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Number Portability and IMSI. LG Telecom Co. Ltd. March 6, 2003 Casey Kyeongsik Kang Kskang@lgtel.co.kr. Contents. Numbering plan in the Korean mobile market 2. Service schedule of the Mobile Number Portability in KOREA 3. Network solutions for MNP - QoR and ACQ
Number Portability and IMSI LG Telecom Co. Ltd. March 6, 2003 Casey Kyeongsik Kang Kskang@lgtel.co.kr
Contents • Numbering plan in the Korean mobile market • 2. Service schedule of the Mobile Number Portability in KOREA • 3. Network solutions for MNP - QoR and ACQ • 4. Domestic roaming between KTF and LGT • 5. Proposal for the International Roaming in the 2 GHz CDMA2000
1. Numbering plan in the Korean mobile market • 3 CDMA operators (SKT, KTF, LGT) • 3 IMT-2000 operators in 2 GHz (SKIMT, KTiCOM, LGT) • 2 W-CDMA operators (SKIMT, KTiCOM) • 1 CDMA2000 operators (LGT) • SKIMT is to be merged into SKT, and KTiCOM into KTF • Each CDMA operator has have the distinct prefixes. • - SKT : 011-NYY-YYYY, 017-NYY-YYYY, 0119-YYY-YYYY • - KTF : 016-NYY-YYYY, 018-NYY-YYYY, 0169-YYY-YYYY • - LGT : 019-NYY-YYYY, 0199-YYY-YYYY • But, all carriers should service new prefixes 010NY from Jan. 1, 2004. • - New subscriber can’t get the old prefix such as 011, 016, 017, 018, 019. • - Numbers will be assigned with 1,000,000 scale, i.e., 010NY-YY-YYYY. • Current numbers (011, 016, 017, 018, 019) can be ported among carriers from Jan. 2004. • New numbers (010NY) can be ported among 2G carriers from Jan. 1, 2004.
2. Service schedule of Mobile Number Portability in KOREA • Starting date : January 1, 2004 • Different time schedule for each operator • - Jan 1, 2004 : SKT subscribers can port • - Jul 1, 2004 : KTF subscribers can port • - Jan 1, 2005 : LGT subscribers can port 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 year later SKT KTF SKT KTF SKT KTF LGT LGT LGT SKT subscribers can port. SKT and KTF subscribers can port. SKT, KTF, and LGT subscribers can port.
3. Network solutions for MNP (1/2) 3.1 QoR(Query on Release) in the first step • Very efficient when the ported subscribers are small. • Mandatory for the Donor network to response to the request for the ported number. • No loss of the number resource. Donor Network HLR Originating Network L_NPDB B 3) LR[DN] 4) lr[ported] GMSC 2) IAM[DN] 7) query result [DN,RN] 6) Query[DN] 5) REL[ported] Recipient Network 14) Paging and Term GMSC 1) Call Origination 8) IAM[RN,DN] MSC A 13) ISUP Setup MSC B 9) LR[DN] 10) RR[MIN] 11) rr[TLDN] 12) lr[TLDN] HLR
Donor Network Originating Network B L_NPDB Recipient Network 3) query result [DN,RN] 2) Query[DN] 10) Paging and Term GMSC MSC 4) IAM[RN,DN] 9) ISUP Setup B 1) Call Origination A 5) LR[DN] 6) RR[MIN] MSC 7) rr[TLDN] 8) lr[TLDN] HLR 3. Network solutions for MNP (2/2) 3.2 ACQ(All Call Query) in the next step • Most efficient when the ported subscribers are a lot. (when more than about 40 %) • Each carrier can decide when to start the ACQ depending on its traffic • for the originating calls. • No loss of the number resource.
4. Domestic roaming between KTF and LGT (1/3) • 4.1 Current Status • KTF is providing the spot-roaming service in the some rural area for LGT. • (one way roaming) • KTF services for the prefixes 019 and 199, the prefixes of LGT, • as well as its own prefixes 016, 169, and 018. • LGT and KTF are using MIN for the mobile station identification. • KTF should distinguish 5 prefixes to find the home carrier. Additional prefixes by domestic roaming KTF’s prefixes LGT’s prefixes 016 169 018 019 199 019 199
4. Domestic roaming between KTF and LGT (2/3) • 4.2 Some problems by MNP • KTF will have 32 prefixes resulted from MNP. • KTF should support 32 more prefixes for the roamers from LGT • Needs 32 more changed prefixes to distinguish the prefixes from LGT which are same • as those of KTF. • KTF should distinguish 64 prefixes to find the home carrier. Additional prefixes by domestic roaming (about 32) Additional prefixes by MNP (29 prefixes) KTF’s original prefixes(3) 011 119 017 019 199 010N0(8) 010N1(8) 010N9(8) 019 199 011 119 016 169 017 018 010N0(8) 010N1(8) 010N9(8) 016 169 018 Changed additional prefixes ( 32)
4. Domestic roaming between KTF and LGT (3/3) • 4.3. The solution using IMSI – Final decision of LGT and KTF ! • Easy to find the home carrier by checking MNC in the IMSI. KTF’s prefixes (32) LGT’s prefixes (32) 019 199 011 119 016 169 017 018 010N0(8) 010N1(8) 010N9(8) IMSI of KTF MCC(450) + MNC(02) + MSIN(10 digits MIN) 019 199 011 119 016 169 017 018 010N0(8) 010N1(8) 010N9(8) Distinguished by MNC IMSI of LGT MCC(450) + MNC(06) + MSIN(10 digits MIN) IMSI : International Mobile Station Identity MCC : Mobile Country Code MNC : Mobile Network Code MSIN : Mobile Station Identifier Number
5. Proposal for the International Roaming in the 2 GHz CDMA2000 • IMSI is very convenient to find the home carrier. • IMSI is essential for the UIM. • Also, IMSI is essential for the inter-standard roaming with GSM. • But, all carriers needs to support the IMSI to roam each other. • So, we need a lot of time to use IMSI in the international roaming • between the current CDMA system. • But, it is easy to introduce IMSI in the new 2 GHz CDMA2000 system. • Proposal of LGT : Start with IMSI for the 2 GHz CDMA2000 system. • And, extend it to the current CDMA system.