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Books of strategic communications. Prof. Rusi MARINOV. STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS and e-LEARNING PLATFORMS. Models, principles, knowledge. Strategic communications in the World Search index. Top Countries in the World According search index: USA Canada Australia and
Books of strategic communications Prof. Rusi MARINOV STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS and e-LEARNING PLATFORMS Models, principles, knowledge
Strategic communications in the World Search index Top Countries in the World According search index: USA Canada Australia and Great Britain
Strategy information knowledge Strategicandinformationdomains: Key strategicICTdomains: • Technological: basedontheinformationand thedigitaltechnologies; • Cognitive: oriented to knowledgemanagement andtransfer; • Visual: visionforthefutureinitiativesandactions; • Administrative – inorder to synchronizeideas, themes, andpractices; • PlanningandPreparation: possiblescenarios to addresscriticalissues; • Logistics: associatedwiththevisualization of processesand mapping of importantpoints of theinfrastructure. EUprogramsforICTshave a catalyticimpactinthreekeyareas: • Productivityandinnovation, byfacilitatingcreativityandmanagement; • Modernization of publicservices, educationandtransport; • Advancesinscienceandtechnology, bysupportingcooperationandaccess to information.
Four essential elements of effective communication : setting goals, knowing the audience, mastering skills, and managing anxiety.
Communications strategy map Robert Kaplan, David P. Norton Harvard Business Press, Dec 16, 2003
Mobile strategic communications Strategy planning: Creative and comprehensive templates you can use to develop a strategic plan. All aspects of the strategic planning process covered including mission, vision, strategies, tactics, swot, and more.
Strategic communications principles Communication and media-principles Transformational strategic communicators are guided by a powerful shared vision, appreciate the importance of taking in another's perspective. Their methods are: authentic, respectful, solution-oriented, and data-driven. They emphasize power-sharing, win-win outcomes, feedback loops and highly value listening/HuPost/.
Strategic communication principles • Synchronization of technologies, symbols and words; • Systematic approach to the process; • Thinking based on graphical scenarios; • Information and communication competence; • Innovation and communication competitiveness; • Control the flow of information; • Financial security of communications; • Interactivity and virtuality; Principles of effective communication • The best communication is two-way, involving dialogue, reinforcement of beliefs is enhanced by audience involvement. • A message is more believable if the source is credible. The organizations must deliver its messages honestly, clearly, and from a position of expertise.
Strategic communication principles • Creating conditions for communication dialogue; • Continuously renewal, change and transformation; • Unique communication patterns; • Multiply channels for communication; • Alternative communications channels; • High quality of information and shared content; • Openness of the communication channels to the world-Transparency; • Accessibility to information / Infographics; • Visualizing the concepts and processes: applications for visual presentation;
Social communications and media strategy-7C @ Community Communication- to startbydeterminingyourtargetaudience. Wheredotheyspendtimeonline? Whatsocialmediachannelsdotheyuse? @ Content Afteryoufigureouthowyourcommunityengages withsocialmedia, youshoulddeterminewhatcontentyou’regoing to sharewithyourfollowers. @ Curation Curationis a way of sharingotherpeople’s content. Contentcurationistheprocess of sortingthrough thevastamounts of contentontheWebandpresentingitin a meaningfulandorganizedway.
Social communications and media strategy-7C @ Creation Creation is the act of producing content online, whether it’s in the form of text, images, or video. @ Connection After you have either curated and/or created content, the next C is - sharing content. This C is about connecting with your community and gaining a deep understanding of what your target audience likes about your social media activities and strategy. @ Conversation This C is all about having a conversation with your community- actual engagement part of communicating with your communities.
Bryn Holmes, John Gardner- 2006 Topics include: educational evolution - enriching the learning experience-learner empowerment -design concepts and considerations - Mark Rosenberg Strategies for delivering knowledge E-learning systems and crisis management E-learning tasks: • Gain attention • Inform learner of objectives • Present stimulus material • Provide learner guidance • Elicit performance • Provide feedback • Enhance retention and transfer
E-learning system and crisis management E-learning, according to Webopedia mean education via the Internet, network, or standalone computer. E-learning is essentially the network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. E-learning refers to using electronic applications and processes to learn. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms and digital collaboration. E-learning: The use of technology to deliver instructional content and mediate learning activities. May include electronic performance support and knowledge management features. Principles of e-learning: 1. Interactive or hyperactive: We all know that, in a self-paced, asynchronous course, learning occurs as a result of the interactions embedded within the training. 2. Trans-media operations: Create a course that consists largely of exercises — scenarios, simulations, games, what have you — that require the learners to analyze and apply the content 3. Principle 3: Learner engagement: The pedagogy should engage and motivate learners. This engagement should be evident in an ethos of being both educational and motivating.
E-learning tools_2012 Top 12 eLearningToolsfor 2012 andBeyond: TheCentreforLearningandPerformance Technologies (C4LPT) conductsanannualstudy of learningtools, creating a list of the top 100 fromvotessubmittedbylearningprofessionals (i.e., educatorsandtrainersatalllevels) aroundtheglobe. • Pinterest ; • GoogleTranslate; • Flipboard-missionis to letpeoplediscoverandsharecontentin • beautiful, simple, andmeaningfulways; • Bing; • Instapaper-appthathelpsyoucollectweb-basedreadingmaterial; • Zite - Youmaybesensing a trendasZiteisthethirdnewsocialreader/contentcollection ; • Learnist - Sometimesdescribedas a kind of PinterestforEducation; • MentorMob -Create a “learningplaylist” of web-basedcontentforyourstudents; • Doodle; • Quora - with a goal of “organizingpeopleandtheirinterestssoyoucanfind, collect, andsharetheinformation of mostvalue to you; • Windows Skydrive; • Popplet- “placeforyourideas” createsvisualrepresentations, graphicorganizers, andtimelines, andcanbeusedformindmappingandpresentations.
Popular Online platforms The World popular online education paltforms: • 1. Moodle • 2. WizIQ • 3. Coursera • 4. Udacity • 5. Canvas • 6. 2u.com • 7. edX
Pinterest Activity Online learning
Twitter Activity Online learning
Twitter activity Strategic communications
#crisis communications Twitter Activity-some results Online crisis communications
University e-learningsystems Moodle has a large and diverse user community with over 1299179 registered users on this Moodle site alone, speaking over 78 languages in 230 countries Moodle Statistics Registered sites-87,079 Countries 239 Courses-7,879,628 Users-73,724,089 Teachers-1,300,207 Enrollments-78,437,509 Forum posts-130,587,090 Resources-69,982,272 Quiz questions-199,606,970 Top 10 countries by registrations United States- 14,469 Spain- 7,579 Brazil 6,526 United Kingdom-4,546 Mexico 3,794 Germany 3,352 Colombia 2,771 Portugal 2,356 Australia 2,064 Italy 2,049
Moodle e-learningMy experience: Crisis management and knowledge
Moodle e-learningMy experience: Crisis management and knowledge
Strategic communications_popularity in the recent days Photos connected to strategic communications in the past 7 days