaction 5 Informal and lifelong – activities that support learning outside a dedicated learning environment and formal curriculum 6 Learning and teaching support –activities that assist in the coordination of learners and resources for learning activities
Mobile Technologies and Learning • Context: • Mobility: • Learning over time: • Informality: • Ownership:
References Perry D (2002) Wireless Networking in Schools BECTA/DfES/Technology College Trust Seale J (2004) The Development Of Accessibility Practices In e Learning: An Exploration Of Communities Of Practice ALT – J Research In Learning Technology Vol 12 No 1 BECTA (2004)What the research says about portable ICT devices. BECTA ICT Research (2004)Tablet PCs in schools A review of literature and selected projects by the Open University BECTA ICT Research (2004) Tablet PCs in schools Case study report by the Open University JISC Innovative Practice with e-learning(2005) A good practice guide to embedding mobile and wireless technologies into everyday practice NESTA Futurelab Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning REPORT 11: A Report for NESTA Futurelab Laura Naismith, Peter Lonsdale, Giasemi Vavoula, Mike Sharples University of Birmingham
Thank you - Any questions ? Bob Harrison www.setuk.co.uk BobharrisonSET@aol.com