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Ensure smooth classroom operations with sign-in sheets and strict cell phone policies. Learn about returned papers, class worksheets, and where to find project examples. Stay organized and maximize your learning!
#1 Student Sign-in Sheet • Before the bell rings as students come in the door please sign-in next to your name. • Be very careful to sign-in next to your name and your name only (please do NOT sign-in for your friends…it’s very obvious when their signature magically changes for one day). • Classroom Job: The attendance helper will then call out to the class to make sure everyone present has signed in, and highlight the names in yellow of students who are not present during the first 5 minutes of class. The attendance helper will then bring the sign-in book to Ms. Ruddock to post in Skyward. It is the attendance helper’s job to literally nag Ms. Ruddock and make sure she posts attendance in the first 10 minutes of class. • If you forget to sign-in you will be marked absent, your parents will be called by the office and you will then be responsible for straightening out the error- so please help keep our records straight! • Please note that the number next to your name on the sign-in sheet is your Chromebook number. You will be held responsible for this computer.
#2 Cell Phones • Recommended Apps for this class: • Quizlet • Spanishdict.com • Google Classroom • Skyward • DuoLingo…just for fun!! • Per page 18 of the student handbook, once students bring their cellphone onto school property the student agrees to follow all school and individual teacher phone policies. All students have the choice to leave their phone at home. • In this class I am very strict about cell phone usage during class time because of both past experiences as well as my desire to provide students with the best learning environment possible. (Plus I don’t want to end up on your snap story #help me I’m dying in Spanish class) • Cell phone usage during a quiz or test for ANY reason will result in an immediate 0. While technology is an absolute asset, for quizzes and tests its use is not permitted. Think from the teacher perspective- imagine how the internet, apps, and pics of your notes would help on an exam. The objective is to test your knowledge not your ability to use your resources. • If a student is caught using a cell phone during class without explicit permission from Ms. Ruddock (via prearrangement) the student will number and write the following sentence by hand: Yo no voy a usar mi móvilen la clase de españolnuncajamás. • First offense:100 times • Second offense:250 times • Third offense:500 times ***I’ve only had one in my teaching career.
#3 Returned Papers and No-Name Papers • Papers in these baskets have been corrected and are ready to be handed back to students. • Students will know that they received full credit for the assignment as long as Ms. Ruddock has initialed the homework. KEEP YOUR INITIALED HW!!! This is your proof that you completed and turned-in the hw on-time and also your insurance against human error in the event that I make an error when entering grades. No paper, no grade and your option will be to re-do. • If your paper has been marked with an “I” this mean incomplete. Students can finish the assignment and resubmit to the late/makeup folder along with the participation sheet it goes with for 60% credit. *Students will not receive credit if assignment and participation sheet are not stamped* • If you know that you did an assignment but didn’t get it back, check the “Sin nombre” or no name box to the right of the papers basket. If you forget to write your name I will invite you to practice by writing your name on the top of your paper 10 times.
#4 Class Worksheets & Project Examples • Whenever additional papers are handed out for use in class, papers will be next to the sign-in binder. I will keep extras for absent students on the side counter. • Electronic copies of all homework packets are available on Ms. Ruddock’s website www.spanishwithshasta.com or my less developed school website http://chs.cheneysd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=676425&type=u&pREC_ID=1061493 • You can also google “Profe Ruddock” and it’s the first site the pops up. • If you are absent or lose your worksheet you can print another one or use the screen and write your answers on a separate sheet of paper and still get your homework done on time. • ¿Lostyourpaper? ¡No te preocupes!Print or view any of Ms. Ruddock's Spanish creations below! Click on the link to the chapter you are studying and choose the worksheet name you want to see. (Corresponding names & due dates are on the daily outline for each class) Descubre Leccion 1 Paquete de RecursosDescubre Leccion 2 Paquete de RecursosDescubre Leccion 3 Paquete de RecursosDescubre Leccion 4 Paquete de RecursosDescubre Leccion 5 Paquete de Recursos • Please note, in an effort to save paper I do not make extra copies….if you lose yours you will be expected to re-print your own in the library or to copy it onto a piece of loose-leaf paper. • Also on the side counter is a bin called “Examples of student work”. This bin is organized by chapter and includes student examples for each of the projects we will do throughout the course of the year if you need ideas to get started.
#5 Student Computer • This computer is a student computer and students are always welcome to use this computer to complete work for this class, to finish lab activities, to practice on quizlet or to look up the daily blog to see hw. Students will have assignments that require the use of technology; this is yet another opportunity for equitable access to technology. • Remember, all students have access to computers AND PRINTERS in the library before school, after school and at lunch when not testing. • Sign-in to school computers using your lunch code (student id). Your password is your birthday with 8 digits including the year. Students are also welcome to access technology in the homework center afterschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. • Please do no print in this room without specific permission. I have to pay for this printer ink and paper out of my budget. Instead please print to either of the printers labeled 228 which will print to the library. • If Ms. Ruddock gives special permission to print the printer for this computer is 1320 Room 303. • El RadioistaDJ of the day is welcome to use this computer to pull up profess Pandora and play SPANISH music or playlists/stations, it is your responsibility to dislike the song if it plays in English.
