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Pregnancy Project

Pregnancy Project. By: Evan Cruz. Conception .

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Pregnancy Project

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  1. Pregnancy Project By: Evan Cruz

  2. Conception • During sexual intercourse (sex), sperm is released into the cervix. They swim up the fallopian tubes. The egg cell moves down through the fallopian tube. The sperm meet the egg. One penetrates the egg, and the outer membrane of the egg locks out the other sperm cells.

  3. Zygote • The cell produced by the union of two gametes, before it undergoes cleavage.

  4. Embryo • The organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation from fertilization to, in humans, the beginning of the third month of pregnancy. After that point in time, it is termed a fetus.

  5. Fetus Stages • The fetal stage commences at the beginning of the 9th week. At the start of the fetal stage, the fetus is typically about 30 millimeters (1.2 in) in length from crown to rump, and weighs about 8 grams.[1 The head makes up nearly half of the fetus' size.Breathing-like movement of the fetus is necessary for stimulation of lung development, rather than for obtaining oxygen.The heart, hands, feet, brain and other organs are present, but are only at the beginning of development and have minimal operation. Fetuses are not capable of feeling pain at the beginning of the fetal stage, and may not be able to feel pain until the third trimester.At this point in development, uncontrolled movements and twitches occur as muscles, the brain and pathways begin to develop. • Week 16 to 25 • A woman pregnant for the first time (i.e. a primiparous woman) typically feels fetal movements at about 21 weeks, whereas a woman who has already given birth at least two times will typically feel movements by 20 weeks. By the end of the fifth month, the fetus is about 20 cm (8 inches). • Week 26 to 40 • Artist's depiction of fetus at 40 weeks after fertilization, about 20 inches (51 cm) head to toe. • The amount of body fat rapidly increases. Lungs are not fully mature. Thalamic brain connections, which mediate sensory input, form. Bones are fully developed, but are still soft and pliable. Iron, calcium, and phosphorus become more abundant. Fingernails reach the end of the fingertips. The lanugos begins to disappear, until it is gone except on the upper arms and shoulders. Small breast buds are present on both sexes. Head hair becomes coarse and thicker. Birth is imminent and occurs around the 40th week. The fetus is considered full-term between weeks 37 and 40] which means that the fetus is considered sufficiently developed for life outside the uterus. It may be 48 to 53 cm (19 to 21 inches) in length, when born. Control of movement is limited at birth, and purposeful voluntary movements develop all the way until puberty.

  6. First Trimester • 1 to 3 months. Baby’s heart, brain, nerves, and lungs form. The digestive system also forms. Eyes and ears can be seen. Length of the baby is 1/3 inch. Baby is called an embryo.

  7. Second Trimester • 4 to 6 months. Baby’s skin is forming. Fetus kicks its legs and arms move. Fine hair develops. Weighs about 6 – 7 ounces. Length is 4 – 5 inches. Eyelashes and fingernails appears. Heartbeat increases. Rate of birth slows.

  8. Third Trimester • Eyes start to open. Legs and arms move often. Almost all organs are complete. Skin is smooth and polished. Eyes are slate colored. Birth weight is about 6-9 pounds. Birth length is about 19-21 inches.

  9. Epidural • Anesthesia used to reduce pain during any type of birth except a natural birth.

  10. Lamaze • Lamaze is a prepared childbirth technique .

  11. Braxton Hicks Contractions • Braxton Hicks contractions can begin as early as the second trimester, however they are most common in the third trimester. The muscles of your uterus tighten for approximately 30 to 60 seconds or as long as 2 minutes. Braxton Hicks are also called “practice contractions”.

  12. Episiotomy • An episiotomy is an incision performed between the vagina and the rectum that is used to increase the size of the opening of the vagina to assist in delivery of a baby.

  13. Stages of Labor • 1st- Begins from the onset of true labor and lasts until the cervix is completely dilated to 10 cm. • 2nd- Continues after the cervix is dilated to 10 cm until the delivery of your baby. • 3rd- Delivery of your placenta.

  14. Apgar Scale • Evaluating the newborn baby on five simple criteria on a scale from zero to two, then summing up the five values thus obtained. The resulting Apgar score ranges from zero to 10.

  15. Vaginal birth • When the cervix dilates to 10 centimeters, the pushing and delivery phase of childbirth begins. During this phase, the baby starts the journey down the birth canal.

  16. Cesarean Birth • This type of birth is done by a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus to allow a baby or babies to be born safely when a vaginal birth is not the safest route.

  17. Breech Birth • When the baby’s is born bottom fist instead of head first. With this birth there is a high risk of the baby’s umbilical cord wrapping around the neck and chocking it.

  18. Water Birth • Water birth is the process of giving birth in a tub of warm water. Some women choose to labor in the water and get out for delivery. Other women decide to stay in the water for the delivery as well.

  19. Still Birth • A stillbirth is the loss of pregnancy due to natural causes after the 20th week of pregnancy. It can also occur before delivery or during delivery.

  20. Premature Birth • the birth of a baby of less than 37 weeks into a pregnancy.

  21. Problems During a Pregnancy • Toxemia- serious medical condition that usually affects women after 20 weeks of pregnancy. toxemia is characterized by sudden elevated blood pressure and the presence of excess protein in the urine. • Miscarriage- loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. • Premature birth

  22. Doctors • Obstetrician- a physician who specializes in the care of a mother to be and her developing baby. • Gynecologist- a physician who specializes in the woman’s sexual reproductive system.

  23. Prenatal Care • A mother to be should always go and get medical check ups with her obstetrician. • A mother to be should never consume alcohol nor should they smoke cigarettes.

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