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GSC in a Nutshell after GSC-14 24 July 2009

Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14. GSC in a Nutshell after GSC-14 24 July 2009. Reinhard Scholl, ITU. “The Mandate of GSC is …. … to provide a venue for the leaders of the Participating Standards Organizations and the ITU to:

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GSC in a Nutshell after GSC-14 24 July 2009

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  1. Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 GSC in a Nutshellafter GSC-1424 July 2009 Reinhard Scholl, ITU

  2. “The Mandate of GSC is … … to provide a venue for the leaders of the Participating Standards Organizations and the ITU to: • Freely exchange information on the progress of standards development in the different regions and the state of the global standards development environment; and • Collaborate in planning future standards development to gain synergy and to reduce duplication. Further, the mandate of GSC is to provide a venue for the leaders of the Participating Standards Organizations to: • Support the ITU as the preeminent global telecommunication and radiocommunication standards development organization. GSC is not a standards development organization.” (from “GSC Governing Principles” v1.6)

  3. “Decision making in GSC … …is by consensus of the Heads of Delegation. This can either be expressed in HoD-only meetings/teleconferences or in GSC Plenary meetings.” (from “GSC Governing Principles” v1.6)

  4. Output of GSC • Resolutions: • After GSC-14: 25 (running #s 1-28; #s 5, 16, 18 will stay unallocated) • At GSC-14: • 13 Resolutions reaffirmed • 10 Resolutions modified • 2 new Resolutions • 2 Resolutions deleted • At GSC-14: • Plenary Resolutions: 11 • GTSC Resolutions: 3 • GRSC Resolutions: 6 • IPR WG Resolutions: 3 • User WG Resolutions: 2 • Communiqué

  5. GSC Members • “The Members of GSC are the Participating Standards Organizations and the ITU. • PSOs are recognized or accredited to write (tele)communications, radiocommunications and/or ICT standards in their area of practice, and/or are national or regional consensus development organizations that input to the ITU or use ITU outputs, and are working on similar areas of standardization. That is, PSOs are by definition standards organizations that potentially exhibit a high degree of overlap in their work programs.” (from “GSC Governing Principles” v1.6) • About 100 participants

  6. 14 Observers participated at GSC-14 • IEC Sector Board 4 • IEC (New & Novel) • IEEE-SA • IETF • ISO/IEC JTC1 • Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) • UMTS Forum • U.S. Patent & Trade Office • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) • APT Wireless Forum • Broadband Forum • CDMA Development Group (CDG) • European Patent Office (EPO) • HGI (Home Gateway Initiative)

  7. Observer privileges • “May participate at a GSC meeting (1 delegate); • May author and present contributions and/or status reports if invited to do so by the host Organization or on an HIS by the relevant PPSO (see Section 7.1.2 Prime PSO (PPSO)); • May submit an ISS (information sharing subject) document (i.e., it will be posted but not discussed); • May provide input to Resolutions for consideration by the Members; and • May participate in the discussion of GSC Members’ or other Observers’ contributions if invited to do so by the meeting Chair” (from “GSC Governing Principles” v1.6)

  8. GSC-14 Structure • Heads of Delegation (HoD) • Plenary • Opening plenary (Mo, Tu) • Closing plenary (Th am) • GTSC (Global Telecommunications Standards Collaboration) • GRSC (Global Radiocommunications Standards Collaboration) • IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) • Administration • “GSC Governing Principles” • “GSC Guidance for Meeting Hosts” • Task Forces: • Radio Microphone Task Force (GRSC) • Intelligent Transport Systems (Plenary) • International Mobile for Telecommunications (IMT) (Plenary)

  9. HIS (High Interest Subjects): Definition • “a subject of sufficient importance … to exchange views …” • “… be … of interest to multiple GSC Members … • “… of global interest …” (from “GSC Governing Principles” v1.6)

  10. HIS: Adoption and Deletion Criteria • Criteria for adoption of a HIS: • if 3 GSC Members are in favor • Criteria for deletion of a HIS: • if majority of GSC Members support proposal for removal or • if it receives fewer than 3 presentationsat each meeting for two consecutive GSC meetings

  11. Role of Prime-PSO (PPSO) • A Prime PSO is the discussion leader for each High Interest Subject (Prime PSO = Participating Standards Organization or the ITU). • Responsibilities of a PPSO: • Liaise with each GSC Member’s contact person for the HIS in advance of the meeting • Prepare and present a keynote contribution on the topic • Lead the discussion • Summarize views and eventually conclusions • Serve as a moderator on the HIS topic between the meetings and during the meeting

  12. HIS and Resolutions • A HIS may have an associated GSC-Resolution but it is not a requirement • vice-versa, a GSC-Resolution may have an associated HIS but it is not a requirement: • 3 Res on IPR (Res 22-24) (no HIS) • 2 Res from User Working Group (no HIS) • There are some Resolutions but the HIS they came from is no longer a HIS • Res 13, 19-21 • See mapping on next two slides

  13. Mapping HIS to GSC-14 Resolutions

  14. Mapping of GSC-Resolutions to High Interest Subjects }HIS

  15. New and Novel Topics (N&N) • Goal: to allow for discussion of topics which are not yet established as HIS. • First time at GSC-14 • Host of GSC-14 issued a call for abstract as part of the invitation to GSC-members and observers • 6 N&N presentations at GSC-14: • Smart grids (3) • Service Oriented Networks • Future Network Issues • Machine-to-Machine communications

  16. Information Sharing Subjects • Goal: to share info but not to present or discuss • There is no formal list of ISS-topics. • Any GSC-Member and invited observer can issue an ISS document on any topic to GSC-14 • The ISS document is given a document number, put on the server and noted in the agenda item ISS (for information only – no discussion).

  17. GSC-14 Schedule

  18. GSC-14 Leadership

  19. GSC-14 Documentation • GSC-website: www.itu.int/ITU-T/gsc • GSC-14 website • GSC-14 communique (GSC14-CL-36) • GSC-14 Resolution index (GSC14-CL-007r3) • GSC-14 Resolutions • GSC-14 Summary records: • GSC-14 Closing Plenary (GSC14-CL-037) • GTSC-7 (GSC14-CL-004) • GRSC-7 (GSC14-CL-003r1) • GSC-14 Opening Plenary (GSC14-CL-002r2) • IPR Working Group (GSC14-CL-005) • Administration Working Group (GSC14-CL-006) • ITU is the permanent repository of all past GSC documents

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