#6 Chromebooks enesteclase • In this class each student is assigned a chromebook for in class use, and the student number corresponds to that of the sign in binder next to your name. • While using chromebooks, you must sit in the desk labeled with your chromebook number, and put it back in its designates place on the cart. (numbers 11,12,22, and 23 are located on the bottom row due to the charger set up.) • OJO: Remember the district can see everything you do on the computers so keep it appropriate • During computer time students are expected to be on-task and working for this class only….this is not a time to check Skyward or work on other electronic assignments • Students will be responsible for any damage done to their number of Chromebook • Students will be written up, NO WARNINGS, for any Chromebooks left out in the classroom. This will be an automatic referral. Por favor take the time to put it away.
#7 ShootingProcedures • In the case of a school shooting happening, our classroom has a set of procedures to follow to insure the maximum amount of safety for ourselves and to make us difficult targets. • All phones must be shut off after sending one text to family saying you are safe, do NOT include a location, police need to be able to get to us. • Once the intercom comes off saying “ lockdown lockdown” the students in the two back rows closest to the door will lock and barricade the door, and try their best to jam the hinge. They will also turn off the lights • Then, the students closest to the windows will draw the blinds. • ALL students will go to the back left corner by the book shelf, and arm themselves with rocks and cover themselves with desks, backpacks, books, and if able, the bookcase itself. • In the case of the shooter coming through or door, we will throw rocks and other heavy solid objects at them and make ourselves as difficult to hit as possible. • If someone gets injured or shot, we will clot the wound and use the first aid kit located in the back corner. We will wait for professional medical attention and the police and will not move them unless they are in harms way.
#8 A Empezar: Entry Tasks • During the first 10 minutes of class each day students will have this time to read the blog to find out what to do and complete the entry task. During this time students are expected to use their resources: their books, notes and classmates. Ms. Ruddock is not your resource during this time! She will be checking homework, taking attendance and working on plans for your class! • During the first 10 minutes of class students are expected to be on-task and self-directed! You do You!! Entry task is the first priority, after this, students will use this time to organize their lives for Spanish AKA: • sign-in for attendance • write down the entry task questions and the homework on your entry task paper • Read the blog “Hoy en la clase” Today in-class… and get your life ready and prepared for Spanish..take out all necessary supplies • turn in late/makeup work to the folders • pick up papers from the basket • complete classroom tasks or jobs • This is NOT a time to ask Ms. Ruddock questions, talk about future absences or talk to your friends. • When the bell rings students will have their homeworkand entry task sheet on their desk. Students who are not prepared or on-task will lose points for participation. No warnings: please take care of business. • If you are absent you are expected to make entry tasks up. Entry tasks can be found in a folder on the whiteboard next to the homework for the week. Please write “ausente” on the top so I don’t mark it late.
#9 Ms. Ruddock’s Website • www.spanishwithshasta.com or my less developed school website http://chs.cheneysd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=676425&type=u&pREC_ID=1061493 • First and foremost, the most important resource students have accessibility to on Ms. Ruddock’s Website is her Daily Blog for each class. • For students who are absent or sick, use the daily blog to look up missing HW, daily entry tasks and activities completed in class that day. • If you are absent or lose your worksheet, use the website to print off a new one! • There are practice web-sites for basic Spanish grammar & vocabulary by chapter. • Links to all of Ms. Ruddock’s Quizlet sets • Conjuguemos and more! • Links to Ms. Ruddock’s Youtube channel for students to use if they need more review or practice with new or old content.
#10 Los Deberes • Each day the HW tracker will write the homework for that day on the board under losdeberes. (Spanish I on the whiteboard by door, AP Spanish right side of board) • It is the student’s responsibility to write down the homework on their participation sheets, it can be found the Spanish I Daily tab on Ms. Ruddock’s website. (www.spanishwithshasta.com) • Assignments/Participation: 5 points daily unless otherwise noted by instructor. This means that regardless of academic intellect or ability students who complete all homework and receive a 50% roughly on all assessments will pass this class. • Barring extreme circumstances students will not be given homework on Fridays unless they have work not completed in class. I believe the weekend is your time to catch-up on life and do your thing. Therefore, during class my expectation is that we will work bell to bell-not one minute before so please do not pack up early!!! If students pack up before the bell, those shuffling around will earn their entire class extra homework. Your participation and investment in the class affects the group mentality so jump on-board por favor! • Work hard, play hard. In order to receive full credit for assignments students will: • Complete all assignments on-time. This means due at the beginning of class daily. When the bell rings students will: • Have their homework on their desk • Mi Vida student notebook is out and ready to be used • Students will be working on the entry task. • Complete the assignment in its entirety (that means the whole thing…even the challenging ones). If students leave any portion of the homework incomplete they will receive a zero. Once completed, students can resubmit for 60% credit. • If students have questions they are expected to contact me before or after school before the assignment is due, or they can also email any questions sruddock@cheneysd.org I check my email frequently and respond to students quickly. Students are the number one priority above both parent and administrative emails. You are my priority!!! ¡Osprometo!
