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THE ZIPPER. A mechanical prodigy. Blanca Fernández Hernando. D escription.
THE ZIPPER A mechanicalprodigy Blanca Fernández Hernando
Description Thekeywastodesign a uniquepiece, ortooth, that has a holebelow and anoutgoingabove. Thisisfittingwithothercontiguousclosedsimetrically. An Y formpiecewith a ring-shapedpieceisusedtoengageordisengagethoseteethpullingoneendortheother.
Assemblyprocess • Itismanufacturedindustrially in factories and we can distinguishdifferenttypes of zippers: • Zipper of reel: isthe more common zipper. • Invisible zippers:havetheirteethbehindtheir band whichcolouristhe seme as theclothes. • Metallic zipper: verycommon in jeans. (stainlesssteel, aluminium, zinc, brass, nickelalloypainted in anycolour) • Plastic zippers: made of resin of polyethylene. • Opened zippers: mainlyused in jackets. You can open thembythetwosides. • Closed zippers: mainlyused in baggage. Theoldoneshad 4 elements of fixation, buttheonedesignedbyGideonSundbäckin 1914 hadfrom 10 to 11 fixationsof oneinch. Theteeth are fixedto a cottonor polyester band thatisusuallythesamecolourthantheitem.
Designer Gideon Sundbäck was born in Sweden in 1880. He was the swedish inventor who achieved many important advances in the development of the zipper. He finally gave a universal marketable system in 1914.
Despite the origin of the zipper was to close sacks of mail promptly instead of using buttons or bands to close them, the zipper was used for military boots too but the revolution of the zipper was its application to clothing. • With the zipper you solved the problem of being wasting time closing and opening everything with buttons or bands. But it had an inconvenient. Because of the material they were made of, you had to unpick the zipper so the metal not rust through. This problem was solved by changing the materials they were made of (using stainless materials or plastic instead of stain materials). • We have to remark that the most important application of the zipper was to clothing. In 1930 the zippers appeared in children clothing to help them to get dressed by themselves and promptly. The zipper began to have more importance in 1937 through French designers who used them in trousers for men. In 1940 the 85% of the trousers had zippers instead of buttons and the new closing system started to be a modernity symbol. “No more buttons, bands or buckles” said The New York World in 1917. The next big boost of the zipper came when them started to be used in jackets and when you could opened the zippers by the two sides. In 1941 George de Mestral invented the Velcro system but nowadays, the button, the zipper, and Velcro are still used in different areas of our lifes but anyone has win others because all of them are necessary.
FAILURE: youhadtounpickthe zipper wheneveryouhadtowashyourclothes. SOLUTIONS:
In summary The zipper is a verycommonmechanism in ourlifesbutwedon’treallynoticethatis a greatinventionthat has madeourlifeeasier and that has permitedustosave a lot of time opening and closingjackets, coats, boots…sacks of mail. That’sthereason I havedecidedtotalktoyouaboutthe zipper, togivethismechanicalprodigy a tribute.