#11 Late & Make-up Work • Please turn late/make-up work with your participation sheet for that week into the color-coded class folders hanging on the wall by Ms. Ruddock’s desk. • Make sure if you were absent to write “Ausente” on the top (absent) otherwise it will be assumed this is late work and 60% credit will be awarded. • Late/ incomplete assignments will be accepted for 60% credit if received by the chapter test for that section. • GRADE REPORTS SENT EVERY FRIDAY VIA SKYWARD THIS GIVES YOU the weekend to do the missing assignments on Skyward. • For Class Grading Scale see student handbook: Because of the participation points received for homework,all students CAN PASS this class We practice every minute in-class! • Make-Up Policy/Classroom Expectations: • Per the student handbook students will be given one day for each excused absence. • Unless students notify me prior, I do not fill out homework requests. Everything is available online or students can see me before/after-school, or email. If you don’t always have access to technology no problem! Just ask Ms. Ruddock to please fill them out for you • Please DO NOT see me about absences during class time. I want to be fair and serve all students so this is not generally the time to see me about individual questions. • Students absent for a school-related event of ANY kind (sports, music, FBLA, drama etcetera) or any pre-excused absence must notify the instructor BEFORE you leave before/after school or via email. Students will be given the allotted time to make-up missed work however, this is extremely important in order to notify you of quizzes/tests upon your return because you will be expected to take the quiz with the rest of the class. • Students are responsible for scheduling make-up tests or quizzes within the allotted make-up time (Gone one day, one day to make it up! Don’t depend solely on your friends to ensure that you are caught-up)
#12 STUDENT Resources to rock this class • Supplies All student classroom supplies (scissors, glue, stapler, hole-punch, pens/pencils) are available for student use located on the window ledge. You do not need to ask permission to use these supplies. Use your judgement and you do you. Use what you need for class and remember this is a shared set of supplies. • Homework center on Tuesday and Thursdays afterschool is another FANTASTIC resource for students to use because Ms. Ruddock is available for individual help. Come work on assignments with your friends and get help when you are stuck • Ms. Ruddock’s website is another AMAZING resource to refer to for help. www.spanishwithshasta.com • Email Ms. Ruddock: If you still have questions about HW or new content, you can e-mail Ms. Ruddock and she will do her best to get back to students quickly! Stuck on a question? Take a picture and send it to me with your question. • Ms. Ruddock’s YouTube Channel The students and I have worked together over the last few years to make video recording of key lesson or videos of “cram-jams” to prepare for tests. The idea is to help absent students who completely miss out on the lesson (much easier than teaching yourself!) and also to provide students with an opportunity to hear a lesson a second time if it didn’t quite make sense the first. I record lessons at student request and am usually able to upload on the same day. Descriptions of all youtube videos and what they review are in the “YouTube Video Index” located on my website. Join the Spanish I Youtube Playlist to see the videos in order by chapter and get notifications for newly uploaded videos. • Mi Vida This is your class composition notebook that will help you organize key information throughout the semester. The idea is create a quick flip book that will allow you to quickly find what you are looking for when you need help on entry tasks or homework. Also a great resource to study for tests.
#13 El Sistema de Nuestra Comunidad Classroom Jobs • Per past student request we came up with a system to begin improving our classroom environment and day to day vibe in the room. As a teacher I was very overwhelmed with the number of daily tasks requested to help organize students and students felt frustrated at not being able to find what they need to learn. Therefore, we began examining the learning environment adding alternative seating, phone chargers and classroom jobs to improve the flow of the class. Each student will be able to pick out their own job to contribute to our class maintenance. These jobs will be important to our classroom community and keeping the room clean and organized. If you want me to get papers back in a timely manner, update the daily blog, YouTube, quizlet and lesson plans then I need help with the basics. I really want this to be OUR learning space, not Ms. Ruddock’s room. This is your space, you are the client so use it, contribute to it and invest in your space. All jobs were ideas from previous classes. • Students will sign up for jobs on the “Tareas de la clase” job sheet that hangs on the board next to the Spanish I homework. It will be the student’s responsibility to fully complete their task in order to receive participation points, signing your name doesn’t earn you the points….you actually have to do your job. • Here are a few of the jobs available for students to choose from. • Attendancehelper (Ayudante de la asistencia) • HomeworkTracker (los deberes) • Date and daywriter (La fecha y el día) • Hand-back papershelper (Ayudante para devolver los papeles) • Pick up the floor at the end of the day…return all whiteboards under the desks • Write the entry tasks on the board daily • DJ (el radioista) • Choose your own way to contribute and propose your idea to Ms. Ruddock • Each job will be worth 10 points. To receive credit notify Ms. Ruddock that you have completed your job and she will initial next to your name on the job sheet. Points for jobs will be entered on a bi-weekly basis. Students will be responsible for completing 2 jobs per semester and up to three. Jobs will be scarce and competitive in the end, so help out early! • If students observe or think of another job that would contribute positively to our environments please share this with Ms. Ruddock so she can propose it to the class and add it to the list